The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 - Jordan Wiseley

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Jordan is one of the most attractive males who have been on the challenge. Plus he good competitor. He can always come back ❤

King! He knows Cryer ain't shit.

I love him! he really shut Cara Maria down!! and he slayed the purge last night <3 can't wait for the final.

I love him! he really shut Cara Maria down!! and he slayed the purge last night <3 can't wait for the final.

I love him! he really shut Cara Maria down!! and he slayed the purge last night <3 can't wait for the final.

He didn't slay the purge. 

I like Jordan and don't like him at the same time. I loved it when he went after Bananas, seemingly a little on Rivals 2 but more so on Free Agents. Then he kind of seemed to take Bananas side against Wes on BOTE2 and seems to be a Waluigi type evil villain. I kind of feel the same way about Kailah. I want to like her because I like Jenna, but I often don't like her because of the way she is to Hunter (and now Cara) but also because of her in general. 

WHY did this trashbox have to come back? He should've taken that money that his sugar daddy Tyler Perry was tricking on him with & done something useful/productive.He has a face that begs to be punched with an awful personality to go along with it, in addition to that tragic mustache he's rocking. Ol' Theodore Roosevelt looking *** boy.

Even though I like Jordan, I always laugh at how much you hate him.

King making it back in the game and getting a guarenteed spot in the final>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Him Dragging CM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This season has made me love Jordan. He's spot on when talking about Cara and Camila. 

I like Jordan and don't like him at the same time.

Basically this 

Id like him better if he was gay or bi tbh. 

Id like him better if he was gay or bi tbh. 

With his shitty political views, the gays don’t want him. Trust.

He didn't slay the purge. 

ummm, he killed running part, box thing, flopped puzzle bc his one piece was missing

he did good

Challenge 17 wrote:

Id like him better if he was gay or bi tbh. 

With his shitty political views, the gays don't want him. Trust.

It's internalized ****phobia. Jordan is a ****.

AlwaysAMess wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:Id like him better if he was gay or bi tbh. 

With his shitty political views, the gays don't want him. Trust.

It's internalized ****phobia. Jordan is a ****.

There's family issues there too, they hinted about it on rw but wouldn't out right say it.

tfunny wrote:

I love him! he really shut Cara Maria down!! and he slayed the purge last night <3 can't wait for the final.

He didn't slay. CT arrived after him and finished well before him. Cara finished well before him. Tori finished well before him. If she hadn't of helped him, he would've still been standing at that podium. LOL As for him shutting Cara up he has just been attacking her and throwing low blows. Laughed my tookus off and Kailah saying they would talk when she chose.

Cara stans are upset that Jordan gets her so mad because he's right about her :/

Cara stans are upset that Jordan gets her so mad because he's right about her :/

for real LOL they can hate on Jordan all they want... his record is far better than Cara's...

In the closet

Cara stans are upset that Jordan gets her so mad because he's right about her :/

But Cara finished before Jordan. Poor Tori was being held back by Jordan.

KChallenge10 wrote:

Cara stans are upset that Jordan gets her so mad because he's right about her :/

for real LOL they can hate on Jordan all they want... his record is far better than Cara's...

KChallenge10 wrote:

Cara stans are upset that Jordan gets her so mad because he's right about her :/

But Cara finished before Jordan. Poor Tori was being held back by Jordan.

How was Jordan holding back her? Watch running part and box, he was first guy there

He flopped in puzzle bc he was missing a piece

I think Jordan just likes to tear women down. He's a mean person. And he doesn't even make sense half the time. He's claiming that no one would want Cara (arguably the strongest girl) as a partner in the final. He puts it down to her being too emotional. That's fine, but then you're going to say you would prefer the much more emotional and spazzy hothead Camilla who yells and yells? Makes no sense.

And for you people who are loving him for the things he's said to Cara. Jordan is no better than Cara. He is condescending and arrogant as hell. They both butts heads because they both have giant egos. Jordan just thinks it's only okay for guys to have egos because he's a sexist.

I think Jordan just likes to tear women down. He's a mean person. And he doesn't even make sense half the time. He's claiming that no one would want Cara (arguably the strongest girl) as a partner in the final. He puts it down to her being too emotional. That's fine, but then you're going to say you would prefer the much more emotional and spazzy hothead Camilla who yells and yells? Makes no sense.And for you people who are loving him for the things he's said to Cara. Jordan is no better than Cara. He is condescending and arrogant as hell. They both butts heads because they both have giant egos. Jordan just thinks it's only okay for guys to have egos because he's a sexist.

Let me make this clear. I am no stan of anyone. I call Cara on her stuff which is alot. She freaks out way too much, but all of them do. And Jordan has a problem with women who will not accept his BS. It's why he and Nia don't get along. It's why he and most of the girls do NOT get along. If Jordan spoke the way he did to anyone but Cara, everyone would hate him. It's their hatred for Cara (reverse-stanning) that makes Jordan so great in their eyes and makes it okay. It isn't okay to try to tear someone down personally. That is what Camilla does and everyone hates it. It is what Jordan does. It is what Laurel did to Paula and EZ. It is NOT okay to try to tear people down personally. What Jordan said wasn't true as shown by every guy preferring Cara to Jenna or Kailah. And Jordan never, ever does that to any of the guys. He would not dare. He picks on women. I agree Cara makes herself a very easy target and her going from a rug (allowing herself to be walked all over) to her new IDGAF attitude has made her much more unlikeable (very similar to Kailah's) this season.

Regardless would you want Jordan speaking to your sister, mother or daughter the way he speaks to many of the women? I wouldn't. He inserted himself into a discussion that didn't include him. He involved himself in girl drama to attack Cara. Because he has issue with her. None of the other guys did that. Not Tony who has stronger ties, not CT and not Derrick. Just Jordan and just at Cara Maria. He never went at Camilla like that. Camilla came at the girls stronger than Cara Maria ever did, and he said NOTHING. Jordan is a mean, hurtful, abusive guy who people allow to do it because he doesn't do it to men. Look at how mean he was to Jessica during his season. 

Camille wrote:

I think Jordan just likes to tear women down. He's a mean person. And he doesn't even make sense half the time. He's claiming that no one would want Cara (arguably the strongest girl) as a partner in the final. He puts it down to her being too emotional. That's fine, but then you're going to say you would prefer the much more emotional and spazzy hothead Camilla who yells and yells? Makes no sense.And for you people who are loving him for the things he's said to Cara. Jordan is no better than Cara. He is condescending and arrogant as hell. They both butts heads because they both have giant egos. Jordan just thinks it's only okay for guys to have egos because he's a sexist.

Let me make this clear. I am no stan of anyone. I call Cara on her stuff which is alot. She freaks out way too much, but all of them do. And Jordan has a problem with women who will not accept his BS. It's why he and Nia don't get along. It's why he and most of the girls do NOT get along. If Jordan spoke the way he did to anyone but Cara, everyone would hate him. It's their hatred for Cara (reverse-stanning) that makes Jordan so great in their eyes and makes it okay. It isn't okay to try to tear someone down personally. That is what Camilla does and everyone hates it. It is what Jordan does. It is what Laurel did to Paula and EZ. It is NOT okay to try to tear people down personally. What Jordan said wasn't true as shown by every guy preferring Cara to Jenna or Kailah. And Jordan never, ever does that to any of the guys. He would not dare. He picks on women. I agree Cara makes herself a very easy target and her going from a rug (allowing herself to be walked all over) to her new IDGAF attitude has made her much more unlikeable (very similar to Kailah's) this season.Regardless would you want Jordan speaking to your sister, mother or daughter the way he speaks to many of the women? I wouldn't. He inserted himself into a discussion that didn't include him. He involved himself in girl drama to attack Cara. Because he has issue with her. None of the other guys did that. Not Tony who has stronger ties, not CT and not Derrick. Just Jordan and just at Cara Maria. He never went at Camilla like that. Camilla came at the girls stronger than Cara Maria ever did, and he said NOTHING. Jordan is a mean, hurtful, abusive guy who people allow to do it because he doesn't do it to men. Look at how mean he was to Jessica during his season. 


Camille wrote:

I think Jordan just likes to tear women down. He's a mean person. And he doesn't even make sense half the time. He's claiming that no one would want Cara (arguably the strongest girl) as a partner in the final. He puts it down to her being too emotional. That's fine, but then you're going to say you would prefer the much more emotional and spazzy hothead Camilla who yells and yells? Makes no sense.And for you people who are loving him for the things he's said to Cara. Jordan is no better than Cara. He is condescending and arrogant as hell. They both butts heads because they both have giant egos. Jordan just thinks it's only okay for guys to have egos because he's a sexist.

Let me make this clear. I am no stan of anyone. I call Cara on her stuff which is alot. She freaks out way too much, but all of them do. And Jordan has a problem with women who will not accept his BS. It's why he and Nia don't get along. It's why he and most of the girls do NOT get along. If Jordan spoke the way he did to anyone but Cara, everyone would hate him. It's their hatred for Cara (reverse-stanning) that makes Jordan so great in their eyes and makes it okay. It isn't okay to try to tear someone down personally. That is what Camilla does and everyone hates it. It is what Jordan does. It is what Laurel did to Paula and EZ. It is NOT okay to try to tear people down personally. What Jordan said wasn't true as shown by every guy preferring Cara to Jenna or Kailah. And Jordan never, ever does that to any of the guys. He would not dare. He picks on women. I agree Cara makes herself a very easy target and her going from a rug (allowing herself to be walked all over) to her new IDGAF attitude has made her much more unlikeable (very similar to Kailah's) this season.Regardless would you want Jordan speaking to your sister, mother or daughter the way he speaks to many of the women? I wouldn't. He inserted himself into a discussion that didn't include him. He involved himself in girl drama to attack Cara. Because he has issue with her. None of the other guys did that. Not Tony who has stronger ties, not CT and not Derrick. Just Jordan and just at Cara Maria. He never went at Camilla like that. Camilla came at the girls stronger than Cara Maria ever did, and he said NOTHING. Jordan is a mean, hurtful, abusive guy who people allow to do it because he doesn't do it to men. Look at how mean he was to Jessica during his season. 

ummm how many times have people talked shit to Jordan? LOL claiming he's being sexist... all he did was defend his reasoning behind sending her to redemption. 1. he didnt want to run with her int ihe final 2. she had said his name multiple times to go into elimination. THATS ALL. she wanted to act petty for his decision. i would've acted teh same way if someone did that to me too.

Camille wrote:

I think Jordan just likes to tear women down. He's a mean person. And he doesn't even make sense half the time. He's claiming that no one would want Cara (arguably the strongest girl) as a partner in the final. He puts it down to her being too emotional. That's fine, but then you're going to say you would prefer the much more emotional and spazzy hothead Camilla who yells and yells? Makes no sense.And for you people who are loving him for the things he's said to Cara. Jordan is no better than Cara. He is condescending and arrogant as hell. They both butts heads because they both have giant egos. Jordan just thinks it's only okay for guys to have egos because he's a sexist.

Let me make this clear. I am no stan of anyone. I call Cara on her stuff which is alot. She freaks out way too much, but all of them do. And Jordan has a problem with women who will not accept his BS. It's why he and Nia don't get along. It's why he and most of the girls do NOT get along. If Jordan spoke the way he did to anyone but Cara, everyone would hate him. It's their hatred for Cara (reverse-stanning) that makes Jordan so great in their eyes and makes it okay. It isn't okay to try to tear someone down personally. That is what Camilla does and everyone hates it. It is what Jordan does. It is what Laurel did to Paula and EZ. It is NOT okay to try to tear people down personally. What Jordan said wasn't true as shown by every guy preferring Cara to Jenna or Kailah. And Jordan never, ever does that to any of the guys. He would not dare. He picks on women. I agree Cara makes herself a very easy target and her going from a rug (allowing herself to be walked all over) to her new IDGAF attitude has made her much more unlikeable (very similar to Kailah's) this season.Regardless would you want Jordan speaking to your sister, mother or daughter the way he speaks to many of the women? I wouldn't. He inserted himself into a discussion that didn't include him. He involved himself in girl drama to attack Cara. Because he has issue with her. None of the other guys did that. Not Tony who has stronger ties, not CT and not Derrick. Just Jordan and just at Cara Maria. He never went at Camilla like that. Camilla came at the girls stronger than Cara Maria ever did, and he said NOTHING. Jordan is a mean, hurtful, abusive guy who people allow to do it because he doesn't do it to men. Look at how mean he was to Jessica during his season. 

Now I don't have a problem with Jordan wanting Cara gone for voting him in. That's perfectly understandable. And Cara does act like a child, but that doesn't mean Jordan is so great. I'm just saying I think sometimes he just says things to be rude and tear down a female when they aren't even true, like when he was running his yap at LaToya (who hilariously shut him down) and calling Ashley M weak. And this season claiming nobody wants Cara as a partner because of her temperament but he claimed he wanted Camilla, who has a worse temperament. Makes no sense. He was just saying that for the sake of his argument because as Nicole said, he always has to be right and talk down to people.

And Veronica and Jemmye have confirmed that Jordan said multiple sexist things and that's the real reason Aneesa yelled to him that he owes every woman an apology. But I think that's just the way Jordan was raised. From what Sarah said, he grew up with a father who was like that, so maybe he doesn't know how to deal with women who are nearly as aggressive and confident as he is.

Foofalina wrote:

Camille wrote:I think Jordan just likes to tear women down. He's a mean person. And he doesn't even make sense half the time. He's claiming that no one would want Cara (arguably the strongest girl) as a partner in the final. He puts it down to her being too emotional. That's fine, but then you're going to say you would prefer the much more emotional and spazzy hothead Camilla who yells and yells? Makes no sense.And for you people who are loving him for the things he's said to Cara. Jordan is no better than Cara. He is condescending and arrogant as hell. They both butts heads because they both have giant egos. Jordan just thinks it's only okay for guys to have egos because he's a sexist.

Let me make this clear. I am no stan of anyone. I call Cara on her stuff which is alot. She freaks out way too much, but all of them do. And Jordan has a problem with women who will not accept his BS. It's why he and Nia don't get along. It's why he and most of the girls do NOT get along. If Jordan spoke the way he did to anyone but Cara, everyone would hate him. It's their hatred for Cara (reverse-stanning) that makes Jordan so great in their eyes and makes it okay. It isn't okay to try to tear someone down personally. That is what Camilla does and everyone hates it. It is what Jordan does. It is what Laurel did to Paula and EZ. It is NOT okay to try to tear people down personally. What Jordan said wasn't true as shown by every guy preferring Cara to Jenna or Kailah. And Jordan never, ever does that to any of the guys. He would not dare. He picks on women. I agree Cara makes herself a very easy target and her going from a rug (allowing herself to be walked all over) to her new IDGAF attitude has made her much more unlikeable (very similar to Kailah's) this season.Regardless would you want Jordan speaking to your sister, mother or daughter the way he speaks to many of the women? I wouldn't. He inserted himself into a discussion that didn't include him. He involved himself in girl drama to attack Cara. Because he has issue with her. None of the other guys did that. Not Tony who has stronger ties, not CT and not Derrick. Just Jordan and just at Cara Maria. He never went at Camilla like that. Camilla came at the girls stronger than Cara Maria ever did, and he said NOTHING. Jordan is a mean, hurtful, abusive guy who people allow to do it because he doesn't do it to men. Look at how mean he was to Jessica during his season. 

Now I don't have a problem with Jordan wanting Cara gone for voting him in. That's perfectly understandable. And Cara does act like a child, but that doesn't mean Jordan is so great. I'm just saying I think sometimes he just says things to be rude and tear down a female when they aren't even true, like when he was running his yap at LaToya (who hilariously shut him down) and calling Ashley M weak. And this season claiming nobody wants Cara as a partner because of her temperament but he claimed he wanted Camilla, who has a worse temperament. Makes no sense. He was just saying that for the sake of his argument because as Nicole said, he always has to be right and talk down to people.And Veronica and Jemmye have confirmed that Jordan said multiple sexist things and that's the real reason Aneesa yelled to him that he owes every woman an apology. But I think that's just the way Jordan was raised. From what Sarah said, he grew up with a father who was like that, so maybe he doesn't know how to deal with women who are nearly as aggressive and confident as he is.

Hes dealing with them just fine you over analytical psycho, jesus christ are you writing a book on him?

bum hand, bum knee, warrior mindset. Get that green Jordy
