Fun fact: SZA is a #ScammerGoddess too lmaoooooooooooooo >>>>>>>>>>>
There's been a lot of rumors that her freckles are fake & it's a known fact now that she has weave also (she previously used to always say that was her natural hair).
She is weird....There is something off about her, who lies about everything?
She's very guarded, which is refreshing as ****. You never see people on reality tv that have walls up and she actually is deep and interesting to watch as opposed to the typical party girls they normally cast
She is weird....There is something off about her, who lies about everything?
I've BEEN saying this lmaooooooo Tya got some screws loose & that is exactly why she was perfect for The Challenge. This girl went on national television faking an accent the entire time she was there.......
She is weird....There is something off about her, who lies about everything?
She's very guarded, which is refreshing as ****. You never see people on reality tv that have walls up and she actually is deep and interesting to watch as opposed to the typical party girls they normally cast
It really is a travesty that we never got to see the Scammer Goddess and Queen CeeJai on a challenge together. They both wanted to do one and would've linked up too since they're friends )= huge missed opportunity. Tyara lies so much and would've spreaded even more lies on The Challenge which would've pissed everyone off lol
The Challenge people are dumb. There was sooooo many other people they could of cast from recent and even past Real World and AYTO seasons verses people from the UK. Like do the UK people even watch this show. I like never see them on twitter but then again I don’t follow any so yea lol
The Challenge people are dumb. There was sooooo many other people they could of cast from recent and even past Real World and AYTO seasons verses people from the UK. Like do the UK people even watch this show. I like never see them on twitter but then again I don't follow any so yea lol
Now you gotta add other countries into the mix yet the ratings have gone absolutely nowhere.
Such a shame. Legend said she wasn't ******* with The Challenge anyway tho & doesn't have time for the microaggressions & passive-aggressive shit lmaoooo
It really is a travesty that we never got to see the Scammer Goddess and Queen CeeJai on a challenge together. They both wanted to do one and would've linked up too since they're friends )= huge missed opportunity. Tyara lies so much and would've spreaded even more lies on The Challenge which would've pissed everyone off lol
The Challenge people are dumb. There was sooooo many other people they could of cast from recent and even past Real World and AYTO seasons verses people from the UK. Like do the UK people even watch this show. I like never see them on twitter but then again I don't follow any so yea lol
and now they also have Ex on the Beach. personally i don't mind them (i would even go as far as say i like them) but like, from a business standpoint it's just stupid as **** to cast someone from Turkey, etc because who's even watching this show over there. and on the UK Vendettas got cancelled midway so idgi
The show is not even on in Turkey and even the UK after the public got it cancelled because they didn’t like it. They’re adding people into a show that they can’t profit off of in their respective countries. Y I K E S
YES! Got one of my girls now if they could reach out to the other Melanin Queen of Atlanta we can get a move on with season 31
Competitively she'd probably be a flop but she'd be pretty entertaining.
Tyara is still young. So if they don't cast her for this then she still has a shot.
With how she likes to change her mind, they need to get her when the door is open and she's interested lol
Since Ceejai wanna be petty, be successful and get a education this semester. (They should really schedule out the filming of these shows better)
I really do hope they cast Tya this season. I need at least one of my favs on.
I watched like 15 mins of BB. I remember her fake *** accent lmao
Speaking of the Scammer Goddess, her & SZA could be sisters.....
Sorry for the pic size; I have no clue why tf its so big smh
Fun fact: SZA is a #ScammerGoddess too lmaoooooooooooooo >>>>>>>>>>>
There's been a lot of rumors that her freckles are fake & it's a known fact now that she has weave also (she previously used to always say that was her natural hair).
Still stand by this.
I remember she hid for like 1 month into filming with that damn hat LOL.
She was scamming before we even knew her ******* name when she was just #MysteriousHatGirl

She will be a Challenge STAR.
Such a Queen! Funny how once she was leaked she started being spotted without the hat.
Cause legend knew what she was doing.
She is weird....There is something off about her, who lies about everything?
She's very guarded, which is refreshing as ****. You never see people on reality tv that have walls up and she actually is deep and interesting to watch as opposed to the typical party girls they normally cast
I've BEEN saying this lmaooooooo Tya got some screws loose & that is exactly why she was perfect for The Challenge. This girl went on national television faking an accent the entire time she was there.......
******* *********.
This too.
It really is a travesty that we never got to see the Scammer Goddess and Queen CeeJai on a challenge together. They both wanted to do one and would've linked up too since they're friends )= huge missed opportunity. Tyara lies so much and would've spreaded even more lies on The Challenge which would've pissed everyone off lol
The Challenge people are dumb. There was sooooo many other people they could of cast from recent and even past Real World and AYTO seasons verses people from the UK. Like do the UK people even watch this show. I like never see them on twitter but then again I don’t follow any so yea lol
Now you gotta add other countries into the mix yet the ratings have gone absolutely nowhere.
Such a shame. Legend said she wasn't ******* with The Challenge anyway tho & doesn't have time for the microaggressions & passive-aggressive shit lmaoooo
and now they also have Ex on the Beach. personally i don't mind them (i would even go as far as say i like them) but like, from a business standpoint it's just stupid as **** to cast someone from Turkey, etc because who's even watching this show over there. and on the UK Vendettas got cancelled midway so idgi
The show is not even on in Turkey and even the UK after the public got it cancelled because they didn’t like it. They’re adding people into a show that they can’t profit off of in their respective countries. Y I K E S
Would be such a loose cannon on the Challenge. Would have been great on War of the Worlds trying to represent the UK.
She’s always been overhyped. I’ve never gotten her appeal