I appreciate this cast so much for allowing us to be able to be on our 3rd elim during our second week of gameplay. Yall doing amazing and It needs to be recognized
I appreciate this cast so much for allowing us to be able to be on our 3rd elim during our second week of gameplay. Yall doing amazing and It needs to be recognized
I appreciate this cast so much for allowing us to be able to be on our 3rd elim during our second week of gameplay. Yall doing amazing and It needs to be recognized
Aka******* have things to do in December so we're chugging along wether the inactive rats like it or not xoxoxo
Cochroach wrote:I appreciate this cast so much for allowing us to be able to be on our 3rd elim during our second week of gameplay. Yall doing amazing and It needs to be recognized
Aka******* have things to do in December so we're chugging along wether the inactive rats like it or not xoxoxo
At the party tomorrow we're playing two truths and a lie. I'm bored with some of y'all, let's spice it up. Production doesn't hand out chairty appearence checks for posting every 4 days
I got some pear monkeys for us too *giggles*
I heard I wasn’t invited to your Halloween party tomorrow night.. Something about you wanting me gone or something?
Yup. Tried telling you day 1 with the Lavender Room, but you weren't having it :/
All I ever wanted was to be your friend. Guess not though..
We still pay Hardbitten mind? In 2018?
Y’all’s next mission is a purge FYI. So bring your a game.
You really spilling all the tea tonight lmaoooooo
I appreciate this cast so much for allowing us to be able to be on our 3rd elim during our second week of gameplay. Yall doing amazing and It needs to be recognized
No one was talking to you rodent.
that wasn’t meant for you ;////
why yall hate me so much
I like you.
And I don’t ignore people like someone..
Off to the hot tub with Hardbitten!
ugh. Bye y’all lmaooo
Aka******* have things to do in December so we're chugging along wether the inactive rats like it or not xoxoxo
We have a hot tub?? I’ve been in the pool all season.
Lmao!! They told the same thing to my partner. #FakeNews
Oop! ☕️
At the party tomorrow we're playing two truths and a lie. I'm bored with some of y'all, let's spice it up. Production doesn't hand out chairty appearence checks for posting every 4 days