Are You the One: Second Chances

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Lets be real, you both believed it, and when I clearly called out the obvious, you retreated. So miss me with that eye roll.



Just finished the episode... it wasn't bad I'll definitely keep watching. 

I'm still high on season 5 so I loved seeing them  even though I only really support baby Cas. 

We need more Ellie and Shanley. Hayden makes me like Carolina and I hate that *****. 

hardbitten wrote:

Lets be real, you both believed it, and when I clearly called out the obvious, you retreated. So miss me with that eye roll.


So log out. 

stphmcdnld wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Lets be real, you both believed it, and when I clearly called out the obvious, you retreated. So miss me with that eye roll.


So log out. 


Kajun Chicken

can you like

leave me alone, thanks? I know its apart of your job to stalk me and find out exactly what I'm doing or what I'm saying, but I'm pretty sure I've said no interviews. ;/

hardbitten wrote:

lmao @ y'all believing a sociopath

Ayto is well known for editing out fights like that, the same happened with Stacey and Melanie fist fight on season 3 lol

***** I need you to spill the tea on this fight. Bet Melanie whooped that ***

If Devin really did punch Cam in the throat I need the footage to be released. I've always heard people say they would punch someone in the throats but never seen it. I'm picturing it in my head and it can only be funny haha

If Devin really did punch Cam in the throat I need the footage to be released. I've always heard people say they would punch someone in the throats but never seen it. I'm picturing it in my head and it can only be funny haha

hardbitten wrote:

stphmcdnld wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Lets be real, you both believed it, and when I clearly called out the obvious, you retreated. So miss me with that eye roll.


So log out. 



Lmaoooooooo I am so done with their obsession about who I am and poor AL he is always getting the blame over me spoiling stuff about AYTO, hopefully Gio doesn't kill him thinking it's me like he has threat to do so . They keep thinking I am associated with lightheart, if they were smart they would realized that I started with BMP shows and I have stronger sources for BMP than lightheart.

lol shots fired

I saw most of the episode but it was alright. Seems like a fun show to get into. Although I will say there are alot of people that seem bland. 

Devin is ************* King. Not only is he a mastemind but damnit he is entertaining. Gio <3. Loved seeing him Naked. 

Nice seeing Asaf too. 

Lmaoooooooo I am so done with their obsession about me and poor AL he is always getting the blame over me spoiling stuff about AYTO, hopefully Gio doesn't kill him thinking it's me like he has threat to do so . They keep thinking I am associated with lightheart.

That's crazy!! Gio is unstable and shouldn't be asked back for anymore shows. 

PinkRose Shanely did an IG live and she said you know your stuff and we should listen to you. 

PinkRose wrote:

Lmaoooooooo I am so done with their obsession about me and poor AL he is always getting the blame over me spoiling stuff about AYTO, hopefully Gio doesn't kill him thinking it's me like he has threat to do so . They keep thinking I am associated with lightheart.

That's crazy!! Gio is unstable and shouldn't be asked back for anymore shows. PinkRose Shanely did an IG live and she said you know your stuff and we should listen to you.

Another reason to love her and must of season 1 cast members.

Chelsea just earn some cool points for calling me a queen:


Who is AL?

Who the hell is Al?

Who the hell is Al?

A crew member from Are you the one that they think it's the one that post spoilers (according to them me) lol

He always gets the blame over the stuff I post.

i mean we have all seen how dumb ayto people tend to be

The first episode definitely got me interested enough to watch this season 

How's was this?

How's was this?


that's all you need to know.

HonestTea101 wrote:

How's was this?

Devinthat's all you need to know.

*****! Couldn't think of a better way to explain than this >>>>.

I liked this and will definitely keep watching although I don't really like how they eliminate teams. I would have preferred they did like an exile type elimination but I guess that'll be too much like the Challenge.

Gio is very annoying like why seclude yourself and make everyone not like you. Devin was also a bit too much.

Im rooting for Shanley to win this!!!!

Derrick just did an IG live, Tori was in the comments. According to the 2 of them the fight that happened, or almost was hard to follow their story, was because Devin (and apparently most of the guys in the house hahah) wanted Tori. Tori said "I love Derrick" and then Devin tried to start a fight. Or something like that. It was hard to follow the story because they kept jumping to other topics. 


This The Choice thing is so lit and perfect for this type of show since so many of the pairs don't get along. I am low-key rooting for season 5 because they're all poor but Devin and Rashida giving me life. I love their energy. Lol Cheyenne was so tame, idk how Devin stayed motivated with such a calm partner. Devin and Rashida feed off each other well.

Did Cameron and Mikaela break up post show? I thought they did before this filmed. 

I like Devin, but he has a way higher chance of winning this than winning a challenge. 

The trailer sucked and I thought this show would be awful but I was so wrong. The format is AMAZING AND DO UNIQUE. **** LAMES THAT WANT  EVERYTHING TO BE AN ELIMINATION CHALLENGE. THIS ISNT THE CHALLENGE.  NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE A BRAWL. GO WATCH FOOTBALL.This The Choice thing is so lit and perfect for this type of show since so many of the pairs don't get along. I am low-key rooting for season 5 because they're all poor but Devin and Rashida giving me life. I love their energy. Lol Cheyenne was so tame, idk how Devin stayed motivated with such a calm partner. Devin and Rashida feed off each other well.Did Cameron and Mikaela break up post show? I thought they did before this filmed.

This show was the beginning of their end.

For AYTO 6 they should make it where the only people that get a share of the money are people that make it into the honeymoon suite. Y'all said y'all wanted a Cutthroat 2.

Chels is bae!

I got up until Gio put his balls on Devin's pillow then knocked out lmaoooo how was the rest of it?
