I am sure a thread exists but I have no idea where it is and I am unable to search for it! So in any case, anyone here have any good anime recommendations?
Gakkou Gurashi (school live)is SOOOOOO good!!! Like do NOT read ANY spoilers you need to watch the first episode blind! and while it may seem like your typical slice of life TRUST it is not. the first episode is misleading... its SO SO SOOO GOOOD!
i have been rewatching DBZ clips (i cannota nd will not restart that serires just cause i cant sit and watch 40 episodes of goku and frieza fighting anymore).
ive grown a bigger appreciation for Vegeta as a character. The development of his character is probably one of the best transformations of a tv character i have ever seen. When he sacrifices himself to save his young son trunks and gokus other young son....what a ******* scene. and piccolo explaining to him that he will not end up in the same afterlife as goku because of the shitty things he had done in the past and he just acecpts it and is stoic af...damn.
Vegeta one of the greatest television character i have ever seen. dont @ me
Yall death parade is only 12 eps and the shit is HAUNTING... each episode deals with different sceneios of people dying together and competeing against eachother in games designed to judge if they are worthy of heaven or hell. SUPER GOOD
i have been rewatching DBZ clips (i cannota nd will not restart that serires just cause i cant sit and watch 40 episodes of goku and frieza fighting anymore).ive grown a bigger appreciation for Vegeta as a character. The development of his character is probably one of the best transformations of a tv character i have ever seen. When he sacrifices himself to save his young son trunks and gokus other young son....what a ******* scene. and piccolo explaining to him that he will not end up in the same afterlife as goku because of the shitty things he had done in the past and he just acecpts it and is stoic af...damn. Vegeta one of the greatest television character i have ever seen. dont @ me
I ******* LOVE VEGETA AND HIS SPAWN TRUNKS! but i refuse to watch that series again HOWEVER i promise you , you will not REGRET watching the abridged series? ITS SO GOOD! sums up all of arcs HILARIOUSLY i might add.... i love it !
i started the abridged series many years ago, but id rather just rewatch clips from my childhood with the original dub and all.
its a shame that after the cell games saga i kind of started to get disinterested in dbz cause the buu saga was just...too ******* long. i got tired of it so i didnt see vegitas sacrifice til recently.
i started the abridged series many years ago, but id rather just rewatch clips from my childhood with the original dub and all. its a shame that after the cell games saga i kind of started to get disinterested in dbz cause the buu saga was just...too ******* long. i got tired of it so i didnt see vegitas sacrifice til recently.
awww i actually never saw the buu saga!! i have watched a bit of super tho! its really good bearus is cool! but damn i want to see this sacrifice...i will probably cry!!
It’s not true anime, but the art style of Netflix’s Castlevania is heavily inspired by it. And it’s actually pretty awesome.Adi Shankar is developing an adult Power Rangers cartoon in the exact same style after the success of Castlevania.
OMG THIS POWER RANGERS!!! I AM DA PINK RANGER YAS LOL i was it for like 3 years of halloweens
i started the abridged series many years ago, but id rather just rewatch clips from my childhood with the original dub and all. its a shame that after the cell games saga i kind of started to get disinterested in dbz cause the buu saga was just...too ******* long. i got tired of it so i didnt see vegitas sacrifice til recently.
awww i actually never saw the buu saga!! i have watched a bit of super tho! its really good bearus is cool! but damn i want to see this sacrifice...i will probably cry!!
el_greco wrote:I guess if we're doing recommendations my all time favorites are Cowboy BebopPing Pong the AnimationFLCLFull Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
***** WHATCHU mean 'you guess'!! its what i made the thread for!! and ahh you like all the macho stuff hahhaha
"I guess" cause I usually don't talk about anime much
ohh why not? like on here? or in general? do you love it? or are you a casual watcher? i mean the stuff you mentioned (as well as I) seems like the type of anime all boys and girls watch haha like american basic
not really interested tbh. dbz only anime that captured my attention and such. if fights didnt take a billion episodes id rewatch the actual show cause i do miss it but i just cant commit that kind of time.
anyways Vegeta > All ty ty and have a good night anime
Stein's Gate
My faves include:
Sailor moon (*** SUB)
Pokemon season 1
Deathnote (FAVE)
Death Parade
Seven deadly sins
Black Lagoon.
Best. Anime. Ever.
Thanks! is it netflix, hulu, or something you watch online?
AHHH I have heard of that!!! Does it have many episodes/ mult seasons?
Ughhhhh. I hated Steins;Gate. But I feel like I am in the minority on that
Damn wait how long is it?
Gakkou Gurashi (school live)is SOOOOOO good!!! Like do NOT read ANY spoilers you need to watch the first episode blind! and while it may seem like your typical slice of life TRUST it is not. the first episode is misleading... its SO SO SOOO GOOOD!
As far as I know it has 3 season and 2 of them have been dubbed in english.
I don't think it was that long but I couldn't make it past episode 6 or 7 or so
i have been rewatching DBZ clips (i cannota nd will not restart that serires just cause i cant sit and watch 40 episodes of goku and frieza fighting anymore).
ive grown a bigger appreciation for Vegeta as a character. The development of his character is probably one of the best transformations of a tv character i have ever seen. When he sacrifices himself to save his young son trunks and gokus other young son....what a ******* scene. and piccolo explaining to him that he will not end up in the same afterlife as goku because of the shitty things he had done in the past and he just acecpts it and is stoic af...damn.
Vegeta one of the greatest television character i have ever seen. dont @ me
Yall death parade is only 12 eps and the shit is HAUNTING... each episode deals with different sceneios of people dying together and competeing against eachother in games designed to judge if they are worthy of heaven or hell. SUPER GOOD
I really thought you would be more of a subbed guy
I ******* LOVE VEGETA AND HIS SPAWN TRUNKS! but i refuse to watch that series again HOWEVER i promise you , you will not REGRET watching the abridged series? ITS SO GOOD! sums up all of arcs HILARIOUSLY i might add.... i love it !
SWEET NICE!!! i like to do dubbed when im super tired and dont feel like reading LMAO
***** HAHA but why? was it too slow for you? what kind of animes do you like?
It’s not true anime, but the art style of Netflix’s Castlevania is heavily inspired by it. And it’s actually pretty awesome.
Adi Shankar is developing an adult Power Rangers cartoon in the exact same style after the success of Castlevania.
i started the abridged series many years ago, but id rather just rewatch clips from my childhood with the original dub and all.
its a shame that after the cell games saga i kind of started to get disinterested in dbz cause the buu saga was just...too ******* long. i got tired of it so i didnt see vegitas sacrifice til recently.
awww i actually never saw the buu saga!! i have watched a bit of super tho! its really good bearus is cool! but damn i want to see this sacrifice...i will probably cry!!
I guess if we're doing recommendations my all time favorites are
Cowboy Bebop
Ping Pong the Animation
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
OMG THIS POWER RANGERS!!! I AM DA PINK RANGER YAS LOL i was it for like 3 years of halloweens
vegeta's sacrifice
***** WHATCHU mean 'you guess'!! its what i made the thread for!!
and ahh you like all the macho stuff hahhaha
"I guess" cause I usually don't talk about anime much
will say dbz is the only anime i have and will ever watch. its all i ever needed
OMG DAF!!! THANK YOU! when he said 'yes even for you kakarot' omg <3 vegeta is amazing!! best opponent of gokus EVER!
Watch deathnote on netflix. i PROMISE you will love itttt. SUPER good psycological thriller. not the MOVIE ew. the anime
ohh why not? like on here? or in general? do you love it? or are you a casual watcher? i mean the stuff you mentioned (as well as I) seems like the type of anime all boys and girls watch haha like american basic
I agree. Death note is good but not super anime in a way that turns people off of some shows
not really interested tbh. dbz only anime that captured my attention and such. if fights didnt take a billion episodes id rewatch the actual show cause i do miss it but i just cant commit that kind of time.
anyways Vegeta > All ty ty and have a good night anime