Are You The One? (Season 4)

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RobbKingo wrote:

Emma above Nicole, Victoria and Julia. Yeah, right.

You liking Julia= Shakespeare tragedy

She ain't ******* ugly! So is Emma.

Nostalgic wrote:

RobbKingo wrote:Emma above Nicole, Victoria and Julia. Yeah, right.

You liking Julia= Shakespeare tragedy

She ain't ******* ugly! So is Emma.

Sketchy not ugly

Emma's not ugly I just don't think she's ever seen a comb or flat iron before.

Cast Rankings (These are just personal faves.)


1. Stephen

2. Asaf

3. John

4. Prosper

5. Cam B.

6. Tyler

7. Sam

8. Cam K.

9. Big Forehead

10. Giovanni


1. Nicole

2. Julia

3. Kaylen

4. Francesca

5. Victoria

6. Alyssa

7. Tori

8. Camille

9. Mikala

10. Emma

All of this queen Emma slander will NOT prosper when I'm present lol can't wait for her to shut the haters up when she dominates The Challenge. Thankfully she's a shoe in for both Exes (Prosper/Emma or John/Emma) and Rivals (Julia/Emma). Emma Nation is taking over. Poor OEH (Obsessed Emma Haters) #QueenEmma #EmmaNation #SheBadUMad  


Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Nicole is top 4.

Cast Ranking In terms of my faves:


1. Stephen- the best AYTO cast member ever in my opinion, fun, attractive asf, kind and caring but not affaid to clapback and fight.

2. Cam Kobo- Funny, good looking, and sane

3. John- funny, emotional, goofy, loveable, blunt, not afraid to put someone in their place

4. Sam- Great hair,  cool, funny, kind of annoying but likeable

5. Cam B.- Nice, attractive, tall asf,

6. Morgan- ****** but funny asf

7. Asaf- ****** but funny and loveable for the most part

8. Prosper- likeable but he's a follower

9. Tyler- irrelevant but good guy

10. Gio- the pits better suited for RW or Bad Boys Club



1. Emma- Queen, Legend, Goddess, Gorgeous, Bae

2. Kaylen- Godess, the baddest ***** alive, not afraid to check a *****, melanin queen

3. Tori- gorgeous, funny, smart, witty, confident, strong, better suited for Real World but still slayed

4. Alyssa- Underrated queen,  gorgeous, shouldve stayed in the house longer, needs redemption

5. Mikala- 10/10, her and Cam = Relationship Goals, fiesty

6. Victoria- gorgeous but lacked self confidence, overly emotinal, blunt and honest not afraid to speak her mind

7. Francesca- Gorgeous asf (best looking girl on the show) redeemed herself towards the end, kinda *****y and self centered, still bae

8. Camille- eyebrows tragic but Melanin poppin, blunt and honest, her lisp is cute

9. Nicole- boring but pretty, reminds me of Jenna for Awkward

10. Julie- average asf, petty, annoying, but cute, her only redeemable quality is being Stephen's GF




Queen Emma will actually make it to Final unlike ThomASS #EmmaNation

I don't see anyone on AYTO other than hunter and Connor making a final honestly. Where would someone even get the idea that Emma could actually make one loooooooool. 

Early boot written on her forehead

nevidcm wrote:


Pressed?Queen Emma will actually make it to Final unlike ThomASS #EmmaNation

Ain't nothing to be pressed about, she's not making the show, let alone even being contacted. And I don't even stan for Thomas, just repping him on VG4 as a joke but nice try, try a little harder next time. 

Early boot written on her forehead

Early boot as in before initial calls go out lolz

Tbone123 wrote:

Early boot written on her forehead

Early boot as in before initial calls go out lolz


He really asked who's pressed, but end up redoing his list to put Emma at the top?

EDIT: Nah, I see its different. Lmao tho.

I see you changed your avi lol Queen Emma haters can never win.

OT: Conner and Hunter will never be seen on TV again, Queen Emma will grace our screens again next year

Lets talk about Tyler

Hunter will only be allowed on TV when he upgrades his phone. I swear he still using a iPhone 4....

I see you changed your avi lol Queen Emma haters can never win.OT: Conner and Hunter will never be seen on TV again, Queen Emma will grace our screens again next year

Okay and your point is? That's right, you have none. 

But we'll see when she finally makes her debut, so never. 

Like this can't be a real person

Lets talk about Tyler

There have been three people named Tyler and they were all irrelevant. 


Laugh all you want but my faves never flop. Cory, Nia, and Tony have all delivered at some point, Jessica was my only flop, a 3/4 success rate ain't too bad lol.

She won't flop because she won't have the chance to flop. 

And what do you call Cory losing to Nate/Christina?

A ThomASS stan coming for me? Lol Tragic indeed even Nate did better than that flop lol. I would drag HardBitten too but he stans King Stephen #EmmaBadUMad #EmmaNation

Cory made it to a final unlike ThomASS, Cory almost sent your fave home lol tragic!

nevidcm wrote:


Pressed?Queen Emma will actually make it to Final unlike ThomASS #EmmaNation

Men don't be delusional here I like Emma but she is noooot doing reality tv again or either the challenge ppl is going to contact her.

I **** with her tho.

hardbitten wrote:

Lets talk about Tyler

There have been three people named Tyler and they were all irrelevant. [img][/img]

Not too much on Season 3 Tyler, he was great

And that's when you know you just lost the argument. 

Like what does Thomas even have to do with this? He's a flop, he's irrelevant, what's new? 
