BonnieBee wrote:Day calls Shane grandpa like they aren’t 4 years apart lol she’s very annoying on social media but i somewhat enjoy her on the show
They're actually 7 years apart.
5 I didn't know Shane was younger than bananas
I read somewhere this isn't true and that Shane was really born in May 1981. Oh well
Day said on her IG story today that she's done forever with the Challenges and will never go back but she wants to go back on BB for a third time instead (even tho she did a lot better on the Challenge than she ever did on BB lmaoo)
BonnieBee wrote:Day calls Shane grandpa like they aren’t 4 years apart lol she’s very annoying on social media but i somewhat enjoy her on the show
They're actually 7 years apart.
5 I didn't know Shane was younger than bananas
I read somewhere this isn't true and that Shane was really born in May 1981. Oh well
yeah he was 20 during his Road Rules season which aired in 2002 so that sounds about right.
Tony praised her on IG live for checking Ashley lol and he said that he respects Day/Jozae for siding with him & Bananas when no one else did..and that move will not be forgotten. I'm guessing he means that if they do another season together they'll have his word moving forward.
Tony praised her on IG live for checking Ashley lol and he said that he respects Day/Jozae for siding with him & Bananas when no one else did..and that move will not be forgotten. I'm guessing he means that if they do another season together they'll have his word moving forward.
Tony praised her on IG live for checking Ashley lol and he said that he respects Day/Jozae for siding with him & Bananas when no one else did..and that move will not be forgotten. I'm guessing he means that if they do another season together they'll have his word moving forward.
Yeah because they played a dumb game politcally? No disrespect to Day but siding with Bananas/Tony did nothing but got them sent home.
And really? You actually think Tony and Bananas would do anything for Day given their track record of lack of respect for any women in general?... But alright.
Looking like she wants Graphik to give her another Kadence.......
I wonder if Zakiyah would do a Challenge lol
Is that other girl Dominique?
I mean she calls Shane grandpa because he's insecure about getting older, hence the hair helmet
legend and idk I feel like in her recap she would’ve said if her and Jozea didn’t get 2nd so I believe her over Sylvia tbh
I read somewhere this isn't true and that Shane was really born in May 1981.
Oh well
Day said on her IG story today that she's done forever with the Challenges and will never go back but she wants to go back on BB for a third time instead (even tho she did a lot better on the Challenge than she ever did on BB lmaoo)
yeah he was 20 during his Road Rules season which aired in 2002 so that sounds about right.
Tony praised her on IG live for checking Ashley lol and he said that he respects Day/Jozae for siding with him & Bananas when no one else did..and that move will not be forgotten. I'm guessing he means that if they do another season together they'll have his word moving forward.
Sure Jan.
She has really exceeded my expectations.
I wanna see her on a solo challenge. Think she would do well she just needs to make more non BB friends to better her social game.
Episode 10 recap, she went into detail & spilled tea on certain things that were not shown.
Yassss I love Da'Vonne. Her recaps are always so amazing. Rookie of the year for sure!
Another one
I was expecting to hate her since she was from big brother, but I love her, I see why she was so hyped
Yikes what Joss said to Day and Amanda...
So want her for season 33. Can she please replace Faith? Pretty please. Smarter, funnier and better competitor.
Yeah because they played a dumb game politcally? No disrespect to Day but siding with Bananas/Tony did nothing but got them sent home.
And really? You actually think Tony and Bananas would do anything for Day given their track record of lack of respect for any women in general?... But alright.
why not both?
Yeah Joss can ***** off
"You raising a pig" Love Ashley but I choked