The Challenge: Dirty 30 (Spoilers discussion)

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Is someone running Amanda's twitter? She just tweeted a minute ago.

Yes. She's tweeted a couple times since departure day

It's a shame my wall-less Tori has so you pressed HT ;/. Enjoy the show with her babe cause you gonna have to get use to it Kiss 2

You just loving Tori because it's an unpopular opinion. I know you aint about that Tori stan life Dirol

DisTewMuch wrote:

Is someone running Amanda's twitter? She just tweeted a minute ago.

Unfortunately, yes. 

Imma text Amanda and tell her to slam Jenna extra hard for this comment

It's a shame my wall-less Tori has so you pressed HT ;/. Enjoy the show with her babe cause you gonna have to get use to it Kiss 2

***** why you gotta be like that?


What About Bananas and Tony are they safe?

Nah man, herpes are for life. Oh, you meant in the game?

DisTewMuch wrote:

Is someone running Amanda's twitter? She just tweeted a minute ago.

Unfortunately, yes. 

Tbone123 wrote:

It's a shame my wall-less Tori has so you pressed HT ;/. Enjoy the show with her babe cause you gonna have to get use to it Kiss 2

You just loving Tori because it's an unpopular opinion. I know you aint about that Tori stan life Dirol

But I do though? I honestly **** with her idg what's there to not like about her she ****** 2 trash dudes who gives a ****. She might be a ***** but Idk I love her personality and overall vibe.

HonestTea101 wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:It's a shame my wall-less Tori has so you pressed HT ;/. Enjoy the show with her babe cause you gonna have to get use to it Kiss 2

You just loving Tori because it's an unpopular opinion. I know you aint about that Tori stan life Dirol

But I do though? I honestly **** with her idg what's there to not like about her she ****** 2 trash dudes who gives a ****. She might be a ***** but Idk I love her personality and overall vibe.

Praying for you!

Mr. Hauserman wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

Mr. Hauserman wrote:I better see one of these AYTO guys and girls out first. 

Tori and Derrick. Came as a couple. Leave as a couple.

I mean idk who they are so sure LOL. I won't complain if Cara Maria, Camila, Jenna or Bananas exit first either.

Out of the people you listed Backpack and Camilla can be the first ones gone. #THROWBACKTODUEL1INBACKPACKSCASE

For ******* real.

Btw, throwback to when that user CALLED Amanda's dispensary to see if she was out of the country lmao.

Oh and truthfully, I like Tori too. She see,a like a cool girl to hang out with.

Debut Album wrote:

Mr. Hauserman wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
Mr. Hauserman wrote:I better see one of these AYTO guys and girls out first. 

Tori and Derrick. Came as a couple. Leave as a couple.

I mean idk who they are so sure LOL. I won't complain if Cara Maria, Camila, Jenna or Bananas exit first either.

Out of the people you listed Backpack and Camilla can be the first ones gone. #THROWBACKTODUEL1INBACKPACKSCASE

For ******* real.Btw, throwback to when that user CALLED Amanda's dispensary to see if she was out of the country lmao.

that is just weird...I mean i'm a fan of the show but to call just to get a piece of information a few months beforehand on a tv show? Get a life lol

Tori does seem like a cool chick but they could've left her at home.

Tbone123 wrote:

It's a shame my wall-less Tori has so you pressed HT ;/. Enjoy the show with her babe cause you gonna have to get use to it Kiss 2

You just loving Tori because it's an unpopular opinion. I know you aint about that Tori stan life Dirol

an unpopular opinion here maybe. But let's be honest, people here Stan for the unpopular girls to the general public as a whole 

I don't understand the Tori & Derrick H. hate, we haven't even seen how they compete yet. Honestly Derrick H seems like he can take out a lot of the guys there and Tori seem like she can put up a fight for these girls. I'm not really a fan of either two but give them a chance.

Tori's harmless people just dislike her because she's AYTO. I'm actually rooting for her and Thotlicia. Blum 3

Y'all did all that hyping up last night and I come back and no tea has been spilled or update.

Tori's harmless people just dislike her because she's AYTO. I'm actually rooting for her and Thotlicia. Blum 3

Tori's harmless people just dislike her because she's AYTO. I'm actually rooting for her and Thotlicia. Blum 3

No people hate her because she is fake and is an attention ho. Who tf here cares what show she was on.

LucciVee wrote:

Tori's harmless people just dislike her because she's AYTO. I'm actually rooting for her and Thotlicia. Blum 3

No people hate her because she is fake and is an attention ho. Who tf here cares what show she was on.

and Amanda isn't an attention *****? Like all you gotta do is watch a couple minutes of any season she has been on. Yet she's got delusional stans here. 

Damn, y'all got me shook reading this thread tonight lol hopefully it's Jenna that got sent home cuz that would be the best case scenario 

Rooting for the Road Rulers to make it to the end. Unfornately Veronica most likely won't but I like Darrell and Derrick's chances of making it this time around (since its likely a group team format and both of them are hungry for a win). Road Rules has been on a finals losing streak since Cutthroat (which was the last time we had Road Rulers in the final with Abram and Tori).

CT, Derrick, Darrell and Bananas are the best overall males listed, those guys will likely run the show. I expect strong showings from Hunter, Nelson and Cory (who's improved) though.


Cory? Hunter? Yuck

More like Jordan, Nelson, Leroy, Devin

Jordan is arguably up there with those old schoolers though.

then Cory, Nelson, Hunter, Tony after 

Cory? Hunter? YuckMore like Jordan, Nelson, Leroy, Devin

Hunter was right there with Shane in overall performance in daily missions, and after his embarrassing elimination, I expect him to be more hungry. Cory improved on Invasions, he was subpar in the missions but went 3-0 in elimination rounds (even though two of his opponents quit).

Jordan is arguably up there with those old schoolers though.then Cory, Nelson, Hunter, Tony after 

Jordan is nowhere close, atleast in terms of individual stats/accomplishments. He's solid, but he's never competed against competitors like Derrick and Darrell. He competed with CT on Free Agents but that season was both CT's and Jordan's worst showings in performance.

rwportland2 wrote:

Jordan is arguably up there with those old schoolers though.then Cory, Nelson, Hunter, Tony after 

Jordan is nowhere close, atleast in terms of individual stats/accomplishments. He's solid, but he's never competed against competitors like Derrick and Darrell. He competed with CT on Free Agents but that season was both CT's and Jordan's worst showings in performance.

Leroy beat Bananas, his weakness is swimming (and not giving a ****)

Jordan is really great competitor, he is really great almost everything and big threat in finale. Exes2 showed it. 

Devin is really smart and not bad at comps. 

Putting dusts like Hunter above them is crime

Jordan can beat Cory in finale even if he has to start 30 min later

Jordan is easily better than Cory and arguably Nelson lol. Jordan had flop moments but he clearly has more endurance than them and more nimble and smarter.

I remember it was said he runs like every day and has best endurance in the house. I dont get how he is still so underrated


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