The Challenge: Final Reckoning (Spoilers Discussion)

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Amanda Garcia wrote:

The true tea is that producers didn’t cast Ashley bc they feared she would beat their prized pets in a finale again 

Only girl that win a final against Cara. Maybe Kam &  Tori.

Natalie has a better chance than Kam and Tori if there isn’t a strenght related task. If it’s pure endurance, Nat beats all the girls in this cast.

Depends on how the final is run...With the right combo of guys (Dirty 30) Cara can be beaten. Kailah could get lucky with the right pairings and win along with Kam.Would love to see V in a final.  She never really held back her teams but never stood out either.

If anyone on this cast could beat Cara in a final it is probably Natalie...if she could make a final.  Tori might be second...maybe Kailah.  Not sure about Kam yet.  Kam might be the best bet to beat her in an elimination but a final?????

Depends on how the final is run...With the right combo of guys (Dirty 30) Cara can be beaten. Kailah could get lucky with the right pairings and win along with Kam.Would love to see V in a final.  She never really held back her teams but never stood out either.

Veronica's endurance was always good.  10 years ago she probably would have done very well in a final.  Based on the first mission of Vendettas I wouldn't but expecting her to win

fd9613 wrote:

Depends on how the final is run...With the right combo of guys (Dirty 30) Cara can be beaten. Kailah could get lucky with the right pairings and win along with Kam.Would love to see V in a final.  She never really held back her teams but never stood out either.

Veronica's endurance was always good.  10 years ago she probably would have done very well in a final.  Based on the first mission of Vendettas I wouldn't but expecting her to win

Her puzzle game is strong. If she could get paired on the long runs with someone that could carry her for a bit, even if she doesn't need it, she could win.

If anyone on this cast could beat Cara in a final it is probably Natalie...if she could make a final.  Tori might be second...maybe Kailah.  Not sure about Kam yet.  Kam might be the best bet to beat her in an elimination but a final?????

We haven't seen Kam or Kailah in a final. Based on the first mission Kam is more likely to do better. Tori was really close to Cara on dirty 30. 

I could see Amanda, Jenna and Tori all doing pretty decent because 1) they don’t have to worry about the possible “newbie” treatment (Da’vonne, Angela, Faith) and 2) most of the other cast will probably come in with grudges. I think Natalie and the Brits have the toughest road ahead. Probably Cara too considering she was just the sole winner on the previous challenge (I’m sure no one wants to face her, but they’d be stupid to sit back and let a repeat happen).  I don’t see Kam being sent into elimations after last season, so I expect her to do well.  Britni is the actual worst, so I can’t even make an unbiased prediction for her lol.

I could see Amanda, Jenna and Tori all doing pretty decent because 1) they don’t have to worry about the possible “newbie” treatment (Da’vonne, Angela, Faith) and 2) most of the other cast will probably come in with grudges. I think Natalie and the Brits have the toughest road ahead. Probably Cara too considering she was just the sole winner on the previous challenge (I’m sure no one wants to face her, but they’d be stupid to sit back and let a repeat happen).  I don’t see Kam being sent into elimations after last season, so I expect her to do well.  Britni is the actual worst, so I can’t even make an unbiased prediction for her lol.

The issue is that Jenna is basically protected by everyone, Tori is protected by the vets, and Amanda by the other group so I can see Jenna doing the best.

Rocco wrote:

I could see Amanda, Jenna and Tori all doing pretty decent because 1) they don’t have to worry about the possible “newbie” treatment (Da’vonne, Angela, Faith) and 2) most of the other cast will probably come in with grudges. I think Natalie and the Brits have the toughest road ahead. Probably Cara too considering she was just the sole winner on the previous challenge (I’m sure no one wants to face her, but they’d be stupid to sit back and let a repeat happen).  I don’t see Kam being sent into elimations after last season, so I expect her to do well.  Britni is the actual worst, so I can’t even make an unbiased prediction for her lol.

The issue is that Jenna is basically protected by everyone, Tori is protected by the vets, and Amanda by the other group so I can see Jenna doing the best.

But with her potential health issue, would the guys want to run a final with her?  I could see her getting a fourth episode drop storyline only to come back next season "out for blood".

pandawho wrote:

Rocco wrote:I could see Amanda, Jenna and Tori all doing pretty decent because 1) they don’t have to worry about the possible “newbie” treatment (Da’vonne, Angela, Faith) and 2) most of the other cast will probably come in with grudges. I think Natalie and the Brits have the toughest road ahead. Probably Cara too considering she was just the sole winner on the previous challenge (I’m sure no one wants to face her, but they’d be stupid to sit back and let a repeat happen).  I don’t see Kam being sent into elimations after last season, so I expect her to do well.  Britni is the actual worst, so I can’t even make an unbiased prediction for her lol.

The issue is that Jenna is basically protected by everyone, Tori is protected by the vets, and Amanda by the other group so I can see Jenna doing the best.

But with her potential health issue, would the guys want to run a final with her?  I could see her getting a fourth episode drop storyline only to come back next season "out for blood".

I don't think they will care that much about her injury, unless it plays a major part in her dailies.

My body is ready to see Amanda and Day either clash or be bestie boos <333

pandawho wrote:

Rocco wrote:I could see Amanda, Jenna and Tori all doing pretty decent because 1) they don’t have to worry about the possible “newbie” treatment (Da’vonne, Angela, Faith) and 2) most of the other cast will probably come in with grudges. I think Natalie and the Brits have the toughest road ahead. Probably Cara too considering she was just the sole winner on the previous challenge (I’m sure no one wants to face her, but they’d be stupid to sit back and let a repeat happen).  I don’t see Kam being sent into elimations after last season, so I expect her to do well.  Britni is the actual worst, so I can’t even make an unbiased prediction for her lol.

The issue is that Jenna is basically protected by everyone, Tori is protected by the vets, and Amanda by the other group so I can see Jenna doing the best.

But with her potential health issue, would the guys want to run a final with her?  I could see her getting a fourth episode drop storyline only to come back next season "out for blood".

I would be shocked if Jenna saw an elimination round that early. Maybe out fourth episode for reinjuring herself. But if the format is anything like vendettas I’m sure we will see all the rookies in elimination till they leave, and girls with less protection going against them.

I agree..she isn’t completely sane and clearly has mental health issues.  We’ve all seen what a challenge environment + people with mental health issues leads to (Tonya, Camilla, etc) I think she is a liability and are hoping they are choosing not to cast her because they don’t want a Tonya or Camilla 2.0 type of situation.

The Amanda & Angela link up that shakes the house will be iconic.

Would the guys still keep girls they want to run a final with around and vice versa after the twist last season where there was only winner?

The Amanda & Angela link up that shakes the house will be iconic.

either best friends or enemies, I’m ready for it either way

The Amanda & Angela link up that shakes the house will be iconic.

Sure but production promoting camila’s mentally unstable rants for so many years as “the camilanator” is part of why she finally snapped me like that in the first place.

If Amanda & Shane didn’t lose the second Invasion bloodbath, they would’ve easily won the season. Since they won the first part, they should’ve been exempt. They better come looking for revenge now.

we get it you love amanda but pipe down a bit... I don't need a replay of everything she did lmao

Don’t waste your time speculating a Natalie final..she couldn’t even win an elimination made for her to win. 

I dont see Natalie as a potential winner unless they do a team format

Did you notice in the episode how she somehow got her line behind her back? I was wondering how the hell she got so twisted up lol

So is there really 17 girls/guys or is my boo Lurkers source correct about a cast of 36? Who would be the final girl? A Survivor leading lady? 

amandageddon godcia wrote:

If Amanda & Shane didn’t lose the second Invasion bloodbath, they would’ve easily won the season. Since they won the first part, they should’ve been exempt. They better come looking for revenge now.

we get it you love amanda but pipe down a bit... I don't need a replay of everything she did lmao

You got weak thumbs? If not, continue to scroll, sis. It’s not difficult.

Tea I heard was that Kailah and Marie are the only ones running the house ☕️ (The redemption house of course) 

Everything depends on the format. If its a format that allows guys to run the game, they'll probably keep Cara around, thinking theres no way there'd be another unisex final. If the format actually allows the much more interesting female side politics to play out, I think the Dolphins + Jenna and maybe Tori will either run the house (with Marie being in a really good spot of not being the head of the alliance, and having outside connections) or everyone else will team up to take them down. 

So happy Amanda is coming back!<3 lowkey was starting to think she was done with the challenges

I wanna see if her and Veronica will become friends, especially since they're both friends with Shane

So happy Amanda is coming back!<3 lowkey was starting to think she was done with the challengesI wanna see if her and Veronica will become friends, especially since they're both friends with Shane

same! I saw Amanda liking a lot of Veronica’s tweets right after dirty 30 until now. 

AMANDAGEDDON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really thought she retired for good but I'm so glad she's back.

Hunter and Ashley are coming in the week before filming ends as the final mercanaries lmao. Although KVM's points are all incredibly valid, it'd make less sense to place her as an alternate instead of not having her as well. That's begging her to say "**** this" and leave production scrambling to call in someone else.

I really hope Devin went out in a glorious manner. Nelson DQing during XXX was a letdown tbh.

Say what y'all want, but Jenna's position this season will be very interesting. She may not be as a character, and production was dead wrong for casting her above a lot of others, but she'll be interesting to observe this season.


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