I decided it might be fun to do a Challenge Hotness Ranking 2017 Edition, MTV is known for having some of the hottess people on the Challenge, so I thought this would be a fun idea
Done and I actually discovered some old school guys that I never heard of like, who the hell is Antoine de Bouverie ? LMAO
Other than that, to me for the guys, Dario, Cory, Darrell, CT, Dustin, Zach Nichols, Dan Walsh, Derrick Kosinski, Nathan Siebenmark, Devin and Shane Landrum are the most good looking one
I'm gonna be so shallow and nasty with this. There's some people that are attractive but I just don't look at them that way for whatever reason but these are my picks that rank 7 and above aka I'd smash them now or in their prime/peak.
Bruno, Theo, Nelson, Dario, Cory, Marlon, Zach, Trey, Dustin, Ty, Pete, Dan, CJDavis, Bananas, Brad, Steven H, Landon, CT, Ace, Darrell, Alton, Adam L, Yes, Eric N
Theresa, Jenn, Camila, Aiiiya, Nia, Averey, KailahVeronica, Jisela, Lori, Irulan, Melissa H, Cara Z, Rachel R, Jamie C, Melinda, Johanna...and I'd probably throw in Aneesa (fight me, she's sexy and could get it nowadays).
Kendal, Averey, Jonna, Cheyenne, Britt from Hollywood, Lori from NY, Elka, Mallory, Cameran, Jamie Chung, Jenn from Denver, Madison (if she ever does a challenge)
teacher, i need help
Those surveys are like a 6 hour homework assignment
Who has the time?
So far 8 Responses for the Men and 11 for the Women
Anyone know where I can find good cast images for older seasons like All Stars up to Battle of the Sexes 1?
Um. Regardless of poll my first top 3 would consists of CT, Vince, Pete(FM2). I haven't clicked link but I'll see soon.
More people seem to be voting for the newer people than for the older
i have no clue who some of those older people are
Off topic but I'm still waiting for these champ pics to come in ugh. Most likely they didn't take any.
tbh I don't know either but, I will try my best to find images
btw welcome to Vevmo
I like this thread idea
thanks, I usually come here for spoilers tbh
Done and I actually discovered some old school guys that I never heard of like, who the hell is Antoine de Bouverie ? LMAO
Other than that, to me for the guys, Dario, Cory, Darrell, CT, Dustin, Zach Nichols, Dan Walsh, Derrick Kosinski, Nathan Siebenmark, Devin and Shane Landrum are the most good looking one
Please do yourself a favor & watch BOTSexes.
Antoine was a classic. Need to ask Shane if he still keeps in touch with him
I was about to vote then I saw the length
In Shane's interview he stated that he didn't know where he was and ask the interviewer to try to contact him.
But yeah...Antoine is a ******* classic character and one of the best males that ever been on these shows. Criminal that he only did one.
The old challenges had some hotties: Emily B., Veronica, Ibis, Kelly (NOLA1) Tonya (esp BOTS2) Jamie and Cameron (San Diego)!
off topic: why don't we do submition type of countdowns via PM on here
but i pretty much know everybdy so Ill do this real quick.
Antoine was hot as ****.
He also seemed down for dude on dude action if you played your cards right. Just a hunch.
I'm gonna be so shallow and nasty with this. There's some people that are attractive but I just don't look at them that way for whatever reason but these are my picks that rank 7 and above aka I'd smash them now or in their prime/peak.
Bruno, Theo, Nelson, Dario, Cory, Marlon, Zach, Trey, Dustin, Ty, Pete, Dan, CJDavis, Bananas, Brad, Steven H, Landon, CT, Ace, Darrell, Alton, Adam L, Yes, Eric N
Theresa, Jenn, Camila, Aiiiya, Nia, Averey, KailahVeronica, Jisela, Lori, Irulan, Melissa H, Cara Z, Rachel R, Jamie C, Melinda, Johanna...and I'd probably throw in Aneesa (fight me, she's sexy and could get it nowadays).
Hottest women imo:
Kendal, Averey, Jonna, Cheyenne, Britt from Hollywood, Lori from NY, Elka, Mallory, Cameran, Jamie Chung, Jenn from Denver, Madison (if she ever does a challenge)