90's House

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Patrick cute as hell.

Dash_Vegas wrote:

Wow her names is actually Sha'Monique...

There's also Lexus, I swear these names are killing me

Lol! I just saw... Why do parents insists on giving birth to children, then intentially, putting them at a disadvantage in life? 

go awf traevanana

I still love Chase Payne, it sounds like it would be a character in a cheesy 90s action movie

Challenge 17 wrote:

Dash_Vegas wrote:Wow her names is actually Sha'Monique...

There's also Lexus, I swear these names are killing me

Lol! I just saw... Why do parents insists on giving birth to children, then intentially, putting them at a disadvantage in life? 

Prince is the worst

Patrick is adorable 

u guys do know patrick eats crayons right

Trevana & Prince>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Prince lmaoo

Trevana & Prince>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

that money skit was wack as hell 

Patrick is hot but annoying and he looks Latino but unaware he's Latino. 

Wait Trevana is everything too. She plays no games

Aww he's gonna cry. 

ugh i stg if trevana goes home 

Boo, mark sucks

This show can’t be real. 

ok this shit is cancelled 

I’m sold. Tuning in again. That trailer was LIVVVEEE.

I really wanted queenvana to stay but Mark seems to be causing all kinds of shit *******

Mark's ***** *** was crying in every scene they showed of him in the trailer. 

I’m sold. Tuning in again. That trailer was LIVVVEEE.

I was hoping the "challenges" would be like an easier version of the challenge, but with 90s theme, like a twister puzzle 

ok mark needs to goooo im mad trevana is gone like that.  i guess i’m rooting for shamonqiue and lexus

TEAVANNA was short lived. Peace girl 

This is more top model esque, pissed about Trevana

Rooting for Jenielle and Prince tho <3333

When Lexus & Steph curry win bloodlines 2

we were robbed of trevana i’m forever going to be salty about this 

Honestly this show is fun. I'm definetly going to try and keep up with it.
