Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Drop the mike

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Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Drop the mike

Mike and Jordan’s relationship sours when Mike makes controversial racial remarks in front of his roommates, inspiring Kassius to speak at a Black Lives Matter march.


For some weird reason Orlana and Jordan look unhappy in this picture. Also, i have a strong feeling when Mike said the N-Word he said it weeks before the March took place. Wouldn't be surprised if rpoduction edits it to make it look like it happened at the same time. just my opinion. 

Q's picture

Excited for this episode, it's gonna make me feel inspired. Kass, Tya, Jordan, Theo, Anika, Kim, Lana, and Will better slay #BlackPower

Editorially, it would be a good tie in for the BLM theme/storyline that they're going for this episode. Independent of my feelings for the movement itself, I for one am happy they are showing some aspect of current real life and how it affect the roommates.

I just hope it's not as simple as White roommates vs Black roommates, but more of a dialogue.

Which was my issue with the Jenna T vs CeeJai. They made CJ out as this martyr while pin Jenna out as this evil force.

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I don't think we have anyone as insufferable as KKKenna + they know not to try it with with 7 AA's in the house. 

Hopefully, I dont have to force myself to finish this episode lol 

I hope its a good one

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I'll actually tune in tonight, just gonna skip last episode lol too bored to watch it

Any website I can watch this for free. Don't have MTV.

So obviously not condoning the choice of words that Mike used, but if it was just that one instance that was shown in the preview, does anyone find it a little ridiculous he was kicked off for that? I guess we'll have to wait and see, but it appeared to me he wasn't using it purposely trying to offend anyone (again, not condoning it, just pointing out some people feel with their speech). 

After all the violence these shows have kind of let slip through the cracks, I think it's pretty over the top and hypocritical to kick people off for offensive words now.

So obviously not condoning the choice of words that Mike used, but if it was just that one instance that was shown in the preview, does anyone find it a little ridiculous he was kicked off for that? I guess we'll have to wait and see, but it appeared to me he wasn't using it purposely trying to offend anyone (again, not condoning it, just pointing out some people feel with their speech). After all the violence these shows have kind of let slip through the cracks, I think it's pretty over the top and hypocritical to kick people off for offensive words now.

well we'll just have to wait and see. 

We don't know for sure if he was kicked off for saying that. 

Yea, sorry, not trying to make ***umptions. Just thought the preview would show the worst of the worst, but maybe he turns in to more of an *** throughout the episode.

It'd be awesome if Orlana rallied the house and they voted him out

Q's picture

In the previews it shows Jordan and Theo leaving the club and Jordan says something to the extent that "He said some racist". He probably called someone a black ***** or something, freedom of speech or not you shouldn't disrespect someone because of their race. 

Who's ready for the DRAMA on the Facebook page and see the white vs black people war about race and blm. Lmao someone already said blm is a terrorist group but lemme stop.  Is there one time where racism was a topic and everyone took the same side? You'd think it wouldn't be so split every time. Like I even remember Emily doing black face and Ty got upset then the FB page was split mostly hating on Ty though smh.

Q's picture

Who's ready for the DRAMA on the Facebook page and see the white vs black people war about race and blm. Lmao someone already said blm is a terrorist group but lemme stop.  Is there one time where racism was a topic and everyone took the same side? You'd think it wouldn't be so split every time. Like I even remember Emily doing black face and Ty got upset then the FB page was split mostly hating on Ty though smh.

Most white folks don't GAF about us frfr, they love the culture but hate the people, I remember ppl on Twitter dragging Ceejai and defending Jenna even after all of the racist/ignorant shit she had said. 

In the previews it shows Jordan and Theo leaving the club and Jordan says something to the extent that "He said some racist". He probably called someone a black ***** or something, freedom of speech or not you shouldn't disrespect someone because of their race. 

Agreed, but you can't forget the show is called The Real World for a reason. Obviously it's out there. They didn't kick off Jenna for her shit, I don't think words are a good enough reason to kick someone off a show. If there's one place that shouldn't have a "safe space", it's a reality tv show (or anywhere,  but let me stop).

Who's ready for the DRAMA on the Facebook page and see the white vs black people war about race and blm. Lmao someone already said blm is a terrorist group but lemme stop.  Is there one time where racism was a topic and everyone took the same side? You'd think it wouldn't be so split every time. Like I even remember Emily doing black face and Ty got upset then the FB page was split mostly hating on Ty though smh.

you can't watch  a video of a cat doing something silly with out it turning into  a race war "blacks are responsible for 50% of all murders despite being 13% of the population" " school shooting   sister ******* cantaloupe  loving mentally ill white devils" Facebook is garbage for that shit. Its alway the same talking points too if you seen one race war on the internet you've seen them all. no one adds anything new to the discussion its never a proper debate anyways   both sides just ignore the shit they don't want to hear no compromise no common ground nothing. Don't test your sanity with that bull shit you'll just come out of it with no hope for Humanity and an urge to kill a kitten for unintentionally starting a race war. 

Q's picture

Q wrote:

In the previews it shows Jordan and Theo leaving the club and Jordan says something to the extent that "He said some racist". He probably called someone a black ***** or something, freedom of speech or not you shouldn't disrespect someone because of their race. 

Agreed, but you can't forget the show is called The Real World for a reason. Obviously it's out there. They didn't kick off Jenna for her shit, I don't think words are a good enough reason to kick someone off a show. If there's one place that shouldn't have a "safe space", it's a reality tv show (or anywhere,  but let me stop).

They probably kicked him out to avoid further confrontations between him and the roommates.

timster3 wrote:

Who's ready for the DRAMA on the Facebook page and see the white vs black people war about race and blm. Lmao someone already said blm is a terrorist group but lemme stop.  Is there one time where racism was a topic and everyone took the same side? You'd think it wouldn't be so split every time. Like I even remember Emily doing black face and Ty got upset then the FB page was split mostly hating on Ty though smh.

you can't watch  a video of a cat doing something silly with out it turning into  a race war "blacks are responsible for 50% of all murders despite being 13% of the population" " school shooting   sister ******* cantaloupe  loving mentally ill white devils" Facebook is garbage for that shit. Its alway the same talking points too if you seen one race war on the internet you've seen them all. no one adds anything new to the discussion its never a proper debate anyways   both sides just ignore the shit they don't want to hear no compromise no common ground nothing. Don't test your sanity with that bull shit you'll just come out of it with no hope for Humanity and an urge to kill a kitten for unintentionally starting a race war. 

deeper wrote:

Agreed, but you can't forget the show is called The Real World for a reason. Obviously it's out there. They didn't kick off Jenna for her shit, I don't think words are a good enough reason to kick someone off a show. If there's one place that shouldn't have a "safe space", it's a reality tv show (or anywhere,  but let me stop).

They probably kicked him out to avoid further confrontations between him and the roommates.

Aren't confrontations and differing opinions the point of the show? Isn't that the reason they bring back people from their past to stir these people up?

I think Mike leaves on his own. 

Otherwise if they do kick him out he had better say something worse than the ****** known as Davis. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture


Q's picture

That comment is really offensive tbh, I would've decked tf outta him.

I actually think this is a good episode! It had a little of everything.

Not crazy drama, but there was some drama here and there. Some real moments.

Mike comment


Q's picture

PinkRose wrote:


Woooo boy....
