The Challenge: Free Agents - Nany Gonzalez

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I LOVED Nany from RW until like exes 2. Her exes 2 and bloodlines run really made me not root for her anymore but then she won me over again on Rivals 3... I would LOVE to see her back I miss her

Nany was amazing pre-Exes II. Exes II Nany was the ******* WORST. She was so big-headed calling everyone rookies and thinking she was the shit because she was with Backpack. I was totally team Teresa that season. I didn't mind her on Bloodlines, but she did win me over again on Rivals 3 too.

Nany need it a break this challenges was bringing a depressing side out of her. With that being said I the only con I have against her coming back is that she will be another loyal vote for bananas

I see Kailah and Nany not getting along idk why

I don't think so either. Both are way too similar lol both are dramatic hot heads who get angry but can't express it correctly 

Can they just retired Jemmye and ask davonne instead? She is better at confessionals....

Awkward that Jemmye expects to come back next season..

Nany need it a break this challenges was bringing a depressing side out of her. With that being said I the only con I have against her coming back is that she will be another loyal vote for bananas

Mmmm Im not sure. I mean didn't she kinda hate him on Bloodlines/Rivals 3? He definitely didn't really look out for her and she saw it and called him out on it

PinkRose wrote:

Nany need it a break this challenges was bringing a depressing side out of her. With that being said I the only con I have against her coming back is that she will be another loyal vote for bananas

Mmmm Im not sure. I mean didn't she kinda hate him on Bloodlines/Rivals 3? He definitely didn't really look out for her and she saw it and called him out on it

She just said on the live that she likes him as a person lol 

Both are single and Bananas is desperate to have an storyline. Plus, he is one of the few people that she knows according to her.

Do we know when season 33 is going to be filmed.. I hope its soon i dont want her changing her mind lol

Do we know when season 33 is going to be filmed.. I hope its soon i dont want her changing her mind lol

3 week of October to First week of December based on what the tookies outsiders being contacted posted online

that sounds like shorter filming... Praying for no redemption.I dont mind if they want to put their god awful twists in as long as theres no redemption

that sounds like shorter filming... Praying for no redemption.I dont mind if they want to put their god awful twists in as long as theres no redemption

That sounds like their normal filming of 6 weeks instead of 10

I didn't realize how much I liked her until she was gone. Bring her back so she can burn Johnny's ***.

I didn't realize how much I liked her until she was gone. Bring her back so she can burn Johnny's ***.

This, same with Theresa too

White Skull wrote:

I didn't realize how much I liked her until she was gone. Bring her back so she can burn Johnny's ***.

This, same with Theresa too

Final Reckoning was BEGGING for a Nany/Theresa pair.

FromTheNorth wrote:

White Skull wrote:I didn't realize how much I liked her until she was gone. Bring her back so she can burn Johnny's ***.

This, same with Theresa too

Final Reckoning was BEGGING for a Nany/Theresa pair.

Nany/Frank * Fixed that for you

White Skull wrote:

FromTheNorth wrote:

White Skull wrote:I didn't realize how much I liked her until she was gone. Bring her back so she can burn Johnny's ***.

This, same with Theresa too

Final Reckoning was BEGGING for a Nany/Theresa pair.

Nany/Frank * Fixed that for you

Umm he absolutely flopped in his mercenary appearance, so he can stay at home.

*Edit* if anything i'd say Frank/Dustin because "you wanna get street, *****?" was cl***ic.

We can have Nany/Theresa on The Challenge: Adversaries, and then Nany/Frank on The Challenge: Enemies

I always wanted Nany/Averey pair. It will be one of the hottest duo ever. 

PinkRose wrote:

White Skull wrote:

FromTheNorth wrote:
White Skull wrote:I didn't realize how much I liked her until she was gone. Bring her back so she can burn Johnny's ***.

This, same with Theresa too

Final Reckoning was BEGGING for a Nany/Theresa pair.

Nany/Frank * Fixed that for you

Umm he absolutely flopped in his mercenary appearance, so he can stay at home.*Edit* if anything i'd say Frank/Dustin because "you wanna get street, *****?" was cl***ic.

Dustin and *** the one that shouldnt be mentioned (Honest tea bestie) over him trying to get her in trouble during casting calls for bloodlines ☕️

I feel like Bananas/Nany will hook up again if she is on it.

Amanda & Nany would definitely clash if they did the same season together 

They did Rivals 3 together. Nany and Amanda are cool. Nany comments on her pics all the time lol

nevidcm wrote:

I see Kailah and Nany not getting along idk why

If Nany has matured a bit I could see her getting annoyed with how dramatic Kailah can be

I would love to see nany put kailah in her place omg

We will see what happens. I feel like people over speculate before any season then this people end being friends. Even when they had those pointless twitter wars before even meeting and then they become friends on a show. Or when they are "friends" like Nany and Frank were then do a show a show together.

I think it will be interesting to see Nany relationship with both Kailah (She doesnt know her), Amanda (Know her on her rookie season before she got her girls/Mess with Jenna) & even Cara because they have had their ups/downs. I remember when Cara best friend (John?) was going off on nany on twitter, around bloodlines.

She definitely doesn't like Cara. I remember back during Vendettas she commented about Cara on one of the promos on IG but then deleted it. Hoping that doesnt become a storyline though because we already have 20 other versions.

We will see what happens. I feel like people over speculate before any season then this people end being friends. Even when they had those pointless twitter wars before even meeting and then they become friends on a show. Or when they are "friends" like Nany and Frank were then do a show a show together.I think it will be interesting to see Nany relationship with both Kailah (She doesnt know her), Amanda (Know her on her rookie season before she got her girls/Mess with Jenna) & even Cara because they have had their ups/downs. I remember when Cara best friend (John?) was going off on nany on twitter, around bloodlines.

I would love Nany to return, but only if she stays away from backpack. She deserves better. She and Cara have a lot in common with bad choices in men. They both deserve better, but won't get it until they believe they deserve it.

She definitely doesn't like Cara. I remember back during Vendettas she commented about Cara on one of the promos on IG but then deleted it. Hoping that doesnt become a storyline though because we already have 20 other versions.

Nany said on live she had no problem with Cara she just doesn't talk to her

I almost can see Nany/Bananas being a thing again and possibly dating outside the show. IDK pure speculation but now that they're both single and they have a past.

Nany follows all the Lavender Ladies>>>>> 

Nany dislikes Cara>>>>

Nany follows all the Lavender Ladies>>>>> Nany dislikes Cara>>>>

I wouldn’t say dislike but they definitely had up and downs , especially during bloodlines. 

I almost can see Nany/Bananas being a thing again and possibly dating outside the show. IDK pure speculation but now that they're both single and they have a past.

Yikes! nany deserved better

Nany follows all the Lavender Ladies>>>>> Nany dislikes Cara>>>>

Nany said on live yesterday that they are ok, not really friends or not really enemies or anythig like that, and that she doesnt talk to Cara too much if at all

Also doesnt PR always say because someonw follow someone else on social media it doest mean anything? So dont think that measn too much. plus she didnt even know who the Lavender Ladies were until Jenna explained who they were...

If she does come back I will put money on it that she aligns with Bananas ( if he is on) and jenna will follow suit. Also would bet that a certain someone would get super jealous too.
