The Challenge: Final Reckoning (Spoilers Discussion) - Part II

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So trash Kyle spat in Cara's drink when she wasn't looking? Yikes. Trash.

What? thats disgusting

So trash Kyle spat in Cara's drink when she wasn't looking? Yikes. Trash.

Wait wtf? Someone please say this isnt true

Who said that he spat on her drink? It wouldnt shocked me, If he did that he deserved a well deserved dragging.

I heard they were talking mad shit about her & he clowned her every time. If he did that he is a pig up there with Paulie & Zach.

Who said that he spat on her drink? It wouldnt shocked me, If he did that he deserved a well deserved dragging.I heard they were talking mad shit about her & he clowned her every time. If he did that he is a pig up there with Paulie & Zach.

Not sure how reliable the source is, but it was going around from several people on twitter before the cara stans caught on to it

I dont think even Zach would do something as disgusting as spitting in a exes cup to be  a ****. Hope it isnt true cause I started to like Kyle at the end of Vendettas

I don't understand how Kyle escaped being dragged last season. I mean you all made fun of him for being ugly and having a fake hairline but ignored the hell out of his ****** tendencies. He never mentioned his fling with Cara in a good light at all. It was always slimy and grotesque.

I mean Honest Tea said they’d like to see real rivals who spit in people’s drinks. Maybe someone misconstrued that.

Not surpised about Kyle clowning her though. He kept calling Marie the worst person in the house after the time they hooked up.

Tbh- I hope the cara stans drag the **** out of Kyle & Fake lol

you already know they are foaming at the mouth

Say what you want about Paulie, but the man is attractive

to you

Off-topic But Kayleigh’s middle name is Marie? Every female in my family of Morris’ also has that last name. I’ve gotta order AncestryDNA..

Who said that he spat on her drink? It wouldnt shocked me, If he did that he deserved a well deserved dragging.I heard they were talking mad shit about her & he clowned her every time. If he did that he is a pig up there with Paulie & Zach.

i would’ve be suprised if he spat in her drink. He was a pig on Geordie Shore too

I mean Honest Tea said they’d like to see real rivals who spit in people’s drinks. Maybe someone misconstrued that.Not surpised about Kyle clowning her though. He kept calling Marie the worst person in the house after the time they hooked up.

Imagine someone taking my hopes and dreams and turning it into a spoiler. **** is shook!

Please don't tell me people are about to bring back spitting. It wasn't cute back then & it's certainly not cute now

I know people hate Tori,  but she looked great in the trailer. I will never not like her. Good competitor, doesn’t take the game crazy serious, and doesn’t seem to care what people think of her.

Derrick/Tori vs Joss/Sylvia?

Since it was shown that Derrick and Tori had red jerseys

So if you remember a while back everyone was wondering why Jenna unfollowed Cory but not Tony.  Well she also unfollowed Amanda.  Reason being is because Jenna was pissed Amanda told Zach that Jenna ****** Cory in Hawaii Years back.  Which really shouldn't matter they weren't together but Zach is insecure AF.

Now that her and Zach are back together she is trying to eliminate any reason for any fights.  Why she loves that ********* so much who knows but she loves the hell out of him.  

So if you remember a while back everyone was wondering why Jenna unfollowed Cory but not Tony.  Well she also unfollowed Amanda.  Reason being is because Jenna was pissed Amanda told Zach that Jenna ****** Cory in Hawaii Years back.  Which really shouldn't matter they weren't together but Zach is insecure AF.

Amanda wont let that poor girl catch a break, hahahaha! Airing out that dirty laundry.

So if you remember a while back everyone was wondering why Jenna unfollowed Cory but not Tony.  Well she also unfollowed Amanda.  Reason being is because Jenna was pissed Amanda told Zach that Jenna ****** Cory in Hawaii Years back.  Which really shouldn't matter they weren't together but Zach is insecure AF.

Wasnt this known for a while that they ****** after their real world season when they did a some spring break thing in Hawaii? 

I feel like Aneesa even brought it up or hint to it during bloodlines. Zach is a big baby over being mad at something that happenned before they were a thing lol

Do we have any ideas the timeline/epsiode count on when the mercenaries come in? 

Trillmanda is a true gift to all the longtime supporters who've been tired of the BS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I mean I feel like it should be known.  I mean I didn’t even know but I saw Cory and Jenna were in Hawaii with like 1 other person, and I already knew Cory smashed.  Plus even the first episode of Dirty 30 you can tell Jenna was bitter over Cory.  So many girls fall for him, and then they are bamboozled, and turn around like wtf happened.  But Cory is charming enough to keep it cool with most of them.  So while they get dogged out they don’t hold on to so much animosity.  I feel like most girls just want a taste.  They know he is not long term they just wanna taste so when he dogs them out they basically expect it.

I’m not too sure yet.  But Ash/Hunter only missed 2 weeks, and then Cory/Devin were just 2 weeks after them so should be pretty early.

Any better sense of how many redemption challenges there were?

So Jenna stopped being friends with someone she’s been close too since her debut on MTV just to make Zach feel comfortable when he couldn’t even give her the courtesy of remembering her name before? 

therealemmalyn wrote:

Jem & Jenna, Britni & Chuck, Kailah+Kayleigh OR Kam+Melissa (if they even got jerseys). Kayleigh has purple but idk if that's because that was her and Kailah's color, or that was Kam and Melissa's, and they made a purple one for Kayleigh

I dont know if they get jerseys, we saw them digging wearing just the sport bras, and if they don't actually compete, they might not get one 

right they didn't have their jerseys for the digging purge, butI think even if they didn't compete at redemption, they still showed up in their uniforms, so we hopefully will see them at redemption

I'm curious how Britni ended up digging up the wrong hole so many times. Like curious how they were supposed to find the right hole to dig in the first place?... puzzle or riddle or something?

So if you remember a while back everyone was wondering why Jenna unfollowed Cory but not Tony.  Well she also unfollowed Amanda.  Reason being is because Jenna was pissed Amanda told Zach that Jenna ****** Cory in Hawaii Years back.  Which really shouldn't matter they weren't together but Zach is insecure AF.

Did Jenna every follow Amanda to begin with?  

Paulie is not dumb. He had to know the fan would post this on twitter.

So Jenna stopped being friends with someone she’s been close too since her debut on MTV just to make Zach feel comfortable when he couldn’t even give her the courtesy of remembering her name before? 

She sure did. Lol Pathetic.

