This is why Joss/Sylvia shouldn't have Trusted Paulie/Natalie. This is the final so there was a high chance that they were gonna go back on their word.
Regardless of them jumping off this would have happened to them because they are in the lead.
Joss and Sylvia got screwed because they were in the lead the whole time NOT because they jumped off the platform. Should they have stayed on and not listened to Paulie? Yes but they only reason they got grenades was because they were in the lead the whole time.
lol at them not even using the gernade. Marie's a trainwreck
I really don’t want hunter and Ashley to win as much as I like both of them lol
Honestly I hope Marie never returns after watching this final
Regardless of them jumping off this would have happened to them because they are in the lead.
I can't breathe at Joss & Sylvia. Love them but tbh they did it to themselves.
ALSO Marie >>>>>>>>>
I ******* love Marie
Wait thats the final ?????????????
We really don't deserve Marie.
Team Teal
Sylvia wants to beat her *** lmaooooooooo
Natalie lost them the final. yikes
I HOPE Joss and Sylvia win Jesus
Isn't this final task like a tourist thing that was very anti climatic
they deserve it more than hunter and ashley
what cara said about Joss and Sylvia was right.
Damn they really screwed Joss and Sylvia.
Hunter and Ashley DON'T DESERVE THIS AT ALL..
lol the difference between 3rd and last was 33 minutes.
Let's go Ashley !!!!! **** Hunter tho
This is one of the worst challenge seasons.
Joss and Sylvia should have won this season.
Im okay with Hunter/Ashley or Joss/Sylvia winnin lmao
i feel bad for Joss and Syl
How anticlamactic. I wish cara and Marie put their grenade on hunter and Ashley. Ugh
Wow @ Joss & Sylvia still getting second even with those grenades. They slayed
Joss and Sylvia got screwed because they were in the lead the whole time NOT because they jumped off the platform. Should they have stayed on and not listened to Paulie? Yes but they only reason they got grenades was because they were in the lead the whole time.
Ash and Hunter were v unrootable.