I'm ******* with Devin this reunion heavy lmaooooooooooo
lmao alicia on the couch with brad/britni as farrrr away from them as possible
Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying?
he's definitely over-selling it
Good for Devin, he's obviously very proud of himself but damn he's getting annoying about it now. It's almost embarrassing. Even the audience was shaking their head lmao
I'm officially annoyed with Devin
Challenge 17 wrote: Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying? he's definitely over-selling it
Challenge 17 wrote: Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying?
yea it was funny the first time, when he did the exact same line with natalie it was a lot less funny lol
KlounV3 wrote: Challenge 17 wrote:Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying? he's definitely over-selling it yea it was funny the first time, when he did the exact same line with natalie it was a lot less funny lol
KlounV3 wrote: Challenge 17 wrote:Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying? he's definitely over-selling it
Challenge 17 wrote:Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying?
Especially when she at least owned up to her gameplay rather than just waving it off like Bananas did.
He’s clearly trying to annoy Bananas with it..... Some of y’all...
Devin would be better served by just being real and honest...he's trying to hard like so many others.
The only person more excited about an elimination win than Devin is Derrick.
Its sad tho cause Devin is clearly trolling while Derrick is probably still jumping in joy over beating Joss.
Devin is annoying the **** outta me. You beat Bananas...WE KNOW. His head is gonna be bigger than Bananas' if he keeps this up.
He's clearly trying to annoy Bananas with it..... Some of y'all...
I agree lol. BUT HIS ******* TEETH ARE BOTHERING ME.
which would be great if it wasn't annoying to everyone
Marie the star of the reunion.
I think that might've been editing. It looked to me like they took the exact same clip and put in both places.
We're still discussing pizza ... just tell us who won
gamer73 wrote: He’s clearly trying to annoy Bananas with it..... Some of y’all... which would be great if it wasn't annoying to everyone
gamer73 wrote: He’s clearly trying to annoy Bananas with it..... Some of y’all...
Brad a breath of fresh air.
How'd that work out for you Marie?
Brad looks kinda good in the reunion
Take a second to think about the fact that the people this season have been arguing about secret notes and pizza.
Marie, PLEASE lay off the botox and fillers.
Zach you're a cheater ****.. "Brooke"
"the plain slice I had previously"
***** the first pizza you took was pepperoni you *****.
Awwwwww little Inferno 2 mini reunion here. I like it.
Zach of shit! That's brilliant!
"the plain slice I had previously"***** the first pizza you took was pepperoni you *****.
You mad?
I'm ******* with Devin this reunion heavy lmaooooooooooo
lmao alicia on the couch with brad/britni as farrrr away from them as possible
Jesus has devin's laugh always been this annoying?
he's definitely over-selling it
Good for Devin, he's obviously very proud of himself but damn he's getting annoying about it now. It's almost embarrassing. Even the audience was shaking their head lmao
I'm officially annoyed with Devin
yea it was funny the first time, when he did the exact same line with natalie it was a lot less funny lol
Especially when she at least owned up to her gameplay rather than just waving it off like Bananas did.
He’s clearly trying to annoy Bananas with it..... Some of y’all...
Devin would be better served by just being real and honest...he's trying to hard like so many others.
The only person more excited about an elimination win than Devin is Derrick.
Its sad tho cause Devin is clearly trolling while Derrick is probably still jumping in joy over beating Joss.
Devin is annoying the **** outta me. You beat Bananas...WE KNOW. His head is gonna be bigger than Bananas' if he keeps this up.
I agree lol. BUT HIS ******* TEETH ARE BOTHERING ME.
which would be great if it wasn't annoying to everyone
which would be great if it wasn't annoying to everyone
Marie the star of the reunion.
I think that might've been editing. It looked to me like they took the exact same clip and put in both places.
We're still discussing pizza ... just tell us who won
Brad a breath of fresh air.
How'd that work out for you Marie?
Brad looks kinda good in the reunion
Take a second to think about the fact that the people this season have been arguing about secret notes and pizza.
Marie, PLEASE lay off the botox and fillers.
Zach you're a cheater ****.. "Brooke"
"the plain slice I had previously"
***** the first pizza you took was pepperoni you *****.
Awwwwww little Inferno 2 mini reunion here. I like it.
Zach of shit! That's brilliant!
You mad?