The Challenge Hotness Ranking 2017: (25-21)

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Derek M always reminded me of Shrek

Derek M always reminded me of Shrek

You may take your leave.

Derek M always reminded me of Shrek

His lips was his only problem

Lmao I can't with this list. Karamo & Nick Brown ranked lower than Nehemiah? 

Lmao I can't with this list. Karamo & Nick Brown ranked lower than Nehemiah? 


WAIT. Yes, Nehemiah's way more attractive than both.

Wtf?? Arissa should be top 10.  Derek & Jason are also extremely hot.  **** this list. 

Guys First this time






#80: Chadwick Pelletier [4.55] (only image I could find)

#79: Adam Royer [4.57]

#78: Evan Starkman [4.59]

#77: Leroy Garrett [4.60]

#76: Anthony Cuomo [4.63]

#75: Jamie Banks [4.67]

#74: Brandon Nelson [4.68]

#73: Johnny Reilly [4.69]

#72: Alex Smith [4.69]

#71: Stephen Buell [4.73]







(looks like I ****** up again, I also put Emily Bailey accidently twice, please ignore this I make mistakes sometimes)





#79: Tina Barta [5.34]

#78: Carley Johnson [5.37]

#77: Laura Waller [5.38]

#76: Amaya Brecher [5.39]

#75: Melissa Howard [5.39]

#74: Lindsay Brein [5.42]

#73: Jisela Delgado [5.45]

#72: Devyn Simone [5.48]

#71: Colie Edison [5.49]

No complaints that round.  Amaya might be a bit high and Lindsay a bit low but that wasn't surprising.

And those are some awful pictures of Johnny R--although maybe that's just what he looks like

No complaints that round.  Amaya might be a bit high and Lindsay a bit low but that wasn't surprising. And those are some awful pictures of Johnny R--although maybe that's just what he looks like

He looks like cottage cheese, so I’d say those pictures are pretty accurate. 

It is a CRIME that Adam R. is below Evan's moose-looking ***.

Nick should be higher. He was hot as ****.

It is a CRIME that Adam R. is below Evan's moose-looking ***.


Anthony, Brandon, and Thomas should be higher.

evan definitely too high lol. And I always find Melissa beautiful but idk

Anthony, Brandon, and Thomas should be higher.

That’s Stephen (noodle arms), not Thomas.

Melissa and Jisela were hot! I don't get why Sarah Rice is still not listed. She was never attractive to me. And certainly not better looking than some of these women.

Lauren's too high, she always looked musty to me

It is a CRIME that Adam R. is below Evan's moose-looking ***.

Johnny isn't the most attractive, but he definitely doesn't deserve the ranking he got.

I thought Carley would be one of the first girls on the list. I hate saying anything bad about someone's looks, because who am I to judge? And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I'll just leave it at that.

Melissa and Jisela too low but thats the odl school effect for ya again.

unpopular opinion; Brandon N is really cute to me and personality wise I thnk he's great. He's def one of my types.

btw are you purposely not choosing flattering pics of these people for comedic purpose? That's fine, just asking.

It's still a crime Arissa fell so damn low on the list. She was definitely hotter than Trishelle.

also glad Evan's ugly *** is down this far. I never got the fascination with him, on the show and fans off the show.

Melissa and Jisela were hot! I don't get why Sarah Rice is still not listed. She was never attractive to me. And certainly not better looking than some of these women.

Melissa and Jisela too low but thats the odl school effect for ya again.unpopular opinion; Brandon N is really cute to me and personality wise I thnk he's great. He's def one of my types.btw are you purposely not choosing flattering pics of these people for comedic purpose? That's fine, just asking.

it depends, if that's what shows up on google, and they get a 1-4, probably

i never thought Melissa was that attractive.  Jisela's personality ruined her attractiveness for me.  Neither were hot.   Most of these people are attractive so it's all based on what your "type" is.   All that said, Arissa is still dumbfounding to me. 

Oh Sarah got better looking as her challenge career went on...that's why she'll be higher than most expect.

I agree with kvm, I never thought Melissa was that attractive. She was cute and petite and had a great personality. I still remember her cutting off all her hair on NOLA. Definitely not a great look. But everyone has a different type. Personally I think Sarah was always pretty even with her short black hair.

A lot of people that have been eliminated are pretty attractive, but personality plays a part in hotness

I thought Johnny R is hot, I masturbated to him before. 

That's nice boo

Back to Females first

#70: Katie Doyle [5.49]

#69: Sarah Rice [5.51]

#68: Shavonda Billingslea [5.63]

#67: Leah Gillingswater [5.68]

#66: Tonya Cooley [5.71]

#65: Ellen Cho [5.71]

#64: Robin Hibbard [5.73]

#63: Angela Trimbur [5.79]

#62: Irulan Wilson [5.82]

#61: Kimberly Alexander [5.88]





#70: Laterrian Wallace [4.76]

#69: Mitch Reid [4.79]

#68: Dave Malinosky [4.85]

#67: David Burns [4.91]

#66: Blair Herter [4.91]

#65: Hunter Barfield [4.96]

#64: Jeremy Blossom [4.97]

#63: Zach Mann [4.98]

#62: Shane Raines [5.00]

#61: Nelson Thomas [5.00]
