The Real World: Generic Thread

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i was watching an interview with him on tv recently and the host brought up the fact he was on reality tv and he seemed to shut down the real world real quick lol

LMAO Sean Duffy from San Francisco is currently trending on twitter right now. 

I saw a tweet that he was doing some press confrence today or something. He's a famous representative in US congress.

Nostalgic wrote:

So what? Maybe he saved up his money for the bookbag, and the jordans or they were given to him as a birthday or christmas gift. Chill, You can still buy nice things and still struggle. Lots of people do it; I don't recommend it but it happens.Jordan's suck any damn way making the ho *** ************ rich and he p***ed over a sister for a white woman.

Everyone says Graphik is the one who stans black people without reproach but no. That is you. Anyways that is the point in making. Why buy uneccesary, items if you struggle and cry so much. There was a reason why Will got after K***. He spending money on entertainment and then complaining about it the next day. I.e, the crying over the 40 bucks on drinks.The fact that one of the producers from the show dragged K***'s *** further shows K*** is a *****. You maybe right about the Christmas gift, but my point still stands. 

Shut up just because you like white boys to ******** you...

I finished seattle and it was okay/ 

Lindsay riend death though. Suicide is a cowardly act and it affected all of her family and he basically gave up

I finished seattle and it was okay/ 

Lindsay riend death though. Suicide is a cowardly act and it affected all of her family and he basically gave up

mickeyflo24 wrote:

Nostalgic wrote:So what? Maybe he saved up his money for the bookbag, and the jordans or they were given to him as a birthday or christmas gift. Chill, You can still buy nice things and still struggle. Lots of people do it; I don't recommend it but it happens.Jordan's suck any damn way making the ho *** ************ rich and he p***ed over a sister for a white woman.

Everyone says Graphik is the one who stans black people without reproach but no. That is you. Anyways that is the point in making. Why buy uneccesary, items if you struggle and cry so much. There was a reason why Will got after K***. He spending money on entertainment and then complaining about it the next day. I.e, the crying over the 40 bucks on drinks.The fact that one of the producers from the show dragged K***'s *** further shows K*** is a *****. You maybe right about the Christmas gift, but my point still stands. 

Shut up just because you like white boys to ******** you...

since you're a thug i'm pretty sure that has already happened to you. 

Anika was on afterbuzz last night/today and said that everyone from bad bloods does their own thing none are close. Peter/jenna are still together, Anika and jordan are close but she only talks to her cast members via social media for the most part 

Girl you did NOT just call her Jenna. The disrespect...

Girl you did NOT just call her Jenna. The disrespect...

I fits her.

HonestTea101 wrote:

Girl you did NOT just call her Jenna. The disrespect...

I fits her.

Jenna actually has more backbone then Jenn does.

Debut Album wrote:

HonestTea101 wrote:Girl you did NOT just call her Jenna. The disrespect...

I fits her.

Whatever. The JGA™ will always accept the haters even when they come around to the light. 

JGA is out of commission as long as shes with satan

God I miss when they used to let them go on vacations. Being locked up in that house must be so ******* boring and draining to them.

God I miss when they used to let them go on vacations. Being locked up in that house must be so ******* boring and draining to them.

The vacations were the best episodes!! Vegas 2 going to cancun, Denver going to Thailand.

Rewatched hawaii and honestly in the top 5 seasons

why dont they do the vacations anymore? it seems like production doesnt even give a shit (which im sure they dont.)

so shouldn't Real World 33 be close to filming right about now?

Anybody, like Witty or PR, know how many seasons are left in the contract? I read from Reddit that the show cost pennies to produce and is a staple for the network despite **** poor ratings. But I'm curious to know to what extent is was renewed.

So has there been any rumors of another season?

That beach trip was their vacation 

why dont they do the vacations anymore? it seems like production doesnt even give a shit (which im sure they dont.)


Challengefan134 wrote:

I finished seattle and it was okay/ 

Lindsay riend death though. Suicide is a cowardly act and it affected all of her family and he basically gave up



That beach trip was their vacation 

I'm glad omeone realized that lol.

Nostalgic wrote:

Challengefan134 wrote:I finished seattle and it was okay/ 

Lindsay riend death though. Suicide is a cowardly act and it affected all of her family and he basically gave up


lol. Lindsey's friend Billy that visited the cast a few times comitted suicided a few epsiodes afterwards. The iconic phone call scene.

is rw33 even casting right now or are they going out of business in 2017 like keeping up with the ks, bgc, e.t.c.?

I think they need to like do something different with it like add current cast members that can relate to political topics currently but also make it like a staple of a certain season like make it a Fall staple or something.

Real World: Trump Supporters vs Anti-Trump 


Real World: Republicans vs Democrats

I think they need to like do something different with it like add current cast members that can relate to political topics currently but also make it like a staple of a certain season like make it a Fall staple or something.Real World: Trump Supporters vs Anti-Trump orReal World: Republicans vs Democrats

MTV's main audience cant process real life issues

MTVs main audience are uber left SJW. last thing i want to see is a house filled with extremists from both sides i see that shit on twitter everyday and its like watching 1 ******* fight another *******

Oh god no. Politics are the last thing I wanna see on this show. 
