The Challenge: Final Reckoning Reunion - SPOILERS

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The Challenge: Final Reckoning Reunion - SPOILERS

Filming: October 12th

Host: Dolph Ziggler

Cast Members via Skype: Britni, Kyle and Kayleigh

Cast members NOT attending: Melissa, Kailah, Chuck, Jenna, Jemmye, Veronica, Tori, Derrick H and Joss.


- Davonne/Shane went back and forth about him calling her a *****. They seemed to squash it and move on, just can't be friends.

- Angelica told Kam to fight her whenever she wants, she doesn't need permission.

- Devin yelled at Da'Vonne for being a hyprocite over something dumb.

- Marie was arguing with almost everyone having Cara's back.

- Shane and bananas argued  little bit and bananas called Amanda a shitty person a few times. He looked like he was gonna fall asleep on the couch for most of it.

- They brought out the UK people on Skype Paulie and Kyle got into it.

- Nelson/Kayleigh got into it and Angela got involved a little bit. It was revealed that Angela/Nelson hooked up and they currently are still talking. Kayleigh exposed Nelson that he been sending eggplant pics to girls when he visited her in the UK. 

-Kyle was pretty funny but his hair/forehead looked awful. He's gonna get dragged when it airs.

-Cory sat there for so long and the only time they asked him a question it was related to Paulies tattoo and he was like "I've been sitting here this whole time and the first question you ask me is about a ******* tattoo?"

- They brought up everyone hooking up it amanda said her and joss are just friends. Apparently Kayleigh said that her and joss hooked up outside the challenge. Nelson and Amanda said that joss kept saying it was a lie and wasn't true.

- Natalie was screaming at Kayleigh over the whole outing thing. 

- They were talking about how Natalie and Paulie had a chance to throw a grenade in the final. Apparently they made a deal with joss and Sylvia not to use it on them and then cara spoke to Natalie convincing her to throw it on joss and Sylvia so they showed the clip of how mad they were but there's no beef now.

- They mostly spoke about hunter and Ashely stealing the money she said she stole the money cause of how he came for her for they were arguing back and forth then it was revealed Ashley and hunter did hook up in the house.

- Ashely dropped some random bomb cause apparently after dirty 30 she hooked up with Derrick H and she said that hunter said he would never talk to her for hooking up with a black guy so she basically called him racist.

- Paulie has a tattoo of Cara on his leg from that new tattoo show. 

- They mentioned that Kyle's ex gave him  similar tattoo as Cara did Paulie on the UK version but with her face instead. They had him take his pants down and show it. 

- They asked Paulie what happened with his gf. He said he called her after the final and told her everything that happened in person.

- Amanda decided to not drop the "BOMB" on Zach that she said she was going to in her tweet last week. 

- Ashley and Bananas made out one night. 

- Hunter said that him, Cory and Nelson have **** girls together. 

- Marie/Cara got in an argument with Faith/Angelica when they were talking about the thot text incident. Other than this and her segment with Kyle Cara was pretty quiet at this reunion.

- Marie and Shane got into it! She kept calling him a little *****. It wasn't that serious.

- Marie spoke up about how Kam's plan worked because of her. Day agreed and Kam didn't deny it.

- CT kept chiming in. He was pretty funny and was very genuine with Natalie being outted being very offensive and thinks that now that this trilogy is over the challenge needs to go back to people traveling around the world and just having fun. 

- They mentioned a fight between bananas and Devin where bananas was questioning Devin for being at the challenge when he should be mourning the passing of his father.

- Natalie outlasts bananas in an endurance elimination that lasted over four hours.

- Sylvia talked a little bit about her acting when Kam had her "master plan" they gave her an award. She also talked about all the sex that was going on in the "hen house." That was really it.

- The host was actually decent. He was just laughing and asking questions. Wasn't over dramatic like the Miz. 

- Kayleigh mentioned that she sent Nelson and Joss home on ex on the beach UK. 

- They also mentioned that the Joss and Dani relationship was fake. 

- Angela and Nelson confirmed that they are together. 

-They were seated like this

left side top couch: CT, Sylvia, Brad, Cory, Devin

left side bottom couch: Angela, Faith, Natalie, Paulie, Cara, Marie

right side top couch: Zach, Amanda, Shane, Nelson, Kam

right side bottom couch: Ashley, Hunter, Bananas, Tony, Jozea, Da'Vonne 

- They asked bananas why he always tries to hook up with rookies and he said because "all the other girls have been ran through"

- They kept teasing about showing a teaser for next season.

- They showed the final clip when Ashley takes the $. Hunter goes crazy. 

- They said the final was super close between the top 3 teams. Minutes separated them. 

- Hunter mentioned that he crushed the eating challenge which led to their victory. 

- They also mentioned they had to come out of helicopter at some point and they had to walk on hot coals. 

- I'm pretty sure Joss and Sylvia send bananas/tony to Redemption. 

- Davonne also said she has some receipts of Ashley talking **** in a group chat with fans and she's gonna post it on Twitter 

- Natalie got lost at one point during the final lol

- There was an up all night portion of the final too where they had to stand on a stump. 

- Tony proposed to Alyssa

- Hunter said he forgives Ashley. He doesn't care about the $. He feels the he was stripped of being a challenge champion and that's what he wanted the most. 

- Faith said she enjoyed watching Joss and Amanda hook up lol. 

- Britni Skyped in And it was a shit show. She argued with Davonne, Nelson and Brad.

- Ashley was asked if she would give hunter any of the $ and she pulled a dollar out of her top 

Disclaimer: This will be updated as more info becomes available.

Oh my God Hunter is racist? I’m so surprised. Or maybe Ashley is just off that Whitney Houston pack?

- sent from my iPhone XS

Hunter being racist wouldn't shock me at all

Loool. I don’t believe Hunters a racist.

I wonder if he denied it tho 

They are done filming part 1 .

I will get more detail info as the night goes on & will be updating you guys

Highly doubt Hunter said he wouldn't hook up with her because she hooked up with a black guy but I do believe he said he wouldn't hook up with her after she hooked up with Derrick 

Why isn't Joss at the reunion he's literally in NYC

 So was the whole cast going after CM or just the LL and TYB? 

Why isn't Joss at the reunion he's literally in NYC

I'm confused as to why he's not there to

Why isn't Joss at the reunion he's literally in NYC

No visa yet.

sounds like a underwhelming reunion lol

Floss is literally useless lol. Why bring back someone who clearly doesn’t care

Yass Queen Cara making sure Queen Ashley would win and not that wallpaper Zzzylvia Smile

Civil rights activist Ashley prevented Camila and Hunter from winning the money, Rosa Parks who?

I’ve alwats gotten those vibes from Hunter tbh

We need to see the details as far as this Ashley/Hunter thing but I wouldn't even be surprised smmfh

I hope Kayleigh got Donkey all the way together lol

I feel like Ashley/Hunter would hook up in every season they do together regardless of the hurt feelings lol

Yass Queen Cara making sure Queen Ashley would win and not that wallpaper Zzzylvia Smile

***** lol

I’m so sick of Cara Maria being able to play victim at everyone reunion it’s so repetitive and Im sick and TIDE like can they come up with something else and stop giving this girl the ability to play into this same mf role every season/reunion. If I was on next season I would just pretend she’s not even there cus

this. was. a. mess.

yikes at Hunter. i actually liked him and joss and now i’ve had to cancel both of them :/

Either Cara Maria's backbone rescinded from her big and bad twitter thugging or Marie is just a genuine person who doesn't let people gang up on her partner.

When Amanda is secretly contacting Brooke and sneaks her into the audience to expose Zach as her bomb drop 

Wait...they have to film part 2? I thought they just film and split it up, I didn't know they actually film a part one and come back after an extended break to film part two.

I believe that hunter tea tbh. That's the same guy who sought revenge on his ex girlfriend who spilled the tea here and has no problem being gross sending his **** pictures out. This cutesy America's darling underdog shit they got going on TV doesn't match up with what he's actually doing or what the cast says.

Mama Day's complete reunion look >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Sounds boring and tired.

amanda better drop that bomb in the second half 

Tea: Ashley supposedly has the receipts. 

Wait...they have to film part 2? I thought they just film and split it up, I didn't know they actually film a part one and come back after an extended break to film part two.

from what I saw of reports of the last reunion, the two episodes aren't necessarily part 1 and part 2 chronologically. The Brits are probably only there for the first half. 

Wait...they have to film part 2? I thought they just film and split it up, I didn't know they actually film a part one and come back after an extended break to film part two.

You though correct , they film segments out of order than what we see on TV.

My bad didnt know how to word it properly.

Hunter is just pathetic. Cant wait to see him cry when it airs Lol
