The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars - Bank Rolling in the Deep

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The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars - Bank Rolling in the Deep

Three teams remain and battle it out in this epic finale. 

Pulling for one the teams with a Star on it to win it all!

Booby has really impressed me this season.

Pulling for one the teams with a Star on it to win it all!


I hope Casper & Louise kill it.

So they gave away on the preview that Casper & Louise get to the second part of the jumping first. Would be very surprised if Kailah and Drake catch up.

I hope Casper and Louise lose miserably. 

Cashfl0w wrote:

Pulling for one the teams with a Star on it to win it all!


The Final Challenge seems lit! It Makes Vendettas finals looks like a 10 years old can beast it

I meeeean the intern said who the final 3 teams are 

Excited, I'm all for hard *** finals as long as their only one day

I meeeean the intern said who the final 3 teams are 

Lol for real? I thought they just were saying could Casper & Louise survive the last elimination. I don't think they showed them on the final or anything unless I'm missing something.

I hope Casper and Louise lose miserably. 

Not gonna miss Drake or Kailah here. The best 3 teams made the finals. How often does that happen?

lol the ********* twin shit is hilarious. 

I don't understand the hype with Wes & probably never will

Wes perfectly described Casper on that one. 

I seriously love Wes so much

his interview about Casper had me dying

Wes perfectly described Casper on that one. 

I don't understand the hype with Wes & probably never will

Some things are not meant to be understood by all. That's ok. Live your life fam. 

Did Casper/Louise seriously not knock their puzzle down?

lol Ct and Tony making an episode of Hood Kitchen. 

The eating parts would probably be my best part of the challenge. I really think Wes did make some bad choices though, even though he more than made up given how much of the food he ate. ****** showed some weakness and Casper found yet another way to look like a *******. 

****** has definitely dragged Wes down a bit in this final 

This was a really good final with 3 really good teams. All of the teams had a legit chance to win. 

Didn’t watch what places did everyone get??

1st place: CT & Tony (come-from-behind victory)   2nd place: Louise & Casper   3rd place: Wes & ******

Thank you!!

You're welcome!

Louise disappointed me in this finale

Does anyone know how much time separated 1st and 2nd?

Wow, I haven't enjoyed a final that much in a while, they're usually the worst part of the season. And let's not let the third place finish distract from the fact that Wes was the best performer in the first three stages of the final. Time for him to make a comeback on the real show

I didn't hate the Tony & CT win as much as I thought I would, probably mostly because production had no interest in them winning(lol @ two minute head start, had Casper been MVP it would have been like skip to stage 2) but for CT perform so terribly at the things that are supposed to matter and then kill the eating and puzzle enough to make up for it was impressive. 
