Favorite Of Love Moments

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Should I watch any of the RCOL over Ray J season 1? 

Nah. FTLORJ1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> both RCOL seasons.  They cut SO much out of RCOL2....ep. 1 is pretty much the only one that's worth a damn.

Rewatching these has me soooo bitter lmao. What could have been.... Daisy of Love 2, Rock of Love 4, ILNY3, CS4 >>>>>>

They're actually aching to this day to do ILNY3; its NY herself that has a bunch of other shit going on + she's still chasing after that bulldog she's in love with (that showed up on TheNext15) lmaooo

When Jennavecia beat that girl up on tool academy 

ILNY3 would revive the entire series. Ughhh

oh my god if they actually do ILNY3 and it leads to the rebirth of the "Of Love" era I will die happy.   I need a brand new ILM season sooooo bad.  


controversial opinion, but I actually really liked Daisy Of Love.  It was such a different type of cast and they had lots of really memorable characters.   So many of those guys were legit batshit crazy and were entertaining to watch.   And like half the cast quitting lmaoooo 

Flipper (who went INSANE and stabbed himself in the face with a broken beer bottle or something lmaoo)

the 80's (who were randomly in Lady GaGa's music video for Paparazzi lol)

the sexy Professor


Cage having a mental breakdown

hilarious moron FOX with his own custom THEME MUSIC which would play whenever he was on screen lmaooooo  (we were robbed of his theme music returing in ILM3) 

Fox from VH1's Daisy of Love Theme Music!


 also 12 Pack randomly being on, making it his second different dating show like this as a contestant lmao  


I liked Daisy of Love too. Pretty entertaining IMO. Flex was a hottie.

Caviar was so shady lmaoo

Risky got a whole family STILL shittin on **** >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My favorite RCOL girl.

Who her family? 

Am I the only one that really didn't like Real and Chance? They came off fake and tried so hard to be funny I couldn't watch any of their season at all. Also I always thought Daisy getting her own show was so random and underserving. From New York getting her own show to Diasy?? Nah

Am I the only one that really didn't like Real and Chance? They came off fake and tried so hard to be funny I couldn't watch any of their season at all. Also I always thought Daisy getting her own show was so random and underserving. From New York getting her own show to Diasy?? Nah

It was originally supposed to be Heather until she beat Daisy up lmao

KChallenge10 wrote:

Am I the only one that really didn't like Real and Chance? They came off fake and tried so hard to be funny I couldn't watch any of their season at all. Also I always thought Daisy getting her own show was so random and underserving. From New York getting her own show to Diasy?? Nah

It was originally supposed to be Heather until she beat Daisy up lmao

I hope it was called I'm in Love With A Stripper.

Graphik wrote:

Risky got a whole family STILL shittin on **** >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My favorite RCOL girl.

Who her family? 

Her own lol I worded that weird.


Am I the only one that really didn't like Real and Chance? They came off fake and tried so hard to be funny I couldn't watch any of their season at all. Also I always thought Daisy getting her own show was so random and underserving. From New York getting her own show to Diasy?? Nah

Nah. I didnt really like them either.

Mr.  Boston should've gotten his own show instead of Real and Chance honestly. 

Mr.  Boston should've gotten his own show instead of Real and Chance honestly. 

He was offered it at first actually!  I think he declined which is why they gave it to Real & Chance instead. 


Omfg Risky!

Omfg Risky!

"spread another one"

Saaphayri was my fav from ILM on all seasons. she played a great social game and even won some comps while in the minority 

Mr.  Boston should've gotten his own show instead of Real and Chance honestly. 

Why oh why

My Queen Myammee >>>>>>>>>

She was Kam before we knew of Kam lmao. Her & Saaphyri's rivalry is underrated.

"I will kill you....murder you.....murk you" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

My Queen Myammee >>>>>>>>>She was Kam before we knew of Kam lmao. Her & Saaphyri's rivalry is underrated."I will kill you....murder you.....murk you" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

when myamee mushed becky lmaoo.

Saaphayri was my fav from ILM on all seasons. she played a great social game and even won some comps while in the minority 

"My *** and Becky's *** going into the box. We gotta come up with something really quick!" 

*doctor brings needle to give Saaphayri*

Remember when Ashley and Farrah locked ******** Brittaney in the bathroom on CS3 and started feeding her sliced deli meat under the door? Iconic

Bootz v.s. Buckeey reignited lmaooooooooooooo & now Kiki done got involved due to Buckeey running her mouth (she was talking shit about both on her IGLive earlier today)

https://www.instagram.com/larissatheone/?hl=en (her Live will be up until tomorrow lol)

Bootz v.s. Buckeey reignited lmaooooooooooooo & now Kiki done got involved due to Buckeey running her mouth (she was talking shit about both on her IGLive earlier today)https://www.instagram.com/larissatheone/?hl=en (her Live will be up until tomorrow lol)

Bruhhh Bootz done came back out of Larissa lmaooo. She was sitting there READYYYYY

Graphik wrote:

Bootz v.s. Buckeey reignited lmaooooooooooooo & now Kiki done got involved due to Buckeey running her mouth (she was talking shit about both on her IGLive earlier today)https://www.instagram.com/larissatheone/?hl=en (her Live will be up until tomorrow lol)

Bruhhh Bootz done came back out of Larissa lmaooo. She was sitting there READYYYYY

Bootz done hit Super Saiyan lmaoooooooooo Queen done got even more savage over the years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :)) Lol Kiki still a savage too but I can tell she's calmed down a bit.

They were speaking facts tho......Shay been embarrassing herself for YEARS now.

Gucci Mane wrote:

Bruhhh Bootz done came back out of Larissa lmaooo. She was sitting there READYYYYY

Bootz done hit Super Saiyan lmaoooooooooo Queen done got even more savage over the years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :)) Lol Kiki still a savage too but I can tell she's calmed down a bit.They were speaking facts tho......Shay been embarrassing herself for YEARS now.

She was straight going IN!! I had to turn the volume down I thought she was about to through my screen lmao.

I didn't realize she's 36 too lawdddddddd Bootz only 31/32....Shay really is losing at life :)) to be nearing 40 going on multiple Love & Hip Hop seasons looking crazy every step of the way......Twitter was going in every Monday on her hair & her getting played ROFL
