Slayvia2370' s Bio: Known for her polidicking and pulling out clutch wins, but always being eliminated just before the final, Slayvia2370 is a firecracker. She can slice you with words but In the end has a huge heart. Can she pull off a win this time around? Or will her polidicking get her out before the final again?
here are the final results of the matchups for Round 1 and the final cast. it'll be like #1 vs #2 and #3 vs #4 etc..
Matchups for round 1 of the Liar game tournament
1.PinkRose vs 2.Hardbitten
3.DanishBoy vs 4. Richjoe92
5. Imallergic vs 6. Badladjj
7.Challenge13 vs 8. Gamer
9.Aladmaho vs 10. BigDaddyVova
11.CochRoach vs 12.Natfan42
13.Chicken_breast vs 14.Monoxide
15.Slayvia vs 16.SKB
Order of what I received the lists so you can see how it went down.
DanishBoy-3,4,2,7,6,12,11,1,8,9,13,14,15,16,5,10- takes position 3
Hardbitten-2,9,4,7,1,10,16,6,8,5,14,11,3,12,13,15- takes position 2
Imallergic- 2,3,5,13,15,16,7,11,8,9,10,6,14,1,4,12- takes position 5
Chicken_Breast-3,13,,12,1,7,9,16,15,11,6,4,10,8,2,5,14- takes position 13
RichJoe92- 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3- takes position 4
Monoxide- 14,7,2,9,1,11,10,16,4,6,15,3,5,12,13,8- takes position 14
Gamer- 3,8,16,12,5,13,2,11,4,7,15,10,9,1,6,14- takes position 8
Badladjj-3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,12,2- takes position 6
Challenge13- 4,3,7,5,8,16,10,2,11,1,14,8,13,15,6,12- takes position 7
Aladmaho-2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1- takes position 9
Cochroach-7,9,11,13,15,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,14,16- takes position 11
PinkRose-7,9,8,6,1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14,15,16- takes position 1
SKB- 2,4,16,1,8,6,9,14,11,13,7,3,5,10,12,15- takes position 16
BigDaddyVova- 10,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,15,14,13- takes position 10
Slayvia- 3,5,4,3,2,1,10,9,8,7,6,16,11,15,12,14,13- takes position 15
Natfan-Did not have to do a list- takes position 12(last position)
So those are the matchups and how it went down. Some people won't be happy but maybe can use their friendships with their opponents to their advantage. You'll see what I mean when the game starts for Round 1. I also had to make some accomodations and adjustments as to who gets what cast pic so I do apologize if anyone wasn't happy with their pic. I can change your cast photo before the game starts if you want it changed. Just pm me if you have any questions or concerns. Good luck again everyone!
I’m super pumped for this especially after having to leave last game the way I did. Cast is lit! People who I’m cool with, people who have arranged me going into elimination, people I’ve never played with, and someone who called me ImBoring ❤️
I’m super pumped for this especially after having to leave last game the way I did. Cast is lit! People who I’m cool with, people who have arranged me going into elimination, people I’ve never played with, and someone who called me ImBoring ❤️
I’m super pumped for this especially after having to leave last game the way I did. Cast is lit! People who I’m cool with, people who have arranged me going into elimination, people I’ve never played with, and someone who called me ImBoring ❤️
I’m super pumped for this especially after having to leave last game the way I did. Cast is lit! People who I’m cool with, people who have arranged me going into elimination, people I’ve never played with, and someone who called me ImBoring ❤️
King mono. It’s lit
Vova and I have the same bday!?
I stan
For the final matchup- The people who snagged the number 15 & 16 spot on the drawing and will be going against each other is...
15. Slayvia2370
Slayvia2370' s Bio: Known for her polidicking and pulling out clutch wins, but always being eliminated just before the final, Slayvia2370 is a firecracker. She can slice you with words but In the end has a huge heart. Can she pull off a win this time around? Or will her polidicking get her out before the final again?
16. SKB504
Wow putting them against each other
Jesus Christ lmao. i love Tacos
Y’all better be nice to SKB. Y’all stay dicking that Queen around and I’m not allowing it this time.
So who is this cohost?
here are the final results of the matchups for Round 1 and the final cast. it'll be like #1 vs #2 and #3 vs #4 etc..
Matchups for round 1 of the Liar game tournament
1.PinkRose vs 2.Hardbitten
3.DanishBoy vs 4. Richjoe92
5. Imallergic vs 6. Badladjj
7.Challenge13 vs 8. Gamer
9.Aladmaho vs 10. BigDaddyVova
11.CochRoach vs 12.Natfan42
13.Chicken_breast vs 14.Monoxide
15.Slayvia vs 16.SKB
Order of what I received the lists so you can see how it went down.
So those are the matchups and how it went down. Some people won't be happy but maybe can use their friendships with their opponents to their advantage. You'll see what I mean when the game starts for Round 1. I also had to make some accomodations and adjustments as to who gets what cast pic so I do apologize if anyone wasn't happy with their pic. I can change your cast photo before the game starts if you want it changed. Just pm me if you have any questions or concerns. Good luck again everyone!
do tacos have a hidden meaning
wuts next lolz
i rooting for don nd alad for this 1 chief
i’m confused but cute cast
my brother!!
I’m super pumped for this especially after having to leave last game the way I did. Cast is lit! People who I’m cool with, people who have arranged me going into elimination, people I’ve never played with, and someone who called me ImBoring ❤️
me when every pair is even and im about to get destroyed asmdalsg
oh yea im rootin for u 2 ma. u alads wifey
hey boo ❤️❤️❤️ Hit up my inbox, imy
giggles I figured it was you lmaooo
Yo this is so sick! Amazing game reveal my brotha! Good luck to the cast members.
Lmaooooooo by me? It's the other way around
thank you and DScott! Alad is bae
When does the show start?
Rooting for my OGs don, alad and vova ❤️❤️ love u
k bye
love u beautiful ❤️
Is this game based off a manga?
Thanks man! I really appreciate it and did try my best on it.