depends, I would probably go with the challenge cast on ayto cuz they seem more chill
have a battle of the exes 3 season or a older vs younger season where the teams are 30+ and 29- (basically older team is anyone aged 30 and above and younger is anyone aged 29 and younger)
depends, I would probably go with the challenge cast on ayto cuz they seem more chillhave a battle of the exes 3 season or a older vs younger season where the teams are 30+ and 29- (basically older team is anyone aged 30 and above and younger is anyone aged 29 and younger)
battle of the exes 3 because I loved both the first and second BOTE and I think we now have so many messy ayto couples that would be great for it
if you could go back in time, would you rather prevent Camila from ever doing Cutthroat and being associated with the challenge or having John get banned around the same time Evan and Kenny were?
Free Agents format since it doesn't allow as much of an alliance on an individual game as the Duel did(especially the Duel2)The Ruins (Champions vs Challengers) or Gauntlet 3 (Veterans vs Rookies)?
The Ruins. All day everyday. Kenny or Evan?
Kenny, better competitor and funnier, miss the JEK days
Free Agents format since it doesn't allow as much of an alliance on an individual game as the Duel did(especially the Duel2)The Ruins (Champions vs Challengers) or Gauntlet 3 (Veterans vs Rookies)?
depends, I would probably go with the challenge cast on ayto cuz they seem more chill
have a battle of the exes 3 season or a older vs younger season where the teams are 30+ and 29- (basically older team is anyone aged 30 and above and younger is anyone aged 29 and younger)
battle of the exes 3 because I loved both the first and second BOTE and I think we now have so many messy ayto couples that would be great for it
BOTE 1 or 2
bote 2
rivals 1 or rivals 3
rivals 1
Adam and Ct as rivals or Wes and Kenny
adam and ct
evan or kenny
Wes and Kenny (I can't stand either Kenny or Adam, but Wes >>>>>>>>>> CT)
Favorite doormat: Jennifer or Jenna
evan for sureeee
Skeletons or Explosions
amber and ethan or taylor and andre
both annoying but if i had to choose, amber and ethan
favorite Nicole: Ramos or Zanatta
Watch Bananas win another 2 seasons or be roommates with aryan mike and giotardo for 6 months
Even if the option was to watch Bananas win for 10 more seasons or live just a day with them two, I would still go with Bananas winning
idk what to ask
watch bananas win every single challenge to come over the latter
bloodlines or BOTS2
be forced to watch camilas youre gonna die clip for 2 hours straight or be locked in a room with dione and chris from gbgh for 30 mins
Camilas clip
Gio's music or Andre's music
be locked with camila
have brandon be your challenge partner or shavoun
inferno 2 or gauntlet 2
Gauntlet 2
fresh meat or bloodlines
fresh meat
Battle of the Sexes or Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes.
a full season of Brad/Tori storylines or a full season of Zach/Jenna storylines?
this made me crack up
brad/tori. i cant stand both zach and jenna. brad at least i like him even if its with tori...
a season where cara mara victimizes herself every episode and makes the final or a season where bananas wins
Cara bein the victim...
susie/sarah or susie/cara
Susie/Cara cause I like Cara Z.
One season with your #1 favorite challenger and your #1 least favorite challenger or one season without either.
So for example a Darrell/Evan casting in one season or neither.
Biggest Doormat: Jenna or Jenn (Bad Blood)
Jenn by far. She's bad to the point where I wouldn't be shocked if Peter put his hands on her.
For all the john and camila haters,
if you could go back in time, would you rather prevent Camila from ever doing Cutthroat and being associated with the challenge or having John get banned around the same time Evan and Kenny were?
Kenny, better competitor and funnier, miss the JEK days