I swear though it seems Cara did worse than Tori. I wonder how exactly Tori could’ve gotten third. I’m still holding onto hope cause based off the placings and shit it seems off.
I swear though it seems Cara did worse than Tori. I wonder how exactly Tori could’ve gotten third. I’m still holding onto hope cause based off the placings and shit it seems off.
Cara beat her in the stone gathering, mountain climb, and totem puzzle. Tori beat her in the puzzle and ball throwing thing. Outside of that the only things we saw were so close in terms of time they probably didn't have much of an effect.
I swear though it seems Cara did worse than Tori. I wonder how exactly Tori could’ve gotten third. I’m still holding onto hope cause based off the placings and shit it seems off.
Cara beat her in the stone gathering, mountain climb, and totem puzzle. Tori beat her in the puzzle and ball throwing thing. Outside of that the only things we saw were so close in terms of time they probably didn't have much of an effect.
also remember the editing could make the times seem shorter or longer than they really were. I think both of them were neck and neck with Camila in the clear lead
Tbone123 wrote:I swear though it seems Cara did worse than Tori. I wonder how exactly Tori could’ve gotten third. I’m still holding onto hope cause based off the placings and shit it seems off.
Cara beat her in the stone gathering, mountain climb, and totem puzzle. Tori beat her in the puzzle and ball throwing thing. Outside of that the only things we saw were so close in terms of time they probably didn't have much of an effect.
also remember the editing could make the times seem shorter or longer than they really were. I think both of them were neck and neck with Camila in the clear lead
Jordan supposedly said other things were cut from the final, so it’s possible Cara outperformed her in those checkpoints. I mean Cara herself claimed her and Tori’s times were really close at the reunion
Im saying. How the hell could Tori have gotten 3rd place. Like I’m really hoping they filmed more than one outcome and placings and be extra. I rather then be extra and surprise us than not to at all.
Imagine inviting Camila back after watching her behavior on this season...... Whoever had that bright idea should be fired ASAP. Produciton is TRASH for rewarding that behavior.
Not the only time they did that (see Bananas taking Sarah's money).
Wasn't it said tori got 3rd anyway? lmaoo i'm desperate for trash to lose too
Honestly it's pretty clear Jordan won so in my mind he's the ONLY winner of this season.
champion of the dirty 30.
its actually crazy that i wanted him to come back so badly, and he did and won. thats accomplishment right there <3
I swear though it seems Cara did worse than Tori. I wonder how exactly Tori could’ve gotten third. I’m still holding onto hope cause based off the placings and shit it seems off.
Cara beat her in the stone gathering, mountain climb, and totem puzzle. Tori beat her in the puzzle and ball throwing thing. Outside of that the only things we saw were so close in terms of time they probably didn't have much of an effect.
also remember the editing could make the times seem shorter or longer than they really were. I think both of them were neck and neck with Camila in the clear lead
Tori beat cara in finale run too
Jordan supposedly said other things were cut from the final, so it’s possible Cara outperformed her in those checkpoints. I mean Cara herself claimed her and Tori’s times were really close at the reunion
Wait, did I just read that Derrick hooked up with Camila?? Seriously?
Im saying. How the hell could Tori have gotten 3rd place. Like I’m really hoping they filmed more than one outcome and placings and be extra. I rather then be extra and surprise us than not to at all.
Considering his ex-wife, it seems he has a type.
Camila and Jordan won. There's not a doubt.
Tori being third tho seems off
ITA and he did a GREAT job of keeping it real, what a JOKE when CARA tried to pull rank. B PULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!! DETOX
anyhoo.. YES Jordan won and he did NOT have a CARA weight around his neck. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Jordan
Not the only time they did that (see Bananas taking Sarah's money).
Are they airing the finale (and revealing the winners) this upcoming Tuesday?
Jordan & Camila won.
RIP ⚰️
Yay jordan, idk the other one
keep it
******* BOMBSHELL. ***** looks ******* AMAZING. Production needs to find some way to introduce the robbed Queen into the franchise.
Marie ***** I love you but why did you have to rob us of Victoria
the girl who would had Caras life flashing before her eyes.
Daily reminder Amanda Godcia is on our screens tonight
And the "official" winners STILL haven't been revealed yet we already know the winner of Vendettas lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
We know one is Jordan at least......
Gamer aren't you making your first official appearance tonight too?