The Challenge: Rivals 3- Wes Bergmann and Nany Gonzalez

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I mean in terms of willingness to get physical with friends/family. 

You're probably right about that

I wish Wes was either in better shape or Nany had a different partner. If she was with Frank they probs would have won the elim

I really like Nany because I do think she has a big heart and is genuine and extremely loyal to her friends, but isn't it interesting how her relationship with Johnny isn't much different from the one she had with Adam Royer on her Real World season? He had a girlfriend, continued to treat Nany like crap, and yet she still kept coming back. Even when they did after shows she still took him back after he disrespected her. She allowed Bananas to use her while he had a serious girlfriend, and then disrespect her left and right and throw her aside when he wanted to like it was nothing. To keep going back to that shows that you don't respect yourself. I hope she is doing better in her current relationship because this is pathetic to see.

I think that's also the difference between men and women.  You can bet if Vince turned on Bananas that Bananas would have been in there trying to rough him uup.

ItS not a gender difference, it's an idividual.

People act like nany would be assaulting nicole if she played the game and pushed her a few times. It is a game. My brother and i play bball one on one and there are hard fouls and bumps but we still love eachother. Makes no sense how throwing in towel is loyal. Nicole played her .. She as always was taken adv of and manipulated . And let a weaker team advance with little to no fight. Nany is forever the type who people walk over and manipulate from adam royer to johhnny to her short friendhips with theresa to her cousin... Letting people use you isnt loyal its called being a sucker. What loyalty has anyone showed her of that list i just had above. She trusts the wrong people plain and simple that is why she retired with 0 wins


wes is equally to blame but nany admitted to basically not trying.

I hate so much that this team lost. Had they won the elimination I would've Staned the **** out of them.



I hate so much that this team lost. Had they won the elimination I would've Staned the **** out of them.  

that sounds unpleasant 

Debut Album wrote:

I hate so much that this team lost. Had they won the elimination I would've Staned the **** out of them.  

that sounds unpleasant 

It's not. I promise.

I usually root against wes, but i actually liked him this season and was sad they lost

People act like nany would be assaulting nicole if she played the game and pushed her a few times. It is a game. My brother and i play bball one on one and there are hard fouls and bumps but we still love eachother. Makes no sense how throwing in towel is loyal. Nicole played her .. She as always was taken adv of and manipulated . And let a weaker team advance with little to no fight. Nany is forever the type who people walk over and manipulate from adam royer to johhnny to her short friendhips with theresa to her cousin... Letting people use you isnt loyal its called being a sucker. What loyalty has anyone showed her of that list i just had above. She trusts the wrong people plain and simple that is why she retired with 0 wins wes is equally to blame but nany admitted to basically not trying.

no hes not. he is MOSTLY to 95%.  nany matched nicole's speed and even gave wes a minor head start in the second round

it doesnt matter if nany tried her hardest or not. she still did her job. if im doing a project with my colleague i am not to blame if they cant do their part of the work when i finished my portion

I don't think trying to push/pull people back is a good strategy anyway in that type of elimination, because instead of focusing on moving forward like the other person, you slow yourself down to ATTEMPT to slow the other person down. Nany did her job both rounds, Wes was purely to blame for this loss.

jwm8624 wrote:

People act like nany would be assaulting nicole if she played the game and pushed her a few times. It is a game. My brother and i play bball one on one and there are hard fouls and bumps but we still love eachother. Makes no sense how throwing in towel is loyal. Nicole played her .. She as always was taken adv of and manipulated . And let a weaker team advance with little to no fight. Nany is forever the type who people walk over and manipulate from adam royer to johhnny to her short friendhips with theresa to her cousin... Letting people use you isnt loyal its called being a sucker. What loyalty has anyone showed her of that list i just had above. She trusts the wrong people plain and simple that is why she retired with 0 wins wes is equally to blame but nany admitted to basically not trying.

no hes not. he is MOSTLY to 95%.  nany matched nicole's speed and even gave wes a minor head start in the second roundit doesnt matter if nany tried her hardest or not. she still did her job. if im doing a project with my colleague i am not to blame if they cant do their part of the work when i finished my portion


that example doesnt work because you could help them finish or do it with them nany couldnt help wes. A team that has heats us different from a team that can work together


but regardless ok if it is wes fault but the rest is true why nany doesnt or hasnt win. She continually trusts people who dont help her and she goes back and does it again.. But in this instance i think this says more about nicole than nany


i wish her the best in school.  Kind of stinks how many good women competitors are gone is why we get the jessicas back so much.

Wes definitely was the weak link in this elimination, but what Nany did was crap.  Blame Wes, but who did all the work in the previous elimination?  Sure wasn't Nany.  She made Wes play an honest game, until it was too late.  She blabbed about Wes' deal with Cory in front of her cousin (who idc you keep that deal between your two teams.  Kinda the point of the Wes/Cory alliance).  Nany turns into a nut job during challenges when they don't go her way.  She gets rattled too easily.  So yes, the one time Wes needed her to pull her weight she was nowhere to be found.  This is the least competitive challenge I have ever seen.  Avoiding physical contact because it is a family member (who screwed you in the game) and people making alliances for 3rd place.    

This team deserved the finals!

This team deserved the finals!

Nany's best chances to win honestly were Seasons and Exes 2.

Rivals 2 and Free Agents were Emily's and Laurels to win, She wasn't winning Bloodlines with Nicole anyway, Her & Wes could've won Rivals 3 if they had weaker teams in the final.

I know this is gonna sound unpopular but I want Nany to do 1 more at least because this isn't how you should end your challenge career

This team was so over rate in my opinion.


This team was so overrated in my opinion. 

Calling them overrated isn't really saying much.  A team with two veterans, and one who has seen four finals and won two should be expected to perform better.  They made it far, but performed toward the middle of the pack with an underwhelming group of competitors in most challenges.  Wes does not lift and didn't have many swimming competitions this time around.  Nany is worthless with heights, loses control of her emotions, plays too honest of a game for her limitations, and did not want to win enough to physically engage her cousin.  Looking back in hindsight this team was lucky to make it as far as they did...and they were my favorite team.

PinkRose wrote:

This team IS so overrated in my opinion. 

This team was so over rate in my opinion. 

I never really saw anyone overrate this team at all. If anyone was praising them it was because they were the only decent pair left in a batch full of ********** and scrubs. I have seen more people on here talk about their weak performance this season than praise them for anything. 

Nanys fear of heights seem to have gotten worse over time 

she's never worked better with a partner than she did with Jonna 

Should've been Bananas/Sarah, Wes/Nany, Tony/Camila based on performance. (And even though they sucked during some challenges, I think if they stayed, I think Jamie/KellyAnne would be good competition for a final).

Nanys fear of heights seem to have gotten worse over time she's never worked better with a partner than she did with Jonna 


FA/ Exes was when Nany was at her best

v123 wrote:

Nanys fear of heights seem to have gotten worse over time she's never worked better with a partner than she did with Jonna 

 FA/ Exes was when Nany was at her best

I'd throw in Seasons 2 as well.

With Jonna there wasn't any high expectations.

Her and Jonna were amazing in the shock challenge.  I could've died watching that team and Leroy's team.  One team is crying and screaming at each other, while the other went the wrong way.  I think Wes and Nany would be great just for the purpose of Bananas and Wes in a final.  Personally I hate to say it, but Bananas and Sarah would smoke them.  Bananas and Sarah would just be too good at the checkpoints.  Nany and Wes would probably hit the time limit on a puzzle, and while Bananas does not light it up in eating gross stuff, neither does Wes (Nany will not even contribute as seen before).  

I could see them beating Vince and Jenna 

They might be able to take Vince/Jenna since they suck at puzzles too 


I agree.  I feel like they would have more endurance than Vince/Jenna too.  
