Okay we're starting at 9:16 so get your shit together everyoneeeeee thanks!
So the ball command is always O it doesnt increase by what ball were on right
Yes you have to steal balls. Like if y'all gonna play scared zzzzzzzzz
lazy* i aint work out today
badladjj wrote: Yes you have to steal balls. Like if y'all gonna play scared zzzzzzzzz lazy* i aint work out today
badladjj wrote: Yes you have to steal balls. Like if y'all gonna play scared zzzzzzzzz
so do we have to use specific colors?
the actual usernames or the ones used in the list
[Kloun] runs down pit and grabs [Trinidad055] ball.
[Kloun] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Bubba] runs down pit and grabs [Mariochristopher_] ball.
[Bubba] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Bubba] places [O] in [mariochristopher_] bin.
[Bubba] runs down pit and grabs [mariochristopher_] ball.
[Kloun] places [O] in [Trinidad055] bin.
Morris1721 runs down pit and grabs Bubba’s ball.
[RLK]] runs down pit and grabs [Mario] ball.
[Josh8793] runs down pit and grabs [Deeper] ball.
Formation123 runs down pit and grabs mariochristopher_’s ball.
[RLK] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[hardbitten] runs down pit and grabs [O] ball.
[Josh8793] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
Okay we're starting at 9:16 so get your shit together everyoneeeeee thanks!
lazy* i aint work out today
so do we have to use specific colors?
the actual usernames or the ones used in the list
[Kloun] runs down pit and grabs [Trinidad055] ball.
[Kloun] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Bubba] runs down pit and grabs [Mariochristopher_] ball.
[Bubba] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Bubba] places [O] in [mariochristopher_] bin.
[Bubba] runs down pit and grabs [mariochristopher_] ball.
[Bubba] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Kloun] places [O] in [Trinidad055] bin.
[Bubba] places [O] in [mariochristopher_] bin.
Morris1721 runs down pit and grabs Bubba’s ball.
[Bubba] runs down pit and grabs [mariochristopher_] ball.
[Bubba] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Kloun] runs down pit and grabs [Trinidad055] ball.
[Bubba] places [O] in [mariochristopher_] bin.
[RLK]] runs down pit and grabs [Mario] ball.
[Kloun] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[Josh8793] runs down pit and grabs [Deeper] ball.
Formation123 runs down pit and grabs mariochristopher_’s ball.
[RLK] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.
[hardbitten] runs down pit and grabs [O] ball.
[Kloun] places [O] in [Trinidad055] bin.
[Josh8793] grabs the rope and climbs from the pit.