Survivor: David vs. Goliath - With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Only four "Goliaths" and two "Davids" remain to face a competitive 63-piece puzzle challenge. Also, a fire-making challenge could change one person's fate in the game, and, after 39 days, one castaway takes home the $1 million dollar prize.
The perfect scenario for me would be Nick and Mike to leave first, in either order is fine. Then Allison loses in the fire challenge. Kara beats Davie by 1 vote and Angelina gets 0 votes but has the most entertaining final jury performance of all-time.
Mike gonna be on stage with that weed he smoked on the Island.
63 piece puzzle... I-
C’mon Davie! Pull through tonight!!
I want Davie but I don't think we're lucky enough to get 2 black winners in a row lol.
What I want to happen...
Nick goes, Allison goes, Mike goes...Kara, Angelina & Davie make the final and Kara or Davie win. Ideally Cara
What I think happens...
Allison goes, Davie goes, Kara or Nick go....Nick or Kara win in a landslide.
Nothing would surprise me tonight though other than Angelina winning--should be good TV
The perfect scenario for me would be Nick and Mike to leave first, in either order is fine. Then Allison loses in the fire challenge. Kara beats Davie by 1 vote and Angelina gets 0 votes but has the most entertaining final jury performance of all-time.
Davie Kara Angelina would be the best final 3 in survivor history. But I feel like Nick will win. I really don't like nick
Only Angelina could lose a clue lol
Come on Kara and Davie!
**** Nick is going to win this...sigh
Alison has really fell head first into this finale lmaoooo what is she even doing there?
I'll be shocked if Allison doesn't go
How messy is this finale?
Wow--I hate to say this because I don't like him but Mike is doing one hell of a job lately.
Davie just went out with the perfect amount sass and class lmao.
Yeah Mike has been on point.
Alison is like a damn cockroach, but i dont see any way in which her or Kara don’t go next
I'd like to see Davie again
Controlling votes is worthless when you have no sicka game tho; Russell.
I dont think Mike has a chance
If Nick doesn't win the next immunity challenge he needs to go
Nick is so ******* annoying
Nick jump to the other with Kara/Allison
He did so well! *cries*
He'll definitely be playing again tho.
Now I dont want nick or mike in the final... Hopefully we can get all 3 girls there
yasssss sis
i’m SO EXCITED for this fire-making twist again smh
I don't want Allison to win this--makes me nervous for Kara.