Brain-teaser games

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Brain-teaser games

I need some good brain-teaser games for party. I want something like The Challenge or Survivor does, like Unburried (the challenge)

Please please help me 

The puzzle from Unburied is called Tower of Hanoi in case you were wondering Smile

like physical games you can play or word games to make you think? I know a tonnnnnn of good word riddles... not so much physical brain teaser games though

"You are traveling down a path and come to a fork in the road. A sign lays fallen at the path indicating that one path leads to a village where everyone tells the truth and the other to a village where everyone tells lies. The sign has been knocked down so you do not know which path leads to which village. Then someone from one of the villages (you don't know which one) comes down the path from which you came. You may ask him one question to determine which path goes to which village. What question do you ask? "

"You are traveling down a path and come to a fork in the road. A sign lays fallen at the path indicating that one path leads to a village where everyone tells the truth and the other to a village where everyone tells lies. The sign has been knocked down so you do not know which path leads to which village. Then someone from one of the villages (you don't know which one) comes down the path from which you came. You may ask him one question to determine which path goes to which village. What question do you ask? "

oo oo oo i know i know!! haha (anyone who has seen Labyrinth, knows this goody)

spoilerssss haha: you would ask: what would the other person say is the right path? Whichever he says, you go the opposite.

here's a few of my fav riddles that can get ppl talking and discussing. (they are all better spoken, rather than reading over and over.. logic puzzles require careful listening)

1. Three guests check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 as a tip for himself. Each guest got $1 back: so now each guest only paid $9; bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. And $27 + $2 = $29 so, if the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?

2.  The three wisest sages in the land were brought before the king to see which of them were worthy to become the king's advisor. After passing many tests of cunning and invention, they were pitted against each other in a final battle of the wits.

Led blind-folded into a small room, the sages were seated around a small wooden table as the king described the test for them.
"Upon each of your heads I have placed a hat. Now you are either wearing a blue hat or a white hat. All I will tell you is this- at least one of you is wearing a blue hat. There may be only one blue hat and two white hats, there may be two blue hats and one white hat, or there may be three blue hats. But you may be certain that there are not three white hats."
"I will shortly remove your blind folds, and the test will begin. The first to correctly announce the color of his hat shall be my advisor. Be warned however, he who guesses wrongly shall be beheaded. If not one of you answers within the hour, you will be sent home and I will seek elsewhere for wisdom."
With that, the king uncovered the sages' eyes and sat in the corner and waited. One sage looked around and saw that his competitors each were wearing blue hats. From the look in their eyes he could see their thoughts were the same as his, "What is the color of my hat?"
For what seemed like hours no one spoke. Finally he stood up and said, "The color of the hat I am wearing is..."
3. Think of words ending in "-gry". "Angry" and "hungry" are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

like physical games you can play or word games to make you think? I know a tonnnnnn of good word riddles... not so much physical brain teaser games though

Jes. Something like you posted. Thank you.

I try them but if you have more, please post them

This one is also a good logic puzzle... it's sort of like the hat riddle but on a much bigger scale with a specific (and very much logical) process to figuring out the solution.

4. At the Secret Convention of Logicians, the Master Logician placed a band on each attendee's head, such that everyone else could see it but the person themselves could not. There were many, many different colors of band. The Logicians all sat in a circle, and the Master instructed them that a bell was to be rung in the forest at regular intervals: at the moment when a Logician knew the color on his own forehead, he was to leave at the next bell. Anyone who left at the wrong bell was clearly not a true Logician but an evil infiltrator and would be thrown out of the Convention post haste; but the Master reassures the group by stating that the puzzle would not be impossible for anybody present. How did they do it?

1. but they didn't pay 9 dollars. Teller has 25, guest have 3, bell hop has 2. 30

that was a good one.


Hold up, you're saying that 27 dollars the amount they paid INCLUDING tip + tip = 29

when it should be 27 dollars INCLUDING tip they made plus the 3 the teller return is 30.


edit: ALL I KNOW is that they didn't pay 9 dollars 25/3 is 8.333. 

25 (the teller) + 3 (return) + 2 (tip) = 30 boom lmao.

2. Imma say blue .. wait lol

Or maybe homeboy said I'm wearing blue or white. There's no way bruh. Lmao

okay since they're all taking too long. FOR SURE it can't be two whites and one blue. So it's either 2 blue and one white or all blue. So homeboy has a blue hat cause if he was wearing white. The two others would of quickly said they were blue.

3. Huh

ok skip. Idk

4. They looked out for one another.

if the colors didn't repeat... then deductive  reasoning.

3. Huhok skip. Idk

I had to look it up. "Language" is the third word in "the English language"

Here's one I found when I was searching for the answers cause I was too dumb to figure out the 4th one. 

Josephine's Problem: In Josephine's Kingdom every woman has to pass a logic exam before being allowed to marry. Every married woman knows about the fidelity of every man in the Kingdom except for her own husband, and etiquette demands that no woman should be told about the fidelity of her husband. Also, a gunshot fired in any house in the Kingdom will be heard in any other house. Queen Josephine announced that at least one unfaithful man had been discovered in the Kingdom, and that any woman knowing her husband to be unfaithful was required to shoot him at midnight following the day after she discovered his infidelity. How did the wives manage this?

hannamez8 wrote:

3. Huhok skip. Idk

I had to look it up. "Language" is the third word in "the English language"

see when I kept reading it, I was hoping it wasn't some dumb shit like that. 0/10. 

*omg im about to read ur riddle in a few minutes!!