The Challenge: Invasion-Theo Bradley

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Just wait ☕️️

he made me lmao twice this week at least. hes just an easy target to rip on. you always have that friend in a group of friends whose the target of most jokes. nothing against him i dont dislike him or anything. 

I still **** with him.

same, im just disappointed thats all

U know youre a hater and being over the top when Bruno talks about his homelessness the entire episode and Tony talks about his two babies the entire episode but you're mad at Theo bringing up his RW story in an intro for 10 sec and never brought it up again.

aif anything be mad at his lil tiff with Jenna.

^^^ I agree. a lot of people bring that up because Theo brought that up about his cousin during the RW, but that's not really a fair judgment.

what did jenna do to theo an vise versa ?

I still **** with him.

never understood hype about his look. I missed it.

never understood hype about his look. I missed it.

Agreed. I always thought he was likable on the first portion of TRW but he wasn't.... like dad material.

I don't understand the hype about him at all.

jenna dragged his *** lmao. 

Lets not act like he was dragged to the point where he shouldn't show his face anymore. And lets also not act like these comments Jenna made are what other, smart people would say to her face.

"We forgot you were here three times." - and we forgot you did three seasons, like...

Lets not act like he was dragged to the point where he shouldn't show his face anymore. And lets also not act like these comments Jenna made are what other, smart people would say to her face."We forgot you were here three times." - and we forgot you did three seasons, like...

Relax Jenna fans. She didn't drag him any more than he dragged her. In fact, he came across as stronger in that moment because of what he was saying about not caring if she liked him or not. It was funny the way he said that. I just didn't understand where the anger came from. He seemed so angry at Jenna! And then at Kailah during the vote. Maybe it's the rookie move of taking things too personally. lol.

Relax Jenna fans. She didn't drag him any more than he dragged her. In fact, he came across as stronger in that moment because of what he was saying about not caring if she liked him or not. It was funny the way he said that. I just didn't understand where the anger came from. He seemed so angry at Jenna! And then at Kailah during the vote. Maybe it's the rookie move of taking things too personally. lol.

Theo didn't drag her, he was randomly being an unnecessary ******* and Jenna clappped back and he ain't said a word after. Those nanny skills def helped her hush up kids.


And besides he did say he didn't give af so if he attempted to drag her it would make him a hypocrite. 

Honestly was pretty disappointed in Theo in the premiere. Not to sound cliche, but on RW, he was actually pretty real. Now I feel like he's trying too hard or something and falling in line as a pawn. He had potential to be a great addition, but I'm getting Leroy 2.0 vibes where he is just a background player for other people to use.

I don't personally think Theo would be a Leroy 2.0 for a particular reason. Theo is way more hot-headed, can blow off and could literally make someone bleeding out somewhere waiting the ambulance pick him/her up. Something that Leroy could never do.

In a nutshell, Theo seems way more confrontational and have a stronger character than Leroy could ever have.

I don't personally think Theo would be a Leroy 2.0 for a particular reason. Theo is way more hot-headed, can blow off and could literally make someone bleeding out somewhere waiting the ambulance pick him/her up. Something that Leroy could never do.In a nutshell, Theo seems way more confrontational and have a stronger character than Leroy could ever have.

Very much so.

No yall got it twisted. Leroy is one of the best personalities to come to the game, he makes everything more fluid and fun. Now on to Theo, he is also one of the best people to enter the realms of The Challenge due to his assertiveness to get his point across. I just hope we get to see him last long on this season. 

Leroy is so boring and really tiresome to swallow every drop of Bananas' ***. That's exactly what makes Leroy annoying, not his upbeat personality in itself.

Theo would and will add something more to the show since his character is way more interesting in itself. Moreover, he can be a leader and impose himself on Bananas or other bigger figures than him, something Leroy could never do (and to this day has still never did).We can figure that out already, he's the kind of guy to stand his ground while Leroy would follow every ******* thing Bananas and his friends would told him to do.

Leroy showed a glimpse of potential when he was without bananas on Exes 2 but then faded back into obscurity. Theo is no different Smile

To put it bluntly, Theo is a bit more "hood" and it shows. Leroy is Leroy.

To put it bluntly, Theo is a bit more "hood" and it shows. Leroy is Leroy.

I didn't dare to say like that because he's obviously not the ratchet part of it, but it's true.

More like Theo has been through some stuff. 

Leroy is so boring and really tiresome to swallow every drop of Bananas' ***. That's exactly what makes Leroy annoying, not his upbeat personality in itself.Theo would and will add something more to the show since his character is way more interesting in itself. Moreover, he can be a leader and impose himself on Bananas or other bigger figures than him, something Leroy could never do (and to this day has still never did).We can figure that out already, he's the kind of guy to stand his ground while Leroy would follow every ******* thing Bananas and his friends would told him to do.

Do you dislike Bananas?

More like Theo has been through some stuff. 

I heard someone say a while back that he lost his shot in NFL because his step brother or something hid ecstasy in his car. Idk if thats true tho

To put it bluntly, Theo is a bit more "hood" and it shows. Leroy is Leroy.

I don't personally think Theo would be a Leroy 2.0 for a particular reason. Theo is way more hot-headed, can blow off and could literally make someone bleeding out somewhere waiting the ambulance pick him/her up. Something that Leroy could never do.In a nutshell, Theo seems way more confrontational and have a stronger character than Leroy could ever have.

SCUSE ME? When did he make somebody bleed? Y'all actin like he's Tyrie's size from RW Denver, and will BRICKHOUSE DEMOLISH*******.No.  Did you see what happened with Kassius? He bear hugged him, OOH I'M SO SCARED. I'm shakin in my boots.

You tried it Danish! YOU ********* TRIED IT! You might as well have said he can give women their best ******. GIRL!

Why this man ALWAYS bring Kassius into things. Like we could be talking about Shavoun and he'd find a way to bring Kassius up
