Of course Hunter would go after Bananas. Literally the only move 'The Young Bucks' ever have is to target him. Their entire Challenge careers (and I include Devin here) is about Bananas.Amanda remains the worst.
you’re missing the part where he came at him first but that’s a John fan special is ignoring context and facts
"Fight over me" Cara sweety Kyle couldnt care less about you lol He never did and he never will
Kyle's entire Challenge career is about Cara. Whether he was being honest or doing it for show, he made moves last season based on Cara. So, he cares about her one way or another.
misplaced validity wrote:Of course Hunter would go after Bananas. Literally the only move 'The Young Bucks' ever have is to target him. Their entire Challenge careers (and I include Devin here) is about Bananas.Amanda remains the worst.
you’re missing the part where he came at him first but that’s a John fan special is ignoring context and facts
Hunter's dumb *** I swear... Knock out Leroy and that girl partnered with him. You've already done it, **** up Bananas whole game. Wes probably would've worked with Ashley lmaoooo
It's not revenge lol even if hunter wins he still lost 500 grand.
1. the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands."other spurned wives have taken public revenge on their husbands"
Hunter's dumb *** I swear... Knock out Leroy and that girl partnered with him. You've already done it, **** up Bananas whole game. Wes probably would've worked with Ashley lmaoooo
Wes and Ashley did work together on Champs vs. Stars 3 until Ashley went bat-shit insane and went rogue. I doubt that Wes trusts Ashley given her mental instability but he'd def talk about working with Ashley on the surface level.
I'd like to see Zach be left off these shows before Bananas or Cara. Bananas and Cara at least have rivalries to spur the show along. What does Zach have except misogyny?
Kyle's entire Challenge career is about Cara. Whether he was being honest or doing it for show, he made moves last season based on Cara. So, he cares about her one way or another.
Guys, all Zach wanted to do was see if apps would work in Africa, I mean he probably just assumed everyone there lived in huts
Josh >>>
I love that they each get a vote
Smart would be them seeing what happenes with a tie. But I guess Josh isn't that smart.
Poetic Justice
I'm not a "John fan" though lol.
Yeah... Josh, don’t come back lmao
I love the "man in the sand" eliminations.....TAKE YOUR SHOT!!! EAT YOUR FOOD!!!!
Hunter talked all that to pick Ashley?
I mean I agree with the decision but to throw all those shots at taking out Bananas' "bestfriend" some consistency would've been nice.
Not mad about what Josh did tbh lol and Zahida is an *** kisser
It's not revenge lol even if hunter wins he still lost 500 grand.
Yesss at this matchup but ugh I want both teams to come back
Chase didn’t get any confessional either
Hunter, get that revenge, baby.
I mean we don’t really know what a tie scenario would be like so I don’t blame Josh for not wanting to find out
Hunter's dumb *** I swear... Knock out Leroy and that girl partnered with him. You've already done it, **** up Bananas whole game. Wes probably would've worked with Ashley lmaoooo
the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.
"other spurned wives have taken public revenge on their husbands"
The ******* drone
this really is 2019
come on Webster
Wes and Ashley did work together on Champs vs. Stars 3 until Ashley went bat-shit insane and went rogue. I doubt that Wes trusts Ashley given her mental instability but he'd def talk about working with Ashley on the surface level.
Looks like a bad *** elimination
This episode felt rushed and the elimination is still ending on a cliffhanger.
I'd like to see Zach be left off these shows before Bananas or Cara. Bananas and Cara at least have rivalries to spur the show along. What does Zach have except misogyny?
I mean maybe it will help him sleep at night, but like hunter's title as a winner, it doesn't matter.