They're literally begging for something to flop lmaooooo they see that they've been on a roll & want to sabotage it by any means necessary. Who is going to watch that shit? The casual fan base isn't THAT rabid but we'll see.....
I want to know who was the one that came up with this Hills type of show lol Who was even asking for them to make a show like that? It's so random lolA real world all stars or re all girl all star by type would better.Here is the video of Sarah spilling tea:
Like what are they getting at & what's the purpose? So they're going to have Camila/Cory/Jordan faking storylines & moving to NY?
I don't understand why they're using people that we ALREADY see on the ******* challenge. It's overkill for no ******* reason at all. Like Graphik said. The fanbase ain't that good for this type of thing. They're jumping the gun and they need to fall back a little bit.
Like worry about getting the challenge to a million viewer's before you do shit like this. I bet you money noone is going to watch this.
Devy and Jordan Wiseley as of now are locks for the "hills" spinoff show. With some family or friends Other names being thrown around Jenna, Cory, Camila.
How is it going to work if they don't even live in the same city?
Devy and Jordan Wiseley as of now are locks for the "hills" spinoff show. With some family or friends Other names being thrown around Jenna, Cory, Camila.
How is it going to work if they don't even live in the same city?
Right now we have heard about ppl all over not necessarily NY and LA. I wouldnt be shock if some how or some way Tony/Alyssa/Madison and shane R end on this
I still don't get the concept of the show lolRight now we have heard about ppl all over not necessarily NY and LA. I wouldnt be shock if some how or some way Tony/Alyssa/Madison and shane R end on this
I'm not saying this because they have children, but could it be a teen mom format? when they just send camera crews to some people for a few weeks.
They need Nia to save this from flopping. If you are going for The Hills then you need Nia Moore who will play Kristin Cavallari like no other.
They need The Queen to save everything.... plus she can have an actual storyline of her getting her Chef empire up & running.....something different than the bullshit that I know Camila & Cory will be involved in.
They need Nia to save this from flopping. If you are going for The Hills then you need Nia Moore who will play Kristin Cavallari like no other.
They need The Queen to save everything.... plus she can have an actual storyline of her getting her Chef empire up & running.....something different than the bullshit that I know Camila & Cory will be involved in.
Zzz tbh idc about seeing any of this ppl real life lol
Why do they continue to shove Camila down our throats? Who is she sucking off in production? That person in production is probably someone in a serious relationship too lol
If they're on this that means they shouldn't be asked for the next season of The Challenge. It's overkill x1000
We all know that john, female john, and John's new fwb cara will be on every single season. Like is it so hard to give us fans variety?
Apparently yes. Because you know if MTV ever do a show that didn't include those tired *** vets people will have nervous *** breakdown and won't watch.
Camila, Cory, Jordan, Devyn/Devin(Sarah says)
Yeah I'm skipping this lol
They're literally begging for something to flop lmaooooo they see that they've been on a roll & want to sabotage it by any means necessary. Who is going to watch that shit? The casual fan base isn't THAT rabid but we'll see.....
Wouldn't happen but a Road Rules mini spin off with Darrell, Shane, Derrick, Abram, Tina, Veronica, and Cara Z would be a dream show of mine.
Like what are they getting at & what's the purpose? So they're going to have Camila/Cory/Jordan faking storylines & moving to NY?
I don't understand why they're using people that we ALREADY see on the ******* challenge. It's overkill for no ******* reason at all. Like Graphik said. The fanbase ain't that good for this type of thing. They're jumping the gun and they need to fall back a little bit.
Like worry about getting the challenge to a million viewer's before you do shit like this. I bet you money noone is going to watch this.
There can be some unexpected surprises to shake this offbased on what I have heard #Crossingfingers
Southern charm was successful, so who knows this may work too
Is warrior brittany in the running?
They dont know who is that.
Frank is the surprise lol.
But this shit looks awful.
How is it going to work if they don't even live in the same city?
Cool guess I don't need to watch
No idea lmao
They need Nia to save this from flopping. If you are going for The Hills then you need Nia Moore who will play Kristin Cavallari like no other.
I also think Kailah would be perfect too along with Amanda because they both have this******* pressed.
Unfortunately, I don't think any of the 3 were contacted for this. If they did an Atlanta season it'd be lit. Simone, Nia, CeeJai, Tyara....
I still don't get the concept of the show lol
Right now we have heard about ppl all over not necessarily NY and LA. I wouldnt be shock if some how or some way Tony/Alyssa/Madison and shane R end on this
I'm not saying this because they have children, but could it be a teen mom format? when they just send camera crews to some people for a few weeks.
Life After The Real World starring someone that was never on the real world.
If Camila is on that means we'll have to see Larizzzza. -__-
I am scared about bananas, cara and CT appearing on this lmaooooo
If Camila is on then I am expecting the other 3, I am so over them
They need The Queen to save everything.... plus she can have an actual storyline of her getting her Chef empire up & running.....something different than the bullshit that I know Camila & Cory will be involved in.
If they're on this that means they shouldn't be asked for the next season of The Challenge. It's overkill x1000
Zzz tbh idc about seeing any of this ppl real life lol
Yeah whoever does this they can keep them right at home for C31 but doubt it smh
Probably gonna film the finale of the show as they pack their bags for C31 ugh
I need to see a dancer on RW before this show officially ends.
Why do they continue to shove Camila down our throats? Who is she sucking off in production? That person in production is probably someone in a serious relationship too lol
We all know that john, female john, and John's new fwb cara will be on every single season. Like is it so hard to give us fans variety?
Apparently yes. Because you know if MTV ever do a show that didn't include those tired *** vets people will have nervous *** breakdown and won't watch.