Ready to shed her reputation as a rookie, Britni blazes into this season firing on all cylinders. She's not afraid to flirt with her roommates, and she has her eye on one man (a hint: he's a vet). But after a poorly executed burn vote on Leroy in Dirty 30 (that led to his unexpected elimination), Britni inadvertently created a vendetta for herself that she’ll come face-to-face with this season. Can Leroy let bygones be bygones, or will Britni find herself with one of the largest targets on her back?
Eh but of course she was brought back.
worst cast picture this season belongs to....
Yeahhhhh they really did Britni dirty with this pic
Warrior Britni, she'll hold the crown until Warrior Brittany returns<3
Don’t get why she gets so much hate. Lol I like her she’s cool.
I like her but she still needs to fix them roots desperately
Yeah I’m gonna need Amanda to replace her spot next season
She can't go home soon enough.
Leader of the anti kailah squad #WeStan
Who is this?
It’s really tragic how hard she is trying to look sexy in this picture #fail.
why does she not dye her roots before going on the show?????
She cpuldnt in the trailer park they fpund her on.
She’s way too try hard with everything she does
We just knew she was about to kick the door in like Trillmanda; not giving a **** about the vets + their entitlement & speaking her mind, not giving two shits who likes it or not. This girl was out here latching on to Briana of all people, scared to say anything to anybody's face & then tried to make a rivalry out of nothing with Queen V when V barely acknowledged her existence. I'll take that L in buying into the hype but looking at AYTO3, I don't blame anybody for doing it.
extra queenie
She looks like the kinda girl who would lose her virginity behind a dumpster at the trailer park’s 4th of July bbq party.
Anyone who watched AYTO3 knew Britni would be a good challenge fit.
Some people maybe just forgot what she was like? Idk I still like her she didnt seem that different to me. She confronted Kailah at the reunion and people are too biased to realized Kailah looked like a damn mess.
I liked her on AYTO?3 and Dirty 30. I’ll admit I thought she’d be more outspoken like Amanda too. But she said in an interview she kept a low profile on Dirty 30 due to her being a rookie/in a relationship. She said she’d bring it on her next season so I’m hoping she does.
up until she called out Hannah she was wallpaper.
sounds hot.
She looks like the kind of girl that hooked up with her cousins.
that is how we do it down in the dirty south pink! only way some of us can********! lmao
she isnt one of my faves but I like her
She look like she’s about to go hop on a pole after the photoshoot is over. This is not a good pic or outfit
honestly one of my fav photos. Yall are haters, but will never match Britni's beauty <3
the one you and many others keep bringing up only to act like you don't know who she is