Bad Girls Club: Social Disruption (Season 16)

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They're all so pretty!

Queen Talone & Queen Winter >>>> I'm on the fence with Sua, Adryan, Dreamdoll; and Kailie & Zee can just go honestly.


They're all so pretty!Queen Talone & Queen Winter >>>> I'm on the fence with Sua, Adryan, Dreamdoll, and Zee, and Kailie can just go honestly. 


Get out

Talone repping DC! 

Still hate the whole "sha-" thing but at least she's the best 

They're all so pretty!Queen Talone & Queen Winter >>>> I'm on the fence with Sua, Adryan, Dreamdoll; and Kailie & Zee can just go honestly. 

hardbitten wrote:

They're all so pretty!Queen Talone & Queen Winter >>>> I'm on the fence with Sua, Adryan, Dreamdoll, and Zee, and Kailie can just go honestly. 

 Get out

Nah, Kailie gotta go. I changed my mind on Zee tho.

Talone repping DC! Still hate the whole "sha-" thing but at least she's the best 

First there was"DONE."Then there was"Weak sauce"Followed by"Wang a *****"Finally, we're in the age of "Sha-" 

Zee titties hang so low..

Zee titties hang so low..

But they look fun to play with, so I'm mad she's fake.

YvanEhtNioj wrote:

Zee titties hang so low..

But they look fun to play with, so I'm mad she's fake.

Its just crazy to me how she lets the other girls sway her opinions and such so easily. Like boo boo thats not bad, thats weak.

Twitter is going in on Tabitha and Kaila (******* dont deserve no nicknames). Everyone loves Talone

Winter needs to humble herself especially with that beak for a nose.


Adryan and Zee are so weak minded, ***** grow a pair. 

Everyone was really petty and unlikable except Kallie. I wanted to like Winter until she became a wannabe Bgc8 Erica bully. All the rest are idiotic followers except Talone. She better **** IT UP. I know she got hands so I'll be satisfied when she k.o.s ****. I'm annoyed the extreme bullying has started this early. Save that for episode 2 or 3. This season seems poppin though.

I lowkey wished Kailie or Talone copied Mehgan with the "Vote me out the house? This isn't Survivor. I'll leave when I'm ready to leave" quote.

I lowkey wished Kailie or Talone copied Mehgan with the "Vote me out the house? This isn't Survivor. I'll leave when I'm ready to leave" quote.

Talone was more iconic than Mehgan. She told them she was "ShaReady" and next week she tells Zee if she wants her out the house pack her shit and put out. 

I love the dynamic that we have between Kailie and Talone from the first episode. Kailie is sorta fighting to stay but she's not trying hard enough while Talone is letting them know she's not going anywhere. I also loved Talone for yelling at Kailie about not letting them put her out the house.

KC from bgc3 was on afterbuzz with Kristen and Amber m.

Everyone was really petty and unlikable except Kallie. I wanted to like Winter until she became a wannabe Bgc8 Erica bully. All the rest are idiotic followers except Talone. She better **** IT UP. I know she got hands so I'll be satisfied when she k.o.s ****. I'm annoyed the extreme bullying has started this early. Save that for episode 2 or 3. This season seems poppin though.

I actually think none of them were really unlikable so far except Zee. Next week she gets her *** beat trying to put on for the current clique in the house (Dream g***ed her up to do it) & then they call her out on it & call her fake lmaooo

Persuasion - I actually liked her in her intro but I feel she's seen the show before and is trying to emulate past happenings. Her teaming up with Winter and Tabatha is definitely going to drag her down in popularity. But I see that she actually fights Winter so I'll keep my eye on her. Wink

I don't see her lasting long. 

Adryan - Her weave is not okay and I feel none of us deserve to be staring at that all season long. Overall typical cool chick whose probably gonna get swooped into the wrong side. I don't like that she voted to have Talone/Kailie out because you can tell it wasn't her decision, she probably was scared she was next. 

She might make it to the end but she'll definitely be forced to pick a side. 

Winter - Believe it or not I think this chick is gold and I don't even like her that much. The way she came in and automatically set them******* straight about stuff was impressive until her cliquey behavior kicked in to target Talone/Kailie. People will never give her credit but she was the one who set the tone and everybody followed. I won't like her because the ***** is far from funny or likeable. 

She's either making it all the way or out first. 

Kailie - I don't see how she was cast, definitely with these group of girls the producers kind set her up with putting her with OTT personalities. Her attitude is very stank but I don't think she deserved that hate she got. I kind of don't respect her because Talone had to yell at her to say don't get bullied out the house, if she wasn't there she would have left. 

I don't want her to leave but I see her leaving for some reason.

Talone - Real. I don't think that she cares about the cameras as much as the other girls and if she does then hides it very well. Her attitude is refreshing in light of the other girls, her take no shit attitude will make her the star because she's the only who we can actually believe is bout it.

I can see her getting to the end but I think it'll be rough for her. 

Zee/Tabatha - are both on the same boat with me as people who are try hards and camera ******. I feel like they want to try and be bad but are nothing like they persona. I don't get there reasoning with situations, I feel like they react off public perception and not personal. 

Both are probably gonna steamroll this house because one villian always get to the end. 



timster3 wrote:

Everyone was really petty and unlikable except Kallie. I wanted to like Winter until she became a wannabe Bgc8 Erica bully. All the rest are idiotic followers except Talone. She better **** IT UP. I know she got hands so I'll be satisfied when she k.o.s ****. I'm annoyed the extreme bullying has started this early. Save that for episode 2 or 3. This season seems poppin though.

I actually think none of them were really unlikable so far except Zee. Next week she gets her *** beat trying to put on for the current clique in the house (Dream g***ed her up to do it) & then they call her out on it & call her fake lmaooo

Totally agree with both of you. I really think Tabatha and "Winter" are fake and bullies and totally Erica-esque. Funny that "Winter" said that Kailey tried to fight her. No, you tried to fight Kailey and she handed you your butt. Love that Talone called Winter out on only dating guys with money. That's a prostitute honey.  Thought I was going to like A, but she just went along with the bullying knowing that it was bullying.

I just watched the afterbuzz and it felt so good to see Kayla KC and Amber together. Kristin annoys me because she kept mixing up the names of the it's not that hard, fam.  Kayla was NOT here for Summer or Nightmare Bratz. Kristen also pointed out that Nightmare Bratz looks a looks a lil like Black Chyna

And I see Kallie as a bad girl. Bad Girl doesnt mean always fighting for no reason. She defended herself. I got so much life when she hit Summer in the hall like "shut up *****!". She reminds me of the girls from the older seasons..Annie, Kendra, Amber, Amiee, the girls who couldnt fight  but were still bad in their own way. IDK i guess I'm in the minority but I'm feeling her. I dont like Ryan. She's trying too hard to be funny. She's flip flopping too much too. 

Also, Kandy just posted a clip from Tabitha's sex tape on her twitter...if youre into plastic. 

Also, Kandy just posted a clip from Tabitha's sex tape on her twitter...if youre into plastic. 

That ***** has a sex tape? EWWWWWWWWWWW.


YvanEhtNioj wrote:

Also, Kandy just posted a clip from Tabitha's sex tape on her twitter...if youre into plastic. 

That ***** has a sex tape? EWWWWWWWWWWW.Hoe.

it's like 15 sec of her sucking some guy in a hot tub. Kandy and Erica(Lucci) are being petty in the comments lol

Debut Album wrote:

YvanEhtNioj wrote:Also, Kandy just posted a clip from Tabitha's sex tape on her twitter...if youre into plastic. 

That ***** has a sex tape? EWWWWWWWWWWW.Hoe.

it's like 15 sec of her sucking some guy in a hot tub. Kandy and Erica(Lucci) are being petty in the comments lol

I watched that shit and I was so disgusted. The dude didn't even look good. Nasty *****.

So has anybody else seen all the craziness between all these BGC girls and Tami on social media? Lmaooo Talone v.s. The Victor Twins, Talone v.s. Natalie (somewhat), Winter v.s. The Victor Twins and Natalie, Kandy v.s. DreamDoll, Tami v.s. Sua (somewhat), Kandy/Kabrina/Amber M. inserting their opinions all over the place, etc.


So has anybody else seen all the craziness between all these BGC girls and Tami on social media? Lmaooo Talone v.s. The Victor Twins, Talone v.s. Natalie (somewhat), Winter v.s. The Victor Twins and Natalie, Kandy v.s. DreamDoll, Tami v.s. Sua (somewhat), Kandy/Kabrina/Amber M. inserting their opinions all over the place, etc. 

God damn...really? I gotta check all that out. 

So has anybody else seen all the craziness between all these BGC girls and Tami on social media? Lmaooo Talone v.s. The Victor Twins, Talone v.s. Natalie (somewhat), Winter v.s. The Victor Twins and Natalie, Kandy v.s. DreamDoll, Tami v.s. Sua (somewhat), Kandy/Kabrina/Amber M. inserting their opinions all over the place, etc. 


Danni read the hell out of Kaila. 


And Sua tried to justify her being a follower "it makes good tv"

Which one is Sua???? I thought she was on last season?
