Game of Thrones - Episode Discussion

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Immaculate *** trailer

Yo **** Danysaurus Rex terrible character on the show may as well rename the show DANYWINSLOL

So who watched the Throne premiere!?

that was kind of boring for the most part. best parts of the episode i felt was the opening scene and then the hound staring into the fire. 

so tired of dany

I agree it was kind of slow and a bit boring. Arya absolutely stole the episode with her scenes though. ❤️


zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the worst ruler in the ******* show is about to win everything. the book reader in me hates myself for watching but i need to see the white walkers tear shit up

LETS END THE EPISODE WITH ANOTHER "EPIC" DANY SCENE OF HER WALKING FOR 5 MINUTES **** YEAH zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the worst ruler in the ******* show is about to win everything. the book reader in me hates myself for watching but i need to see the white walkers tear shit up

Dany wasn't meant to be a ruler, she was meant to be a savior. Wink

I like Dany as a character, I do. But I too am tired of some of her antics/arc that seem repetitive. 

Arya owned this episode, Sansa, per usual annoyed me to no end. Question for the room though; is it safe to assume that was Jorah who was asking Sam about Dany from his cell? It seemed obvious to me, but my friends were all unsure when watching

I didn't like the Ed Sheeran cameo. It was too obvious and didn't add much

yes i think that was 100% jorah. 

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

LETS END THE EPISODE WITH ANOTHER "EPIC" DANY SCENE OF HER WALKING FOR 5 MINUTES **** YEAH zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the worst ruler in the ******* show is about to win everything. the book reader in me hates myself for watching but i need to see the white walkers tear shit up

Dany wasn't meant to be a ruler, she was meant to be a savior. Wink

would be great if she dies honestly. if she lives and rules at the end replay value of this show for me will be at 0

I loved the episode but that 20 min montage of Sam cleaning shit was disgusting and annoying. And so was Ed Damn Sheeran.

Arya and Dany ruled per usual. Jon is boring like always. Sansa is better than before. And the hound is frigin Awesome. Cersei is a great villain and Jaime a great anti-hero. Euron is just irritating. 

I felt this episode was fine. They needed to set everything up before we get to the good stuff.

With only 7 episodes this season they sure did waste a lot of time. The Sam montage was unnecessary only for him to learn something he had already known. I could have also done without the Arya and Lannister soldiers scene.

I have this whole series on my hard drive and only ever made it through 4 episodes...

Ugh I'm so upset with Theon. I just can't see how he can redeem himself.

Ugh I'm so upset with Theon. I just can't see how he can redeem himself.

He's going to kill Euron. I can already tell that's what they're setting up.

I loved this episode though!!

Euron is a ******* psycho and I LOVE it. I was worried they weren't going to have enough time for his character considering they set him up so late into season 6.

Dany really really really ******* annoyed me tonight. And that's coming from someone who loves her.

I have this whole series on my hard drive and only ever made it through 4 episodes...

this is why we will eventually divorce... there is somethng fundamentally wrong with you. I tried to overlook the not liking football nonsense but this, this is too much... we need couples counseling

I loved this episode though!!Euron is a ******* psycho and I LOVE it. I was worried they weren't going to have enough time for his character considering they set him up so late into season 6.Dany really really really ******* annoyed me tonight. And that's coming from someone who loves her.

We need to discuss Dany,  you and I and the arrival of Jon...

It is funny to me that people don't see the end clearly... Does anyone else think Jamie will be the one to kill Cersei? I don't know what will lead to it but I have a feeling it will be a cruel to be kind moment and he will do it himself rather than let someone else harm her.

Klounsnax2.0 wrote:

I have this whole series on my hard drive and only ever made it through 4 episodes...

this is why we will eventually divorce... there is somethng fundamentally wrong with you. I tried to overlook the not liking football nonsense but this, this is too much... we need couples counseling

LurkerNoMore wrote:

I loved this episode though!!Euron is a ******* psycho and I LOVE it. I was worried they weren't going to have enough time for his character considering they set him up so late into season 6.Dany really really really ******* annoyed me tonight. And that's coming from someone who loves her.

We need to discuss Dany,  you and I and the arrival of Jon...It is funny to me that people don't see the end clearly... Does anyone else think Jamie will be the one to kill Cersei? I don't know what will lead to it but I have a feeling it will be a cruel to be kind moment and he will do it himself rather than let someone else harm her.

And his sword will become Lightbringer in the process.

About time they portrayed Euron as hes suppose to be portrayed

melm3 wrote:

Ugh I'm so upset with Theon. I just can't see how he can redeem himself.

He's going to kill Euron. I can already tell that's what they're setting up.

He better and rescue Yara because I'm done with his character. Lol

Semi got me SHOOK

It would be nice if Jamie killed Cersei but I'd much rather it be Arya so she can finally finish her list.

Euron is the villain we all deserve.

I'm still having a hard time with the pacing honestly. The only thing that's actually happened in the last two episodes is Eurons attack. I just feel like things are being dragged out too long 

I'm still having a hard time with the pacing honestly. The only thing that's actually happened in the last two episodes is Eurons attack. I just feel like things are being dragged out too long 

littlefinger just took control of the North wym

BabyGOAT wrote:

I'm still having a hard time with the pacing honestly. The only thing that's actually happened in the last two episodes is Eurons attack. I just feel like things are being dragged out too long 

littlefinger just took control of the North wym

Eh him and Sansa just keep staring at each other and it's quite underwhelming 

It would be nice if Jamie killed Cersei but I'd much rather it be Arya so she can finally finish her list.

Cersei prophecy said she will outlast her children and die by the hands of little brother. So she gonna die by the hands of Tyrion or Jamie

Jon makes it to Dragonstone next episode, hopefully Bran and Arya make it to Winterfell too

and Sam prob gonna find out Jon Snow is Targaryen before Bran tells him

 Wonder how Bran is going to interact with others, is he gonna tell them he is three eyed raven
