The Challenge: Vendettas- Rogan O'Connor

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^^^ My own brothers wouldn't even try no shit like that. Maybe it's a culture thing.

Saw his nudes. I've seen better but I'd still smash though. 


He ain't that cute tbh


He ain't that cute tbh

Yeah, that constant stink face :/

Daddy legends. The hottest.

I ship it

HT and I have similar taste in our men (with exceptions of course) and this one just does not do it.

Yuck do we really need Tony 2.0? Who gets in girls faces like that.

He's not attractive to me whatsoever . 

This dude wild saw him sniffing coke of a girls titty lmao

Pretty sure he used to be a stripper but he is still king. Most attractive guy this season imo.

Pretty sure he used to be a stripper but he is still king. Most attractive guy this season imo.

You should have seen his insta stories from days ago. Doubt you would find him that attractive.

Amanda Garcia wrote:

Pretty sure he used to be a stripper but he is still king. Most attractive guy this season imo.

You should have seen his insta stories from days ago. Doubt you would find him that attractive.

Probably true, none of the challenge guys seem BF material tbh maybe Joss, but that's really it.

Amanda Garcia wrote:

Pretty sure he used to be a stripper but he is still king. Most attractive guy this season imo.

You should have seen his insta stories from days ago. Doubt you would find him that attractive.

  The one with him drinking beer and shit? lol I was disgusted

MarianaRO wrote:

You should have seen his insta stories from days ago. Doubt you would find him that attractive.

  The one with him drinking beer and shit? lol I was disgusted

Yeah lol Based on his pictures i thought he was fit.

MalikOnFleek wrote:

  The one with him drinking beer and shit? lol I was disgusted

Yeah lol Based on his pictures i thought he was fit.

beer makes you bloated . He probably havent worked out since injury too

He used to be very handsome. He done something weird with his face, which making him look over tired and quite old. But he's still hot though and he seems to love *****, a lot ! ❤️❤️


Flop. Don't come on injured, bye

I thought he was supposed to be in the lead at the start of that challenge. But nope, only one UK god can be at the top

Seems like tj calling him a beast and then Rogan giving his speech on him wanting to redeem himself seems like he's bound to return, he deserves it

Seems like tj calling him a beast and then Rogan giving his speech on him wanting to redeem himself seems like he's bound to return, he deserves it

No he doesn't. He's exactly like Leroy, don't come on injured you're just wasting a spot. Luckily it's individual so he didnt' screw over a partner though.


I think we found out who wins the competition for best popcorn muscles. 

would like tosee this guy get another chance

I rewatched and he said (from what I understood) he had a slip disc or something on the bottom of his spine from about 5 years ago. He stated it hadn’t hurt recently but then again he’s never climbed a mountain. Just say you don’t like him and keep it moving there is no comparison to Leroy who I don’t even remember honestly but assumed his injury was actually recent before he got on the challenge (I think it was a nerve in his back or something right before he got on the plane). You stay blowing my shit. Damn how bothered can someone be.

would like tosee this guy get another chance

Same but he needs to get his back fixed. His bad back cost us the chance to see bananas purged

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

would like tosee this guy get another chance

Same but he needs to get his back fixed. His bad back cost us the chance to see bananas purged

Please. There were never gonna let Backpack's dusty *** go first. Had he gotten last they would've thrown in some BS twist just to keep him there.

I rewatched and he said (from what I understood) he had a slip disc or something on the bottom of his spine from about 5 years ago. He stated it hadn’t hurt recently but then again he’s never climbed a mountain. Just say you don’t like him and keep it moving there is no comparison to Leroy who I don’t even remember honestly but assumed his injury was actually recent before he got on the challenge (I think it was a nerve in his back or something right before he got on the plane). You stay blowing my shit. Damn how bothered can someone be.

Bye. If you have a history of back issues and never got an issue resolved then you’re working with a preexisting condition that’s not just some “sudden” flare up.

Running a mile, lifting weights, climbing a mountain will all do the same to you. That’s not being bothered that’s just someone coming on like Leroy without a care or concern for their own injuries.

A slipped disk doesn't just start hurting lol. I had a herniated disk from swimming my Junior (?) year in high school and I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without pain. A sudden flare up doesn't make sense--he should be numb or in pain 24/7. 

Why would you go 5 years without getting help?? I died after 2 weeks hahahaha

A slipped disk doesn't just start hurting lol. 
