The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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Chey looks good all the time tbh. One of the few natural beautys on this show. 

Yeah HT and Chey absolutely SHAMED everyone that even tried to look good so **** you mean 

Agreed. Johnny Bananas was dressed like  he was in kindergarten, Cory with his Jeri-Curls, Devin is just trying to get noticed, and Camila... Well she looks like that all the time. 

HonestTea101 wrote:

I want to know what people were thinking when picking their style for the reunion...

Forreal though. Like what the **** did Devin have on? Then Sarah's shitty hair? Then Nate looked tragic like damn.Cheyenne looked good though.

What was Nate wearing?

Debut Album wrote:

HonestTea101 wrote:I want to know what people were thinking when picking their style for the reunion...

Forreal though. Like what the **** did Devin have on? Then Sarah's shitty hair? Then Nate looked tragic like damn.Cheyenne looked good though.

What was Nate wearing?

It was moreso his hair than anything else. It looked weird as hell and it didn't fit him at all.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Veronica and Rachel The Inferno 2

These two miserable pieces of shit are petty as ****. The way they went after Tonya was ridiculous. You could tell Veronica was the ***** nobody liked in high school so she brought it all out on Tonya. I am not a Tonya fan at all either, but these 2 were vile. They should be ashamed of themselves for calling themselves women for how much they put down others. Oh and I loved how they blamed losing the final on Tonya...when it was ******* Tina that was even slower than Tonya. But hey, Tina gets a free p*** cause she likes your snatches tho right? Karma bit them in the *** at the end, and their pal Tina slowed them down hardcore. I loved it. I love seeing these 2******* lose. Watching the inferno 2 actually made me appreciate veronica having an awful time on the ruins even more. After seeing the inferno 2, I can gladly say whenever I see these 2 lose, I will smile.


Veronica and Rachel The Inferno 2These two miserable pieces of shit are petty as ****. The way they went after Tonya was ridiculous. You could tell Veronica was the ***** nobody liked in high school so she brought it all out on Tonya. I am not a Tonya fan at all either, but these 2 were vile. They should be ashamed of themselves for calling themselves women for how much they put down others. Oh and I loved how they blamed losing the final on Tonya...when it was ******* Tina that was even slower than Tonya. But hey, Tina gets a free p*** cause she likes your snatches tho right? Karma bit them in the *** at the end, and their pal Tina slowed them down hardcore. I loved it. I love seeing these 2******* lose. Watching the inferno 2 actually made me appreciate veronica having an awful time on the ruins even more. After seeing the inferno 2, I can gladly say whenever I see these 2 lose, I will smile.

You can see yourself out now.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Oh look someone has a different opinion and can't handle it



Oh look someone has a different opinion and can't handle it  

That was simply a joke.  No need to be a ***** about it.  

But, yeah, that entire drag was bullshit, to be honest.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Anyone can drag whomever they like in this thread. We can all agree to disagree like adults.

Wow never seen that opinion before...

Here's a drag... Zach Nicholas just sucks in general. He overrates himself thinking he would be the next CT but was the exact opposite, acts like a toddler, and disrespects women constantly.  Byeeee

Another one: Simone Kelley.... Is desperate for camera time since everyone forgot about Ayto season 1. Tries to fight with some of the biggest drama queens (Jemmye, Jordan, Nia) and they don't even give her the time of day because she's irrelevant. Then next season Ashley puts her in her place real quick. 

Here's a drag... Zach Nicholas just sucks in general. He overrates himself thinking he would be the next CT but was the exact opposite, acts like a toddler, and disrespects women constantly.  Byeeee

well technically CT does all of those things as well. plus Zach is 2-2 in reaching the Final, even winning one. not that bad imo. 

AveryI never understood why people hype her up so much. Wasn't the biggest fan of her on the majority episodes I've seen of Portland. Her and Johnny relationship was... I guess ok even though I disliked him, they were somewhat cute of a couple. Only good thing I liked her for was the adorable cute lil dog she brought baby daisy ❤️. And I liked her on the episode where her and Nia fought. Understood her defending her significant other. But then Nia said on one of her YouTube videos that she denied rivals 2 because she didn't want to be paired with her... She rid us of a potentially amazing team like YOU ******* UGH. Then came the cherry on top... EXES 2. I understood why she was salty with Nany even Nany said it in the aftershow that she'd be salty too. But she was so damn horrid on exes 2 to watch with the mess she said about Nany. And I was surprised seeing that she was still petty even after watching the aftershow when Nany explained everything. And she strikes me as one of those partners that doesn't want to speak to her partner if she doesn't like them, fond of them, or even if she barely knows them. I don't even think her and Leroy spoke at all only on that one challenge day. But speaking on rivals 3 I was surprised seeing her and Nany interacting for that short time. Im still disappointed we didn't get any Nicole/Nany/Avery interaction. If she ever comes back and Nicole too I'm wonder how they'll interact. But other than that eh. I think I'm the only one that thinks karma got her and was the reason why she DQd on rivals 3.

Averey is a ***** who got her just desserts

AveryI never understood why people hype her up so much. Wasn't the biggest fan of her on the majority episodes I've seen of Portland. Her and Johnny relationship was... I guess ok even though I disliked him, they were somewhat cute of a couple. Only good thing I liked her for was the adorable cute lil dog she brought baby daisy ❤️. And I liked her on the episode where her and Nia fought. Understood her defending her significant other. But then Nia said on one of her YouTube videos that she denied rivals 2 because she didn't want to be paired with her... She rid us of a potentially amazing team like YOU ******* UGH. Then came the cherry on top... EXES 2. I understood why she was salty with Nany even Nany said it in the aftershow that she'd be salty too. But she was so damn horrid on exes 2 to watch with the mess she said about Nany. And I was surprised seeing that she was still petty even after watching the aftershow when Nany explained everything. And she strikes me as one of those partners that doesn't want to speak to her partner if she doesn't like them, fond of them, or even if she barely knows them. I don't even think her and Leroy spoke at all only on that one challenge day. But speaking on rivals 3 I was surprised seeing her and Nany interacting for that short time. Im still disappointed we didn't get any Nicole/Nany/Avery interaction. If she ever comes back and Nicole too I'm wonder how they'll interact. But other than that eh. I think I'm the only one that thinks karma got her and was the reason why she DQd on rivals 3.

Averey is a ***** who got her just desserts

DA - you back up off my fake kid or we will have problems! CT is just complex, not a ****** like JEK et al... and he has grown and matured over the years unlike the latter. Other than that...carry on *kiss2*V123 my dear please explain this to me - "behaviors that you would find more in lesbians such as cursing like a sailor, being outspoken, career motivated, and crap like that" I must be confused as my filthy mouth I already had prior to joining the Navy but that does make it official, am very outspoken AND career I lesbian in denial?!?! I thought it was because they like ***** and I like **** that we differed... did I misunderstand something? *help*Your negative narrative toward woman of any substance lately is concerning me. Please think before speaking - a woman enjoying sex and determining who she chooses to have casual sex with doesn't diminish her value as a person any more than it would a male, thinking and having strong opinions (even if they don't coincide with yours) is NOT a bad thing, discourse brings enlightenment to all involved! Get it together baby. . . . xo

Well said Semi.

Rachel miss "I was in the army." ***** ****

"I was in there a lot more than you! Don't tell me I'm not a real soldier! Don't tell me I wasn't in the war!!"

rwportland2 wrote:

My disdain for her reached its highest when she appeared on the Ruins. That challenge was just terrible in every way possible, from the competition to the Tonya situation to the Brad and Darrell fight and JEK. But imo Casey was singlehandedly the reason why the Challengers team was so awful. Sure the Champions team was stacked but the Challengers team had KellyAnne, Sarah, Brad, Kim (who was decent) and they only managed to get 1 Challenge win in the entire season. I hated how easy she made it for JEK to win this season. Her awfulness also brought out the worst in Brad. I have no idea why the Challengers decided to vote in Brianna over Casey. That was the dumbest move they made considering it was the only mission they won.

Actually the reason is pretty simple and makes the way the Ruins went squarely Brad's fault. Brad is a coward, at least on the shows. Brad was nervous about going up against the Champion guys in the Ruins and early on struck a deal with JEK which pretty much said that if he kept Casey around he would be allowed to walk, untouched, to the final. That sounds like a pretty good deal until you consider how the Ruins worked with the money situation. Brad probably assumed the Challengers would win a few missions and he'd have more than 2 grand in his bank account. Instead, they lost all potential missions and then, at the end when he might have tried to go up against Darrell who took all of Cohutta's bank account, the champions said they weren't throwing Darrell in again. So he made no money during the game, would have to go against a heavy hitter if he wanted to make ANY additional money, was unlikely to win the final, and had screwed himself out of a ton of money out of fear and was likely going to walk home with 2 grand. Brad being a ***** completely sabotaged his team and his realization of that is what led to him getting drunk and trying to fight Darrell. I've just never understood why he was so scared. He's a good competitor. A lot of the big dogs try to avoid elimination...but if they have to do it they sack up and do it. I could never see JEK, Wes, CT, etc. ever making a deal like was so stupid. Especially when you know she was going to throw challenges to avoid any potential risk of going in. 

Brad honestly needs to get dragged just for his last two challenge appearances. He screwed over his team on the Ruins, not only by striking that deal, but then DQing and getting sent home. If he somehow made it to the final with KellyAnne and Sarah, I think he could've pushed them a little harder and they could've won. 

Then, on top of that, he and Tori were the absolute worst on Cutthroat. How they can be proud of that BS win and retirement is beyond me, constantly using Brandon and Camila as scapegoats and screwing over their own team, all while acting high and mighty and better than everyone else.


Useless...just plain useless. Was a nice girl and seems cool but other than 

And this Warrior Brittany shit needs to stop honestly.

I prefer her over Simone and Amanda. Brittany was just kind of boring though. 


Honestly this season sucked IMO. Like it was very boring and barely anything happened that intrested me. Like the only noteworthy thing was the whole CT/Adam debacle. Then there was the fact that this was bascially a pairs challenge as for some reason people were paired up every challenge. Then there was the list that had the order people were picked in down pact which made the competition boring as hell. Not to mentiong that part of it was prediticable as you Knew Rachel was going to win for the women(Landon should've won for the men). But I think the biggest thing of this season was them wasting Issac and pushing that ******** Evan to the forefront. Like what the ****? Why does he need to be the one leading the chant in the intro? Then he ended up winning. Which sucked ***.

But one thing I will say about this season is that it had a good Shit they should've shown special.

Warrior Brittany WAS Exes 2!

Yeah, having them pair up on every mission was dumb and defeats the purpose of calling it a duel. Like you said, you could pretty much tell which players would get sent in. It wasn't anything like the original Duel which was far better. 

I know people don't like Ev but I wish she did the Duel 2 to give Rachel some competition. 

Yeah, having them pair up on every mission was dumb and defeats the purpose of calling it a duel. Like you said, you could pretty much tell which players would get sent in. It wasn't anything like the original Duel which was far better. I know people don't like Ev but I wish she did the Duel 2 to give Rachel some competition. 

Even though she would've made that season worse than it was that would've been interesting to see Ev and Rachel on a proper challenge season.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Duel 2 was nothing like the first Duel. I just rewatched that, and am glad that was my first challenge that I watched.

Production does have a fetish for pairs teams. Since the Duel 2, there have been 7 out of 11 challenges that have been pair teams. 

Ashley Lindley never being on the Challenge

Ashley was great potential. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, could have been decent competition, and was even saying the challenge needed fresh faces. Something a number of us wanted to see during that time. But she was around the period where JEK was dominating the shows and I guess production wanted to cast females that could either take verbal abuse from them or just be sheeps in their alliances. Like okay give us boring Mandi or Simone 1.0 in Jasmine, but someone like Ashley stays home. Get your shit straight, production.

Yasss at that entry. Ashley Lindley- a true robbed queen who will forever go down as a legend that dragged Jasmine to hell. 
