Big Brother 18: Episode Discussion

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bye bridg

bye bridg

Why would Vic Paul James or Natalie do that?

I hope whoever has that ticket. I can't see production allowing nobody to have the 2 way ticket it would be a pointless twist 

I hope whoever has that ticket. I can't see production allowing nobody to have the 2 way ticket it would be a pointless twist 

Can't give spoilers but the twist may not be done if Michelle doesn't have it

This episode had so much potential...

Meech has lots of outfit changes. I love that Bridgette wanted to win veto since Frank did 

OMFG! Michelle dragging Nicole before her exit!

and theyre still not evicting meech? WHAT

Sheep. Pathetic

BISH WHET! I'm kinda glad they evicting Bridgette but it's a shock.

when is meech not crying

What did Bridgette just say? Something about someone being ****** up

Lol I'm just reading what you guys are posting about tonight's episode. How did it change from Michelle to Bridgette?

Michelle crying with no tears. BYE!

Lol I'm just reading what you guys are posting about tonight's episode. How did it change from Michelle to Bridgette?

James and Paul taking orders

Michelle crying with no tears. BYE!

She's going to be safe for a while based on jokers ratings

WittyWrath wrote:

Michelle crying with no tears. BYE!

She's going to be safe for a while based on jokers ratings

Who do you think is the next target? Natalie?

I think victor would maybe actually target paulie 

kvm1977 wrote:

WittyWrath wrote:Michelle crying with no tears. BYE!

She's going to be safe for a while based on jokers ratings

Who do you think is the next target? Natalie?

I think Michelle is the next target if Paulie/Corey/Nicole but I think shell get the care package with Bridgette gone. Her or Paul

I have no idea where James Victor and Paul stand now

If Michelle gets super safety who gets co HOH.....

If Michelle gets super safety who gets co HOH.....

Paul. Paul&Michelle arevthe highest 2 ranked with Bridgette gone

I want someone who will make a big move for hoh but like bridge was going to win saftey this week. Meech will cry because she needs to wear a super saftey suit and will think she looks fat 

so happy Big Meech stayed, but at the same time so sad it was at the cost of Bridgette </3

Literally why couldn't anyone other than Corey win ******it

so happy Big Meech stayed, but at the same time so sad it was at the cost of Bridgette </3Literally why couldn't anyone other than Corey win damit

because he guessed correctly - lol Corey is such a himbo that everything he does irritates the shit out of me... his eyes are vacant, he even swallows too loud! He's a gulper, I ******* hate that!!

nevidcm wrote:

so happy Big Meech stayed, but at the same time so sad it was at the cost of Bridgette </3Literally why couldn't anyone other than Corey win damit

because he guessed correctly - lol Corey is such a himbo that everything he does irritates the shit out of me... his eyes are vacant, he even swallows too loud! He's a gulper, I ******* hate that!!


What .....

TwoStrikes wrote:

If Michelle gets super safety who gets co HOH.....

Paul. Paul&Michelle arevthe highest 2 ranked with Bridgette gone

I hope you're not going by Jokers. it's the casual fans that matter. 

The way Julie is talking makes me think paulie has the 2 way ticket 

Brenchel session *rolls eyes*

I wish Jeff and jordan would have beat them 
