The Challenge: Vendettas - Pizzagate

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She better not have wasted no pizza like that. That's one food you do not EVER waste.

BonnieBee wrote:

Sylvia will beat 80% of the cast so she ain't worried 

Even Cara said Slayvia was a threat. Also if Nicole Z got tossed by Amanda, Slayvia would mush the **** out of her *********

remeber in the RW House when Nicole said how strong Sylvia was when she was trying to hold her back from a fight but she couldn't 

She better not have wasted no pizza like that. That's one food you do not EVER waste.

but imagine if this cold *** cheese and sauce landed on brad's back while ******* britni lmao

She better not have wasted no pizza like that. That's one food you do not EVER waste.

I was hoping that marie threw like whole pizza on them or even slice, not boxes zzzz.

Marie throwing the boxes like “DELIVERY!”

Melissa said on Twitter that she had no clue what she was doing when picking the teams and she was as confused as she looked.

i'mjust dissapointed that no pizza was thrown on the roof (breaking bad refernce)

also i want a full blown out trivia challenge plz

Melissa said on Twitter that she had no clue what she was doing when picking the teams and she was as confused as she looked.

Not Surprising in the least.

Also Kayleigh called Melissa a **** i screamed 

Also Kayleigh called Melissa a **** i screamed 

Omfg when.

I’ve been waiting for that word to come out.

BonnieBee wrote:

Also Kayleigh called Melissa a **** i screamed 

Omfg when.

during one of the commercials when they showed a preview to next episode she called her something else and then a **** then explained it meant **** 

BTW, anyone notice the dancing and slapping the butt that Leroy did to Kam..... LOL 


Melissa said on Twitter that she had no clue what she was doing when picking the teams and she was as confused as she looked.

She didn't even know these people and she picked the teams.

She should've just given the grenade to Kayleigh and just pray they give her a night off from eliminations.

That was kind of annoying of Marie to take so much for herself when some people haven't eaten, but Brad should have just let people notice instead of making a fuss. Part of me wonders if he remembers this is The Challenge house. If the biggest problem that night is food, then it's a pretty calm night. 

She shouldn't have brought his children into it tho. They have nothing to do with this show. He's making himself look crazy as it is. No need to bring family into it. 

Also the way John was dancing with Natalie like he was trying to fold over her and absorb her entire body lmao. 

I really want to like Marie but she seems like the kind of friend that you can stomach only a couple of times a year for maybe an hour or two at a time. Any longer than that and she'd drive you crazy with her bullshit.   

LegendRii showing why she’s been asked for every season since her debut. & I think it’s funny the people who are talking shit are the ones who were saying how boring last week’s episode was.....but also the same ones who LOVED episodes 1,2,and 4. ☕️

This episode was a ******* mess, especially #Pizzagate. Like Marie obviously didn't eat an entire box of pizzas by herself. Brad blew that out of proportion. I don't think she should have said about Brad and his kids, but was she wrong?

Brad's a punk *** ***** and this episode proved it. And no, I'm not talking about voting for Sylvia, that was the right move, but basically forcing Sylvia yo eat was a ***** move. 

Tori sweetie I'm so sorry

Thoughts on this episode...

I think it's complete and utter bullshit that Alicia got voted into the Ring! It honestly should've been Kayleigh, and at this point Natalie irritates the hell out of me because she is a sheep.

I am totally team Marie! She did not eat the whole pizza by herself, and she even said she was saving some for the girls in her room. Brad blew it way out of proportion, and is a **** for that! Also, I think it's crazy how Tony was eliminated on Rivals 3 for being "aggressive" but Brad is doing the same thing. I legit thought he was going to hit her.

Joss is cancelled until further notice because he's just such a punk.

I like how all the guys are teaming up, and wanting to get Bradni out of the house.

NEXT WEEK WILL BE LIT!! Melissa Queenves Aka Hell Mel vs Kam Aka Killa Kam is already epic and intense. However, I don't like how Jemmye is being her usual self by involving herself in the situation. I hope Mel pops the **** out of her.

I hate to say it, but Sylvia gives me the "real people can do Challenges too" vibe. 


If I was Tony/Zach/Marie, I would have named Kailah/Victor the losers, and the vote would have tied as to whom would go into elimination. I'm assuming the Troika would have broken the tie and they could have just sent Victor in who no one gives a **** about. 

It was a shitty situation to be in for Sylvia. But if I were in Joss' shoes, I probably would've done what he did and probably felt the same way.

Vote Sylvia and make it a girls day and stay in the game a little bit longer, or vote Brad in and risk being voted in because it's a guys day for multiple reasons (get a strong competitor out, take his 20k, he's new). Sucks, but that's how it had to be.

Unfortunately, now the women will not have his back in the house.

I think Sylvia is a big crybaby if ya ask me

we didn't ask you

I hate to say it, but Sylvia gives me the "real people can do Challenges too" vibe. 


I was hoping that marie threw like whole pizza on them or even slice, not boxes zzzz.

***** yes fr that was disappointing

JEKFAN wrote:

I think Sylvia is a big crybaby if ya ask me

we didn't ask you

I'm glad people are finally looking past Sylvia's vote on invasion for Tony and seeing her as an actual threat or at least a competitor. 

If I was Sylvia I would've been popping off for voting me in 

Notice how shocked everyone's face was when they voted in Sylvia... that tells you something right there. Even Nicole Z lame *** was like wtf. 
