The Challenge: Invasion- Laurel Stucky

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chill tf out and take personal attacks out of the threads. thank you.

I am HERE for all the Laurel dragging <3.

"You're 39 years old and still on reality TV. You have fake tits, you cant get a husband, you're ugly. What else!"

iconic or when she said "cry your eyes out I want you to cry because you are worthless " 

Her lashing of Paula notwithstanding, this chick has always sucked.  Strong competitor, but just an awful wench.  Unless she's here to lay out CM, I want her gone. 

if i recall during the Rivals reunion wasn't Laurel smiling while Jenn was shouting at her? some smakdown indeed.... 

salty they didn't give her a closeup 

if i recall during the Rivals reunion wasn't Laurel smiling while Jenn was shouting at her? some smakdown indeed.... 

she was obviously putting up a front to make it seem like she wasn't bothered. she didnt want none from jenn, and that was obvious based on how passive and diplomatic she was being the entire time during the reunion before jenn called her out and before on the podcasts an interviews when people asked her about jenn. look at how aggressive and willing to jump on paula and theresa she was. where was that ballsiness when it came to jenn? why didnt she start calling jenn out the second the reunion started? she was a punk that's why...and didnt want nothing to do with her bad side until forced

I love Laurel, but I agree that she only picks on weaker women. For example, when Jenn was getting in Cara's face at the club, she didn't do shit. But once Paula started ******* with Cara, Laurel was right there to put Paula in her place. If Laurel really was this fearless person, she would have stepped to Jenn when she picked on Cara as well.

I love Laurel, but I agree that she only picks on weaker women. For example, when Jenn was getting in Cara's face at the club, she didn't do shit. But once Paula started ******* with Cara, Laurel was right there to put Paula in her place. If Laurel really was this fearless person, she would have stepped to Jenn when she picked on Cara as well.

Yep, that's my issue with her. She is intimidated by girls with stronger personalities, which is why she only picks on the girls who are more submissive. 

AlwaysAMess wrote:

I love Laurel, but I agree that she only picks on weaker women. For example, when Jenn was getting in Cara's face at the club, she didn't do shit. But once Paula started ******* with Cara, Laurel was right there to put Paula in her place. If Laurel really was this fearless person, she would have stepped to Jenn when she picked on Cara as well.

Yep, that's my issue with her. She is intimidated by girls with stronger personalities, which is why she only picks on the girls who are more submissive. 

You gotta pick your fights correctly.

You gotta pick your fights correctly.

right? Who out here purposely trying to fight someone like Nia? Laurel is smart for not messing with girls who would destroy her verbally.

Her lashing of Paula notwithstanding, this chick has always sucked.  Strong competitor, but just an awful wench.  Unless she's here to lay out CM, I want her gone. 

You gotta pick your fights correctly.

That's true but on Rivals she really should've came for Jenn for ******* with CM on Rivals. That's her partner and directly tied to your ability to win and compete. NOTHING and NOBODY will just try and **** with my #1 person that got you back in this game.

Loved how Devyn kept it real there. 

richjoe92 wrote:

You gotta pick your fights correctly.

That's true but on Rivals she really should've came for Jenn for ******* with CM on Rivals. That's her partner and directly tied to your ability to win and compete. NOTHING and NOBODY will just try and **** with my #1 person that got you back in this game.

richjoe92 wrote:

You gotta pick your fights correctly.

right? Who out here purposely trying to fight someone like Nia? Laurel is smart for not messing with girls who would destroy her verbally.

That's kind of a punk *** mentality though lol a real bad *** would have no problem stepping up to anyone. She was terrified on Jenn on Rivals and Nia on Free Agents. And with Nia, Laurel tried to act like she wasn't scared of her but she clearly was on Free Agents since she was cordial with Nia while she was in the house but then talked shit to her on Twitter after the show ended filming, knowing she w***afe at her house. 

HonestTea101 wrote:

richjoe92 wrote:You gotta pick your fights correctly.

right? Who out here purposely trying to fight someone like Nia? Laurel is smart for not messing with girls who would destroy her verbally.

That's kind of a punk *** mentality though lol a real bad *** would have no problem stepping up to anyone. She was terrified of Jenn on Rivals and Nia on Free Agents since she was cordial with Nia while she was in the house but then talked shit to her on Twitter after the show ended filming, knowing she w***afe at her house. 

Tell em!

I like that she brings that alpha female presence to the shows. She's sometimes a better competitor than the guys too. I just think she can also be a little too mean. I don't like that she is so sweet and sisterly and close with Cara Maria whenever they are one-on-one, but the second they get around a group, she's mean to her.

From what Kenny has said, she's crazy and according to her pal Bananas she was in a mental institution. She's an interesting woman. I hope to see her "soft" side.



She wanted Jonna's pretty face out of the house because she'd previously hooked up with Jordan. lol.

HonestTea101 wrote:

  She wanted Jonna's pretty face out of the house because she'd previously hooked up with Jordan. lol.

I think the list was random. 

Would have loed to see Rachel or Emily on this season to challenge her.

Camille wrote:

  She wanted Jonna's pretty face out of the house because she'd previously hooked up with Jordan. lol.

I think the list was random. 

But she did choose to vote for Jonna. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that the first girl she wanted out when she had the power to vote out is the one girl who hooked up with her man. lol.

Anyway, you see Laurel and Camilla arguing in the previews? But they looked cool at the after show photos. It's weird the way these girls seem buddy buddy one second and then they are ready to rip each other's heads off the next. The way Laurel and Cara Maria's "friendship" has been is super weird.

InternationalFan wrote:

I think the list was random. 

But she did choose to vote for Jonna. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that the first girl she wanted out when she had the power to vote out is the one girl who hooked up with her man. lol.Anyway, you see Laurel and Camilla arguing in the previews? But they looked cool at the after show photos. It's weird the way these girls seem buddy buddy one second and then they are ready to rip each other's heads off the next. The way Laurel and Cara Maria's "friendship" has been is super weird.

I'm pretty sure her and CM's relationship took a turn for the worse when they were fighting over who gets to be Nicole's top scissor sister.

Bye @ this woman. She could've stayed home.


I need the thread picture to be either her in Paula's face or just the list. Most iconic moments ever!
