The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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She was supposed to be on seasons 2. Last I heard she was ill.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Jonny Moseley

I dunno if he is liked here or not, but I am watching a season where he is the host and good god he is awful. He is cringeworthy, not funny, just a boring mess. He makes me appreciate TJ Lavin 100x more. TJ is a great host tbh and how TJ goes after quitters goes to show he actually gives a shit about The Challenge. This buffoon is just...there. I thought he was terrible when he was a host on the after shows, just unfunny but now I see he is just trash overall.

Hey yall! Haven't been on this thread in a minute. Had to catch up and loved all the drags I was seeing. I know y'all have missed my drags LOL so here we go. I feel like someone snatched this girl bald already but welp, two times the charm:


This **** (you really have to be ******* annoying for me to use this word) is one of the worst people to ever be on MTV. As most of you all know she came from AYTO season 3, AKA the worst season to date. On AYTO Amanda was so childish and rude that it was mind-boggling. She tried to tweak on the host, Ryan Devlin (bae) and unfortunately for her he wasn't with the shits and paid her no mind. She was heavily involved with Mike (who most of you guys know will be on RW Seattle) and I'm pretty sure they were confirmed a no match at the black out. Fast forward.. They were still hooking up but after awhile Mike wanted to pursue other girls, after all Amanda isn't even his match. So he starts pursuing Kayla and Amanda starts catching feelings like the crusty broad she is. She starts bullying Mike, mushing him, going too far. Then Mike pushes her and she starts throwing a fit about how her last ex was abusive. First of all I don't think what Mike did was wrong. I think a lot of females take advantage of the fact that guys can't hit girls and will sit there and abuse the guy because they can't do anything about it. If I were a male, and Amanda was doing that to me, I would have had the same reaction. Basically she turned the whole house against him and they tried to label him as abusive and that he was in the wrong (CHUCK.. Who treated Hannah like shit all season.. Had the nerve to talk?!). Mike packed his stuff and left the house because Amanda is a dusty, trifling *****. She's one of those people who egg people on and then can't take shit when they clap back. Next! 

Now on Rivals 3 she unfortunately joined the roster as a replacement. I didn't like her on AYTO so I knew I wouldn't like her here. Turns out she made me hate her even more! She came in the house talking about how AYTO is better than RW (LOL) as if RW didn't premiere a whole 22 years before AYTO. Amanda were you even born yet? While Camilla should have stayed in her lane during that argument I don't blame her for defending her partner. Regardless Amanda took it too far and not only did she call Camilla fat she mushed her in the face and started acting out. What is wrong with you? While she did get the upper hand on the after show how are you going to sit there and ***** about Camilla calling you a freckled ***** when you called her fat first? 1+ 1 = 3???? Like I'm not following. Then she got mad cause Xtina and Ratatouille voted them into elimination like they owe you nothing. Your entire season (besides Devin and a couple other people) is dusty anyway. I was so hype when she was eliminated (Nelson was cool though). Overall I can't stand her and she is one of the people I despise the most from AYTO. Her 101 Dalmations *** needs to sit the entire **** down. Build a tougher skin before trying to get buck, *****. 




Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

Spectacular..that was amazing. I did drag Amanda awhile back in this thread but that just put my entry to ******* shame.

And DEAD @ 101 Dalmations. That is all kinds of perfection.

Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

Nah. That Pizza faced ho can stay home.

nevidcm wrote:

Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

Nah. That Pizza faced ho can stay home.

I'd like a taste of that pizza Smile

Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

I want her to be on a season with Nia so she can try her and get dragged. Otherwise, she can stay gone. 

nevidcm wrote:

Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

I want her to be on a season with Nia so she can try her and get dragged. Otherwise, she can stay gone. 

too bad she's banned Smile

***** but for real I see Amanda stepping up to her, but Nia will probably drag her to hell and back. But I don't care, she's still bae <3

Queen Amanda 

Spectacular..that was amazing. I did drag Amanda awhile back in this thread but that just put my entry to ******* shame.And DEAD @ 101 Dalmations. That is all kinds of perfection.

I had a feeling it was you who dragged her but this thread is full of posts and I didn't feel like checking LOL. And any post that consists of dragging Amanda is perfection. 

And ********* I'm calling her a Dalmation from now on! 

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spectacular wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

I want her to be on a season with Nia so she can try her and get dragged. Otherwise, she can stay gone. 

too bad she's banned :)***** but for real I see Amanda stepping up to her, but Nia will probably drag her to hell and back. But I don't care, she's still bae <3

Wasn't CT supposedly banned too? Never say never lmao 

Amanda will try but I can see her crumbling in two seconds.

Queen Nia 

Tbone123 wrote:

Queen Nia and empress Amanda 

nevidcm wrote:

spectacular wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Queen Amanda tbh, I better see her on the cast list for next season

I want her to be on a season with Nia so she can try her and get dragged. Otherwise, she can stay gone. 

too bad she's banned :)***** but for real I see Amanda stepping up to her, but Nia will probably drag her to hell and back. But I don't care, she's still bae <3

Wasn't CT supposedly banned too? Never say never lmao Amanda will try but I can see her crumbling in two seconds.

Ehh, I feel like with CT is was moreso people threatening to drop out if he was cast and stuff like that. I feel like production doesn't care that much about Nia whereas CT is a household name so they probably think it's worth the risk. Idk, I hope I'm wrong though because I love me some Nia. 

Queen Nia, Empress Amanda and Goddess Theresa 
Theresa? Never Nevid

If you stan Amanda you can't come at Theresa lmao

Next entry


Can't acknowledge true royalty when he sees it

If you stan Nana you can't come at Theresa lmao

spectacular wrote:

If you stan Nana you can't come at Theresa lmao

Lol Nana? 

But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Bye Nevid looool

Nany >Theresa 

i can't like a mean *** hypocritical witch. She might have won at life. But still can't **** with her tho 

Nany >Theresa  


But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Already full with Dustin and Trey

Debut Album wrote:

But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Already full with Simone, Camilla, Jenna, and Sarah


nevidcm wrote:

Debut Album wrote:But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Already full with Simone, Camilla, Jenna, and Sarah


I mean, you're not wrong lol

Debut Album wrote:

But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Already full with Dustin and Trey

Dustin is BAE. Stahp. 


nevidcm wrote:

Debut Album wrote:But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Already full with Dustin and Trey

Dustin is BAE. Stahp.  

Suuuuuure haha

nevidcm wrote:

Debut Album wrote:But I mean in what world is Amanda or Threresa royalty? Those two are more like cheap, dusty bronze that you throw in the trash.

Already full with Dustin and Trey

Dustin is BAE. Stahp.  

Not only is he bae but he is King.
