Crazy to think that the possible male winner got lucky that production allowed two guys to return. I wonder if it was a team decision that got CT/CM sent into redemption. I don't think Tony would have wanted to do CT by himself. Great job for actually having the balls to do it.Looks like Hunter will get the underdog route this season starting this week...
Crazy to think that the possible male winner got lucky that production allowed two guys to return. I wonder if it was a team decision that got CT/CM sent into redemption. I don't think Tony would have wanted to do CT by himself. Great job for actually having the balls to do it.Looks like Hunter will get the underdog route this season starting this week...
Atleast it was the 2 that didn't lost an elimination on the first place
PinkRose wrote:
schaboszczak wrote:I wonder in what mission brit, v and kailah beat cm, camila and jenna lol
I think they were in the same team with Tony and Jordan. Teams of 5 maybe?I wonder if Aneesa was still in the main house or already in redemption.
It's still tragic team lol. So Cara beat V, Brit, Aneesa and Jem in puzzle redemption?
Yes, Cara beat them brit/Jemmye were kind of close veronica did really bad on it for some reason.
wow so this means Jordan did not lose any eliminations my king <3 he was automatically sent straight to redemption by Hunter, whihc makes sense since he pulled the double xxx and sent in Hunter last week.
wow so this means Jordan did not lose any eliminations my king <3 he was automatically sent straight to redemption by Hunter, whihc makes sense since he pulled the double xxx and sent in Hunter last then who did CT lose to?
CT was sent straight to redemption by Jordan and Tony
At least the season will pick up, but so far things have being pretty boring besides the redemption challenge, Jemmye screwing Jenna over and Jordan vs. Ammo.18-20 episodes are totally justified now considering how much stuff will happen still lol
this redemption thing has me all confused
her and jemmeye made it farther than i thought they would
The order not 100% confirmed after the ANeesa/Hunter rejoining the game that's just my assumption
ohhh gotcha makes more sense now
I wonder in what mission brit, v and kailah beat cm, camila and jenna lol
I think they were in the same team with Tony and Jordan. Teams of 5 maybe?
I wonder if Aneesa was still in the main house or already in redemption.
Lmaooooo Legend Veronica has only ever been eliminated by Queen KellyAnne. ******* ICON. Your favs could never in 9 seasons....
Damn so V has only been eliminated once. She's won some missions, eliminated Aneesa, AND didn't get eliminated. #Queen
So, we only need to know who whooped Dario's *** and that's it for eliminations, right?
Tony did
Tony beat Dario
Wow so this is the first season Cara never saw an elimination? Bummer. I wanted her to add onto her record this season.
You're quick gorgeous, well done!
nicole commented and said there's the video footage to cara.. what is this about?
It's still tragic team lol. So Cara beat V, Brit, Aneesa and Jem in puzzle redemption?
I was hoping Brit would finish V in elimination but I can take it lol
Crazy to think that the possible male winner got lucky that production allowed two guys to return. I wonder if it was a team decision that got CT/CM sent into redemption. I don't think Tony would have wanted to do CT by himself. Great job for actually having the balls to do it.Looks like Hunter will get the underdog route this season starting this week...
She lost her redemption which was basically an elimination? No?
Wouldn't the redemption be consider a 4 way elimination?
Technically yes, but people refused to count it same as the Bloodbath last season.
Atleast it was the 2 that didn't lost an elimination on the first place
Yes, Cara beat them brit/Jemmye were kind of close veronica did really bad on it for some reason.
Sending people into redemption just because you won missions is bs imo
Has anyone else noticed that video with Nicole, on the official ig page, got like 120k views while they usually gets like 50k? lmaoo #RatingsQueen
Hell no, this was the easiest way to get rid of them without an elimination round.
on the other hand I'm glad they did it again and not only for the first mission. That would be complete bs
wow so this means Jordan did not lose any eliminations
my king <3 he was automatically sent straight to redemption by Hunter, whihc makes sense since he pulled the double xxx and sent in Hunter last week.
so then who did CT lose to?
You forgot she got eliminated by Smashley even if its from a spinoff
PinkRose you hinted very early in the process that CT and Kailah won a physical part of a bloodbath. where do you think this will be played?
CT was sent straight to redemption by Jordan and Tony
At least the season will pick up, but so far things have being pretty boring besides the redemption challenge, Jemmye screwing Jenna over and Jordan vs. Ammo.18-20 episodes are totally justified now considering how much stuff will happen still lol
Thank you spoiler team for all the work!