The Challenge Hotness Ranking 2017: (25-21)

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Marie is no where near a top 15 girl--sorry. That's insane

Marie is no where near a top 15 girl--sorry. That's insane

You're insane. 

kvm1977 wrote:

Marie is no where near a top 15 girl--sorry. That's insane

You're insane. 

The girl in your picture is clearly top 15.  Marie is not.  Girls easily ahead of Marie IMO...withou even thinking...Cara Z, Mallory, Kendal, Cameran, Jamie C, Jonna, Elka, Veronica, Irulan, Averey, Melinda, Brittini, Jenn, Kimblerly, Susie, Theresa, Ashley K, McKenzie & Nany....there's countless others like Tori that I'd have ahead of her.  Marie might not make my top 50.  I think you and others like her rsonality so much you overrate her looks

I'm sorry but can we not refer to Jonna as top 15 lol. She's cute but not that cute.

gamer73 wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:Marie is no where near a top 15 girl--sorry. That's insane

You're insane. 

The girl in your picture is clearly top 15.  Marie is not.  Girls easily ahead of Marie IMO...withou even thinking...Cara Z, Mallory, Kendal, Cameran, Jamie C, Jonna, Elka, Veronica, Irulan, Averey, Melinda, Brittini, Jenn, Kimblerly, Susie, Theresa, Ashley K, McKenzie & Nany....there's countless others like Tori that I'd have ahead of her.  Marie might not make my top 50.  I think you and others like her rsonality so much you overrate her looks

Jonna.....ew. Elka and Irulan don't do shit for me. Brittni was a legit stick, Kimberly had a bob.....really? 


While I love Marie's personality, it doesn't skew my opinion on her looks. 

Jonna is gorgeous...absolutely beautiful.  Pretty sure a point in time when pretty much every guy loved Elka.  Kimberly actualy looked good with that haircut which further proves how hot she is.  Brittini's face is great and I liked her body.  There's nothing wrong with being thin

Jonna could be top 10 but Simone's Rivals 3 appearance made me see that hair really can make or break things lmaooooo

Jonna IMO also suffers from the same thing girls like Ibis & Chey do: they're more cute than sexy.

Ooooh I forgot about Ibis. Now that's a gorgeous *****.

Not a fan of Brittany Flop Baldi

But she should been at least in the top 10. Shes smokinnn hot!

Ooooh I forgot about Ibis. Now that's a gorgeous *****.

Yeah I like her...but Idk. 


Svetlana, Cara Z, Averey, McKenzie, and Melinda should be Top 5. 

Ooooh I forgot about Ibis. Now that's a gorgeous *****.

Yeah I like her...but Idk. 


Svetlana, Cara Z, Averey, McKenzie, and Melinda should be Top 5. 

nah @ averey being top 5. she not in the same category as cara z and mallory snyder and melinda

I'm still stunned that Nia is out, she was honestly my top 5.

I guess I've got Avery, Jamie, Cara Z, Kendall, and Ibis for top 5.

IMO, Jonna is hot. If you google her images, a majority of her photos (IMO) show a hot, petite girl. Her Exes II look, Battle of the Seasons look, Free Agents look, and Rivals 2 look all say "hot" to me. Plus, her eyes are friggen amazing.

Jonna, Elka, and Brittini S are all very beautiful. I hope they finish high.

IMO, Jonna is hot. If you google her images, a majority of her photos (IMO) show a hot, petite girl. Her Exes II look, Battle of the Seasons look, Free Agents look, and Rivals 2 look all say "hot" to me. Plus, her eyes are friggen amazing.

I only liked Jonna's looks on FA and post challenge career. Those dreads>>>

Free Agents Jonna & Jonna with braids >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

i put jonna high on the list because she has a very unique look to her. you don't see a lot of darker skin people with eyes like hers. 

but her hair can be a mess tho. example: Rivals 1. 

girls that i find really attractive: Jonna, Mallory, Kendall, Jenn, Theresa, Emilee. 

The problems we run into when we let the LGBT kids and our father rate the attractiveness of women. Zzzz

rankings are all types of ****** up lmao

Jonna could be top 10 but Simone's Rivals 3 appearance made me see that hair really can make or break things lmaoooooJonna IMO also suffers from the same thing girls like Ibis & Chey do: they're more cute than sexy.

Chey is a way better example of this than Jonna is imo. the thing about Chey is her voice. it sounds like mucus is shoved up all down her throat. 

I initially thought Tori was very attractive but she has an unflattering crying face and unlikeable personality that she loses her appeal.

The problems we run into when we let the LGBT kids and our father rate the attractiveness of women. Zzzzrankings are all types of ****** up lmao


But seriously why do grades are so low when it comes to men ? Who ranked them ?

Because as a gay guy myself, I would never grade a guy below 5, unless he's very unattractive (like Chet Cannon for instance). Hell, even Ed Sheeran which is far from beautiful, I would hardly give him below 4, and it's the lowest I could give him since to me, everyone, guy or girl, is beautiful in their own way... IDK

it has a lot less to do with appearances, and more with personality

it has a lot less to do with appearances, and more with personality

which completely defeats the purpose of this entire list but oh well.

TheNostalgiaGirl wrote:

it has a lot less to do with appearances, and more with personality

which completely defeats the purpose of this entire list but oh well.

I completely agree 100% but people are hard to impress nowadays

HonestTea101 wrote:

TheNostalgiaGirl wrote:it has a lot less to do with appearances, and more with personality

which completely defeats the purpose of this entire list but oh well.

I completely agree 100% but people are hard to impress nowadays

It may help next year to do a personality and an attractive ranking. Two separate polls. 

Sorry I haven't updated, I'm currently on vacation, any way ALMOST TOP 30 TIME















































#35: Camila Nakagawa [6.55]




























































#34: Laurel Stucky [6.60]






































































#33: Coral Smith [6.62] SO ROBBED



























































#32: Kina Dean [6.63]









































#31: Kelley Limp [6.69]





















































































#35: Anthony Bartolotte [5.78]




















































#34: Alton Williams [5.90] SO ROBBED Y'ALL




































#33: Shane Landrum [5.92]










































#32: Wes Bergmann [5.98]







































#31: Colin Mortensen



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YIKES at whoever that Kelly girl is being that high

not THAT shocking about Coral.  She's a beautiful woman but that sounds about right. 
