She got fooled by Ryan of all people--she needs to go home.It's all about Desi and Ben now.
desi is too irrelevant to be a winner
Michelle was pretty irrelevant at this point in the game
I checked edgic just for you,
Michelle: CP2 UTR2 UTR1 UTRP1 CP2
While Michele never attended a tribal premerge she got to introduce herself (I remember her saying she's bartender and makes bonds with people or stuff like that) and got a raise of airtime after the swap, while Desi... All I know about her is that she participated in beauty pageants lol.
I love these after tribal, pre-title scenes. I can't remeber what season they were added, but I've always been a fan. It does a great job of setting up the episode.
That pizza looks like it's worth playing for.
I hope you’re joking....
I mean compared to a few scoops of warm white rice, most things are
I was just pointing out that Jeff is going to say..."Is it worth playing for?" and everyone will nod accordingly.
lol. Well played
Survivor Pizza always looks like shit. But I'm sure after 7 days with just rice and maybe a bite of fish you caught yourself, anything looks good.
I’d prefer a frozen Tombstone pizza to that tbh
Again, you're starving eating small amounts of flavorless rice. The pizza could have tuna on it and they'd want it
One of those small *** build-a-pizzas you get from Your Pie or Blaze lmaooooo I'm hoping they get to have as many as they can eat. One doesn't cut it.
Hoping Ali stays safe tonight!!
If those are kalamata olives I’m in af
From what I saw in a preview, 1st place team gets 10 pizzas, second place gets one.
Who are yall predicting will say tonight's episode title? Who's getting the boot?
Ali needs to go home
I'm hoping Ryan or Joe but not counting on it.
It sounds like a Jeff episode title tbh
Desi/Joe/Ryan boot episode
excuse me??
She got fooled by Ryan of all people--she needs to go home.
It's all about Desi and Ben now.
desi is too irrelevant to be a winner
riggghhttt lol im still tryna figure if theres a desi on this season
Michelle was pretty irrelevant at this point in the game
but Michelle was always interjected into the narrative even if it was expositional. Desi isn't.
I checked edgic just for you,
Michelle: CP2 UTR2 UTR1 UTRP1 CP2
While Michele never attended a tribal premerge she got to introduce herself (I remember her saying she's bartender and makes bonds with people or stuff like that) and got a raise of airtime after the swap, while Desi... All I know about her is that she participated in beauty pageants lol.
I didn't even know Desi did beauty pageants. She is a pretty girl tho.
Has everyone gone to tribal at least once now? Or are there still some Healers who haven't gone?
Cole and Jessica haven't gone yet.
I think she talked about it. If not I take that from outside the game lol
I love these after tribal, pre-title scenes. I can't remeber what season they were added, but I've always been a fan. It does a great job of setting up the episode.
**** Ryan