Darrell, Shane, Amanda, Ashley and Sylvia were the stars of Invasion. There's no competition whatsoever.
What exactly did Sylvia do this season other than thrown Tony under the bus to "protect herself" from alliance and then proceed to go into three straight [underdog] elimination anyways til she went home.
Out of the potential people so far (excluding Laurel), I think Kellyanne would be the best girl. Cara Maria is strong yes but I think Kellyanne is just as good.
Darrell, Shane, Amanda, Ashley and Sylvia were the stars of Invasion. There's no competition whatsoever.
What exactly did Sylvia do this season other than thrown Tony under the bus to "protect herself" from alliance and then proceed to go into three straight [underdog] elimination anyways til she went home.
I think you were watching the wrong show because Sylvia brought that old school entertainment, not the over-the-top simpleton shit you and the casuals enjoy so much.
Snatching Nicole without a second thought. Curving Nelson. Being a true Underdog and slaying two of the three eliminations she went into. Sylvia brought heart and game drama. A1 cast member this season.
What exactly did Sylvia do this season other than thrown Tony under the bus to "protect herself" from alliance and then proceed to go into three straight [underdog] elimination anyways til she went home.
I think you were watching the wrong show because Sylvia brought that old school entertainment, not the over-the-top simpleton shit you and the casuals enjoy so ************* Nicole without a second thought. Curving Nelson. Being a true Underdog and slaying two of the three eliminations she went into. Sylvia brought heart and game drama. A1 cast member this season.
It's not her ability to compete or bring drama I question, it's her logic for doing things. She basically agreed to be the bottom tier member of an alliance, and it helped her in no way what so ever. They were gonna throw Jenna/kailah in first regardless, and if she sides with them she was next as Nelson threated her with. If she sides with Nelson's alliance she still was gonna be next anyways after those two girls are gone since she was last to side with that alliance. It's the same line of thinking that has people just joining Bananas alliances just to be sent home later.
Amanda and Ashley were the main girls from that alliance, and when it got down to those two and Sylvia up for elimination, Sylvia "volunteered" herself, which I believe was half because she didnt want to be there anymore cause she was sick, and half because she knew she was gonna be picked regardless and didn't want to fight her newly made friends.
She played her game and all, but she got as far as she did because of her performance in those two eliminations. So she gets full credit for that. As far as her game, it was basically play tag along with what she felt was the "in-crowd", which is basically what she did on her RR season with Violetta. We already have enough people that play that tag along game imo.
Darrell the star but not CT. They basically doing the same thing. Chilling & giving the best commentaries. Always together too. Darrell did take out Zach & Bananas I'll give him that. But otherwise Darrell & CT =.
Darrell, Shane, Amanda, Ashley and Sylvia were the stars of Invasion. There's no competition whatsoever.
What exactly did Sylvia do this season other than thrown Tony under the bus to "protect herself" from alliance and then proceed to go into three straight [underdog] elimination anyways til she went home.
Out of the potential people so far (excluding Laurel), I think Kellyanne would be the best girl. Cara Maria is strong yes but I think Kellyanne is just as good.
I think you were watching the wrong show because Sylvia brought that old school entertainment, not the over-the-top simpleton shit you and the casuals enjoy so much.
Snatching Nicole without a second thought. Curving Nelson. Being a true Underdog and slaying two of the three eliminations she went into. Sylvia brought heart and game drama. A1 cast member this season.
She won two eliminations as a rookie. Overall, I think she was a great competitor.
Does anyone know if any MTV challenge people are going to be on the new fear factor that Ludacris is hosting?
People who discredit Sylvia for a great rookie debut are just as bad as people who root for Jenna.
Not at first, no. But an MTV all-star episode is highly likely at some point in time.
Graphik... we about to fight lmaooooo
amanda or ashley is the underdog star imo
Yeah..Sylvia wasn't that great. She had a decent run but I wouldnt say she brought anything old school or had heart and soul.
Camila, Amanda, Laurel, Ashley M., Nelson, and Shane
no bias just tea
It's not her ability to compete or bring drama I question, it's her logic for doing things. She basically agreed to be the bottom tier member of an alliance, and it helped her in no way what so ever. They were gonna throw Jenna/kailah in first regardless, and if she sides with them she was next as Nelson threated her with. If she sides with Nelson's alliance she still was gonna be next anyways after those two girls are gone since she was last to side with that alliance. It's the same line of thinking that has people just joining Bananas alliances just to be sent home later.
Amanda and Ashley were the main girls from that alliance, and when it got down to those two and Sylvia up for elimination, Sylvia "volunteered" herself, which I believe was half because she didnt want to be there anymore cause she was sick, and half because she knew she was gonna be picked regardless and didn't want to fight her newly made friends.
She played her game and all, but she got as far as she did because of her performance in those two eliminations. So she gets full credit for that. As far as her game, it was basically play tag along with what she felt was the "in-crowd", which is basically what she did on her RR season with Violetta. We already have enough people that play that tag along game imo.
Sylvia had a good showing. Not the star though.
Shane and Ashley imo. Kailah could of been if she lasted longer, but she didn't so I'd give it to Ashley of the girls.
Darrell the star but not CT. They basically doing the same thing. Chilling & giving the best commentaries. Always together too. Darrell did take out Zach & Bananas I'll give him that. But otherwise Darrell & CT =.
Of the underdogs*
Any updates on the speculated theme?
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Nelson is a STARRRRR!