Are You The One? (Season 4)

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What a weird *** episode.

Emma, Nicole, Victoria, Prosper, Cam- It looks like they are going to be featured more the next few episodes and well hallelujah! :) 

Asaf, Francesca, Tori, Camille- I can't imagine ever taking  Asaf seriously, I mean he cracks me up and he serves his purpose as "the guy who's there for the comic relief", but an actual relationship with him? Please, let's be real. I'm glad Tori dumped his sleazy ***.Francesca's completely delusional btw. It's like it doean't matter how many times she gets humiliated as long as she gets the guy in the end. Someone's got some serious self-esteem issues. Not even kidding, she seriously had me concerned throughout the whole episode.  

Julia- Her "oh these girls are so jealous of me" comment made me roll my eyes so hard. I know how bad it is when girls put down other girls out of petty jealousy even though said girl is not at fault, but this is not the case. All they did was call her out on her bullshit, and she keeps taking  zero responsability for her actions. You ****** up, girl. Own it, stop playing the victim card, and we can all move on. 

Kaylen/Gio- Kaylen has really grown on me this last episode. I can see why she initially thought he was breaking up with her because he was afraid to lose her, based on him saying he didn't want to go to the truth booth because he didn't want to lose her last episode, but it's pretty obvious that's not the reason. He's straight up saying he wants to get their truth booth out of the way so that he can pursue someone else. I get why she's trying to fix things, their situation is different from Tori and Asaf's, but watching this episode knowing they are/have been together in real life, made me wonder what he's done to redeem himself. Seems like he's a hot/cold kinda guy. He rushed into this talking about marriage, now he needs space? 

Mikameron are cuties, and so are Sam/Alyssa. They should balance out the dynamics by showing these two couples more. A friendly reminder that not everyone on this show is a crazy ********* would be nice, LOL. 


there are two girls this season that really caught my eye: Mikela and Victoria. Fran is very cute as well.

Nah. Sam made his relevance by being the not *********, feminine-ish guy. I like him lmaoooSo far the likable nice real dudes are Cam, Sam, prosper and Stephen for me. Oh and that other dude that is in the honeymoon sweet. 

Mikala's Cameron is cute but too scrawny

Nah. Sam made his relevance by being the not *********, feminine-ish guy. I like him lmaoooSo far the likable nice real dudes are Cam, Sam, prosper and Stephen for me. Oh and that other dude that is in the honeymoon sweet. 

Mikala's Cameron is cute but too scrawny

My thoughts from tonight's epsiode:#Mikameron is the best.Initially I thought Tori's reaction to Asaf was forced but ultimately I felt really bad for her.  I think she really liked Asaf and then he tells her he ****** Frank.Frank is a total hypocrite.  Anyone else think she looks like a kid with those dual braids?I don't have a problem with Gio wanting to play the game but his execution was poor.  He shouldn't have done Kaylen like that.Alyssa and Sam are so cute together, especially when he said "each kiss gets better than the last" corny but cute and probably worked.Julia was bearable this episode.Love Victoria when she said, "You don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley"Morgan and Julia WTF.  This guy has no game lol.Who is Tyler again?Prosper and NIcole...I like it.Oh and what's with Prosper and his protein nails lolSteve you gotta stop shitting your pants bro.Overall a decent episode but nowhere close to episode 3 imo.

Francesca is her name not Frank. You can't call a girl Frank. It could be gender confusing to new users.

Also they never indicated how old Stephen was when he shit himself

I guess someone commented on Gio's little sister's facebook and this is how he reacted:Is this real life?  I mean he has no idea how to handle himself.

Its nor about him "handling himself" that's family after all. 

I guess someone commented on Gio's little sister's facebook and this is how he reacted:Is this real life?  I mean he has no idea how to handle himself.

Its nor about him "handling himself" that's family after all. 

Nostalgic wrote:

Asaf is so ******* reatarded. And isn't he from Tel Aviv. I love how they whiteified his location to Sherman Oaks

Zak from season 3 did an interview and said that he had insisted they list his location as Toronto. Production didn't want to do that and really wanted to list him as being from LA. He really had to fight for being presented as Canadian. As imagine the same thing happened to Asaf. For some weird reason, LE think that a random American location makes a castmember more relatable.

Audrey thank you boo for this ×10000. I shouldn't expect anymore from these companies.

Hahahahahahha francesca made an account bahahahahaha I remember when Tyrie did that and went off on us.

tori was queen this episode.

this cast still sucks. I really hope none of them make it on a challenge...

also  gio is the next Bruno... JOY ha

Also they never indicated how old Stephen was when he shit himself

They said it was twice in the last 5 years...

It seems like all the girls hate Julia based on Twitter 

It seems like all the girls hate Julia based on Twitter 

Most do except Tori.

It seems like all the girls hate Julia based on Twitter 

I know. Probably bc she had a bf the whole time so played several men in the house and doesn't seem to care. All while potentially ruining the other ladies chances with their perfect matches for nothing.  Maybe that's why. Still no reason to **** shame imo.

Gio just did a persicope.  He said he's going to leave it up all day.

Yeah, they have a point, I can see why they don't like her, but they shouldn't take it so far. They should just move on at this point.

Gio is a shit face and he act like an over-emotional *** woman acting like he can't just tell Kaylen what's up. ✌

Asaf is not worth mentioning but he's a painful train wreck and he's not the good kind that you stay and watch. Sometimes I feel like he's not all the way there. Sad

Kaylen/Tori deserve to be top priority from this cast on the next challenge, they are strong independent women who are not afraid to tell like it is. We need ...that.

Yeah, they have a point, I can see why they don't like her, but they shouldn't take it so far. They should just move on at this point.

Trust me I completely understand being angry. Just no reason to pretty much dedicate your sm to an irrelevant person. Oh, and NO ONE in this cast has a right to call anyone a ****.

...except maybe Sam lol

ilovechurros wrote:

Yeah, they have a point, I can see why they don't like her, but they shouldn't take it so far. They should just move on at this point.

Trust me I completely understand being angry. Just no reason to pretty much dedicate your sm to an irrelevant person. Oh, and NO ONE in this cast has a right to call anyone a ****....except maybe Sam lol

Yeah exactly. Plus I don't approve of the term "****" in general, it just bugs me for several reasons really. I'm not sure I understood what you meant about Sam lol

JEKFAN wrote:

It seems like all the girls hate Julia based on Twitter 

Most do except Tori.

Mikala and Alyssa don't seem to hate her either. Actually, Mikala and Julia seemed to be friends before Mikala went to the honeymoon suite.

I think Emma is just jealous of her cause every guy Emma wants, they want Julia

MTV Junky wrote:

JEKFAN wrote:It seems like all the girls hate Julia based on Twitter 

Most do except Tori.

Mikala and Alyssa don't seem to hate her either. Actually, Mikala and Julia seemed to be friends before Mikala went to the honeymoon suite.

You are right about that.  I remember Mikala saying she is fine with Julia.  I don't think Alyssa talks to her though.

Nostalgic wrote:

Also they never indicated how old Stephen was when he shit himself

They said it was twice in the last 5 years...

Accidents/sicknesses happen....

I think Emma is just jealous of her cause every guy Emma wants, they want Julia

To be fair, Julia called her pathetic, so she actually kinda started it. Then she proceeded to feed John a lot of bullshit about pursuing a relationship with him out of the house, while talking shit about him behind his back. They called her out, she did nothing aboout the disastrous situation and took no responsibilities for it. Jealousy is probably part of it, but it's not like she gave them no reasons to dislike her. I think their annoyance with her is legit, but the way they express that annoyance kinda puts me off. 


They should just move on at this point.

ilovechurros wrote:

MTV Junky wrote:

JEKFAN wrote:It seems like all the girls hate Julia based on Twitter 

Most do except Tori.

Mikala and Alyssa don't seem to hate her either. Actually, Mikala and Julia seemed to be friends before Mikala went to the honeymoon suite.

You are right about that.  I remember Mikala saying she is fine with Julia.  I don't think Alyssa talks to her though.

Oh I don't think they're friends, I just think she doesn't give a shit about hating on her, unlike the others.

I think Emma is just jealous of her cause every guy Emma wants, they want Julia

Or better yet Julia just simply gives good head. #BackofJuliasthroat

I think Emma is just jealous of her cause every guy Emma wants, they want Julia

I really don't think it's jealousy. Julia tried to roast her during the first match up ceremony meanwhile she wasn't even feeling John anyway. Like what did she expect Emma to do? That was her only connection up to that point so that's the only person she felt that she could choose. John led Emma on and Julia led John on. All Emma tried to do was make a connection and they made a fool out of her. I don't blame her for any anger she has towards Julia, it's well deserved tbh.

JEKFAN wrote:

I think Emma is just jealous of her cause every guy Emma wants, they want Julia

To be fair, Julia called her pathetic, so she actually kinda started it. Then she proceeded to feed John a lot of bullshit about pursuing a relationship with him out of the house, while talking shit about him behind his back. They called her out, she did nothing aboout the disastrous situation and took no responsibilities for it. Jealousy is probably part of it, but it's not like she gave them no reasons to dislike her. I think their annoyance with her is legit, but the way they express that annoyance kinda puts me off.  

i was only referring to Emma... I don't blame the others for not liking her since Julia was very fake about the john situation and she had a boyfriend back home. But I think Emma dislike for her started early on and I think it came from jealously.
