How To Get Away With Murder

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i hate to say it, but I TOLD YOU!!!!!!! You all thought i was crazy... but nope, I stuck by my guns and was right after all. Blum 3

"suck on that! ayayayayayayyayayay"

How damaged am I. . . . .  hhmmmnnnn well the more ****** up Frank becomes, the deeper the feels... I do love a broken toy! SO relieved with the outcome, and Gucci... I was right there with you, already emotionally charged and did have a bit of wine but still...

Mitch you need to write... you get how the audience is carried along and know how and when it needs to change to mess up our heads Kiss 3

loooooooooooooved last night's episode, but boy, what a cliffhanger !! i need to see the rest of that flashback ASAP.



I dont even know how to ****** recover from that! This entire time I was like damn It's for sure Nate Sad

I don't watch it this show but I was informed through social media that Dean Thomas from Harry Potter was murdered. Sad

THAT FINALE WAS AMAZING!!!!Holy shit...didn't expect Wes.......

I have so many questions...

Who killed him?

Who started the fire?

How was Nate not in the fire?

Is Wes the father of Laurel's kid?

Well that was ****** up! I still think they made the wrong choice by killing Wes instead of Nate or Frank which made the most sense to the story line. So I am going to go ahead & make my guess on who killed Wes. Trying to think of the most ****** up thing knowing the writers love their twist & to shock us. I think it will be Laurel.

Should have been Conner.

Honestly, were Else would they take the Wes story? We know all about his past, and he is far more developed the the rest of the Keating 5. If I'm not mistaken, it took three seasons for us to meet Michaela's Mom and Laurel's dad, and for only one episode. Wes' mom is more developed than some of the main cast. So I think it was a wise choice to kill him off. 

Honestly, were Else would they take the Wes story? We know all about his past, and he is far more developed the the rest of the Keating 5. If I'm not mistaken, it took three seasons for us to meet Michaela's Mom and Laurel's dad, and for only one episode. Wes' mom is more developed than some of the main cast. So I think it was a wise choice to kill him off. 

Not really your reaching dude. Wes was the second main character to only Annalise. He had plenty of story left not to mention most of the plot lines connected to him in one way or another. I understand if you didn't like the character just say that, but don't try & act like the show will be the same & his character still didn't have a story to be told. Also from what I saw online a lot of people are saying there done watching the show after this.

Yes I don't like him, and personal preference does have a little with me wanting him gone. But I would also want to see the other characters stories to be developed more. 

Finally watched the episode and OMG!!!! I for sure though it was Nate. 

Lol when they brought out the photo of Rebecca I was like "not this again".

So who do you think killed him? The number 1 suspect would be Frank. I'm also think maybe Connor, his reaction to the news seemed pretty cold but I could be reading too much into since people react to news differently.

Frank or Bonnie, I'm calling it.


atm my money is on Eve, Renee, or Meggy ... mostly meggy because she is somewhat disposable and the nice act is getting old. She probably found out Laurel was pregnant before the hospital scene and went to confront Wes at Analise's house.. it was probably another accident too, like Sam's death.


No point in guessing because even the writer doesn't know who he wants yet lol

I have seen lot of comments how people think he faked his death or something


I don't really watch this show like that. I've always been in and out and none of it ever makes sense but I was curious to see who was under the sheet so I've been watching the last like 4-5 episodes and I LOVED IT! Was not expecting Wes to be the one who got killed. I think it was Frank tbh but I'm sure it was someone more interesting lol 

I have seen lot of comments how people think he faked his death or somethingLol

I don't know how you could fake that, but I have heard that theory also. I think it's a lot of wishful thinking because people don't want Wes to be dead. Unless Nate helped him pull it off & they wanted Annalise to think he was dead for some reason. But I just don't see that being the case.

like why wanting him back? I wasnt that happy about character being dead since joffrey lol

like why wanting him back? I wasnt that happy about character being dead since joffrey lol

No offense but that is one of the dumbest comments I have seen on here in awhile lol. Are you really comparing Wes's character to a psychopath like Joffrey? I mean I didn't dislike any of the 5 students. If anyone deserves to die on the show its Frank & Bonnie.

schaboszczak wrote:

like why wanting him back? I wasnt that happy about character being dead since joffrey lol

No offense but that is one of the dumbest comments I have seen on here in awhile lol. Are you really comparing Wes's character to a psychopath like Joffrey? I mean I didn't dislike any of the 5 students. If anyone deserves to die on the show its Frank & Bonnie.

u right wes is way worse

I don't really watch this show like that. I've always been in and out and none of it ever makes sense but I was curious to see who was under the sheet so I've been watching the last like 4-5 episodes and I LOVED IT! Was not expecting Wes to be the one who got killed. I think it was Frank tbh but I'm sure it was someone more interesting lol 

Why are you ALWAYS on the wrong side?! ***** no one is more interesting....This is why we fight all the time! My broken toy didn't do it... he was with me, at the movies... when was that again....he just needs a little tlc...

random but Laurel's kid most likely would had a fetal alcohol syndrome

I almost forgot htgawm was coming back tonight so glad I recorded it gonns watch  later Smile

I almost forgot htgawm was coming back tonight so glad I recorded it gonns watch  later Smile

OMFG Thank you for reminding me of this 

Wait wtf?! I thought it wasn't until February?! I better record it! Lol

so they be dropping more and more hints that its maggie ("grief makes people do stupid things")... i'm questioning my original theory, but who knows. It's definitely not Frank... as much as they tried to make it look that way, no one was buying it. And now that he "turned" himself in to save Analise (and get back in her good books), that pretty much just confirms it wasn't him.

So main suspects are Maggie, Laurel, Analise, and Eve... and Renee (but that's a bit of a stretch). Funny i don't have any guys on my suspect list. oh well :/ (watch it be that ********* from their Law class lol)

I hope when they release Annalise they don't just replace Wes with that other kid. That would just be rushed  

Wes was annoying af so I'm glad he's gone, but yeah they need to not try to make that weird kid that made the posters happen. 

Mitch I never even considered Maggie or whatever her name is as a possibility but now it makes so much sense. I also feel like it might be Connor? Like it wouldn't surprise me if he slept with Tom just to have an alibi. His hate ***** for Wes was sometimes too much so wouldn't surprise me. 
