As Far as america voting for winner idk how I feel about that Like yes america sees more but as far as being in the house idk if i would like it I mean its basically a popularity contest. There is also rumored to be America putting up one of the noms each week or have a say in who goes up.
OMG I thought maybe just maybe BBOTT would haev fans of the show yet almost all are like well I was recruitted, I have never seasona season in fulll... I like that the people are different and not all models though.
i mean it's not like people who know how to play the game are going to be able to do anything with American controling everything lolz. Might as well just recruit people who might be interesting.
I'm glad I am Canadian and won't be able to watch this season the cast looks worse than season 9 ******* cornbread smh you can tell they picked this cast last second
Wrong. She hates her and said she was her least favorite from season 18.
she is a black preschool teacher who will do nothing this season how is it not Z
You are what's wrong with America. Every black person don't look and act the same. And from what I gathered the season haven't started so how tf you know she won't do anything.
she is a black preschool teacher who will do nothing this season how is it not Z
You are what's wrong with America. Every black person don't look and act the same. And from what I gathered the season haven't started so how tf you know she won't do anything.
Right! lol Danielle actually seems like a fan of the game and is anxious to play and get her hands dirty.
the cast reveal is in less then 25 minutes. ❤
I am curious what the Saftey ceromony will be like. Comp wise.
Might watch the show for once just so I have an idea what this is all about cause a ***** be confused on survivor and BB
As Far as america voting for winner idk how I feel about that Like yes america sees more but as far as being in the house idk if i would like it I mean its basically a popularity contest. There is also rumored to be America putting up one of the noms each week or have a say in who goes up.
I really thought this was another forum game.
LMAO! I realized that when you told me good luck.
So are the casting directors just pretending black men don't exist anymore? They've gotten worse than Real World.
Yikes....all them recruits too.
Lol at the one person saying "I'm a fan!!! I've been watching since BB17!!"
THE ****?
OMG I thought maybe just maybe BBOTT would haev fans of the show yet almost all are like well I was recruitted, I have never seasona season in fulll... I like that the people are different and not all models though.
I'm DEAD because people were happy Robyn wasn't doing it and the show still has a shitload of recruits.
How is Big brother anything like the real World?!?!?!
Ayyy Shelby from Fountain Hills tho!
i mean it's not like people who know how to play the game are going to be able to do anything with American controling everything lolz. Might as well just recruit people who might be interesting.
Yeah I mean Pual was a recurit who never saw the show and look at him.....I mean I believe Z actually applied and look how that turned out.
There CBS interviews
Danielle is this seasons Zaykia
SHe isn't even good on camera that isn't live like umm.. Yeah,, like yeah um ok
Wrong. She hates her and said she was her least favorite from season 18.
I'm glad I am Canadian and won't be able to watch this season the cast looks worse than season 9 ******* cornbread smh you can tell they picked this cast last second
she is a black preschool teacher who will do nothing this season how is it not Z
I like the fact that there are older houseguest though.
You are what's wrong with America. Every black person don't look and act the same. And from what I gathered the season haven't started so how tf you know she won't do anything.
Danielle, Alex, Shelby, Scott, and Jason are my hopes for this to get good! And either Jason or Jozea will bring entertainment.
Right! lol Danielle actually seems like a fan of the game and is anxious to play and get her hands dirty.
If a fan of Dr. Will, Derrick, and Rachel comes on the show and doesn't do anything then they shouldn't cast superfans anymore.
Also yikes at the reason for you calling her Z
OMG she works at Ed Debevic's!
How did I not notice there are 2 sisters....