The Challenge: Rivals 3 - Digging Your Own Grave

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Cory needs a Wes or a Sarah to handle politics because he clearly can't do it on his own.  He needs the brain to his brand 

He just needs a little more seasoning. 

So Tom is okay with his best friend throwing him in for no good reason. It wasn't to get to a final and Tom's team was threatening.  Cory's years of friendship with Tom should out way Ashley's hatred for Simone for a couple weeks. They didn't even get in a physical altercation.

Plus Cory kept saying he wasn't going to put them in the pit.

So isn't Tom technically up Cory's *** because his friend sent him in elimination and he was okay with his friend afterwards. Or does that only happen when your friend is a Challenge Champion?

Debut Album wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
Challenge 17 wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
Challenge 17 wrote:
hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

He still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley did didn't matter.

Ashley is crazy enough to have quit if she didn't get her way.cory has no other rivals. So he wasn't going to risk his own ***. Tom wasn't even mad,  he understood because it's clear as day suckmone was the only reason they were going in. 

No she wasn't. She even said that she wasn't going to actually do it. She said that so she'd get her way.

but cory didn't know that.  Ashley is unpredictable enough for him to not want to take any chances.  Thomas wasn't even mad. It was because of his partner everyone knows this. He didn't want to and made it clear he did it because of Simone.  That's why Tom getting thrown in isn't a big deal. Its not like Theresa throwing in the guy she's *******

No she isn't. You act like she's this psycho *****. she isn't. You really think that Ashley is just going to leave the show like that? She's not Brandon.Once again It doesn't matter how Thomas Felt about it. Cory sent in a friend, He can't get mad that Dario did the same to him. That's it. Everything else is irrelevant. 

It's not irrelevant in the slightest, he threw them in because of his PARTNER not because of Tom.  Dario threw cory in because of cory.  That's why Cory was mad. Had Tom had a different girl cory wouldn't have threw him in, but dario still would have. 

But he still threw them in...which is the point. 

I was lowkey feeling Nicole this ep. I think I finally understand her. 

Speaking of Nicole...Anyone else think that she looks better now? I mean before she looked like a transvestite with all that makeup but not she's looking pretty decent.

Speaking of Nicole...Anyone else think that she looks better now? I mean before she looked like a transvestite with all that makeup but not she's looking pretty decent.

I think she stopped with the drag queen makeup. I thought she looked great in the beginning of the episode with some makeup on and without her fake blue eye contacts.

Bischoff wrote:

That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

berklonius wrote:

Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

See, I don't take the Cory/Bananas/Vince alliance seriously at all. I think Cory made a deal with them to stay off their radar, but I don't think he would have thrown Dario in an elimination to keep Bananas and Vince safe. That makes absolutely no sense if Cory wants to win the title. As for Wes choosing Devin over Dario, not a chance had Dario played along. Do you really think Nany is going to allow Wes to throw her cousin in elimination to keep Devin around? That's not happening. Nany would throw the shit fit to end all shit fits if Wes tried to pull that.

It was a stupid move by Dario. He's basically throwing his trust with the least trustworthy player in the game (and one of the most skilled when it comes to politics) and his cousin, both of whom have teams that will smoke his team in the final if they decided to allow him to join them in the first place, which is highly doubtful. I would much rather try to get rid of those two and take my chances against Wes/Cory, both of whom had motivation to keep him close. 

**** I fell asleep and missed the Ep & Didn't record it and it isn't on demand, somebody post a link please.

Stated by someone dumber than Nicole and her 1992 contacts. 

Nicole is smart

Yeah, but no one accused Dario or Nicole of being smart. Nicole telling Dario about the "alliance" was  more pointless and dumb than Dairo's decision. I thought Jenna and Vince were dumb and dumber. Ole fake eyes has them beat. 

Bischoff wrote:

berklonius wrote:

Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

See, I don't take the Cory/Bananas/Vince alliance seriously at all. I think Cory made a deal with them to stay off their radar, but I don't think he would have thrown Dario in an elimination to keep Bananas and Vince safe. That makes absolutely no sense if Cory wants to win the title. As for Wes choosing Devin over Dario, not a chance had Dario played along. Do you really think Nany is going to allow Wes to throw her cousin in elimination to keep Devin around? That's not happening. Nany would throw the shit fit to end all shit fits if Wes tried to pull that.It was a stupid move by Dario. He's basically throwing his trust with the least trustworthy player in the game (and one of the most skilled when it comes to politics) and his cousin, both of whom have teams that will smoke his team in the final if they decided to allow him to join them in the first place, which is highly doubtful. I would much rather try to get rid of those two and take my chances against Wes/Cory, both of whom had motivation to keep him close. 

Dario and Nicole are dumber than a box of rocks. Wait that is an insult to rocks. Dario had to be the big boy on campus instead of Cory. It's laughable.

berklonius wrote:

Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

If Dario had thrown in Vince and Banananaanana he would have had Nate, Devin, Wes, and Cory. Now he has Banananananana who we know won't be loyal beyond this episode and Vince. Who doesn't think beyond how his cousin tells him to think. It was a bad move.

berklonius wrote:

Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.


See the thing is, Cory was not 3rd to Bananas and Vince, that spot was given to Nate and Christina as you've seen from their loyalty from day 1 basically. Cory was probably 4th on their list, maybe even 5th because they probably want Devin and Cheyenne to be in a final. And dario definitely was Wes and Nany's number 1, theres no way Nany would let them be any other number. Cory and Ashley are a strong team and are needed to beat Bananas and Vince during the challenges to send them in to Elimination, that is the only reason why I feel Wes and Nany would tell Cory that they are their number 1. Remember, bananas wants the easiest final to guarentee himself money (since he has no day job) so Nate and Devin are always going to be put before any other team.


Well that's my opinion 

I understand Bananas & Sarah, but why is everyone saying Vince & Jenna are going tp destroy the final? Anything with eating Jenna can't do, neither are good at puzzles and they haven't proven much endurance wise.

I understand Bananas & Sarah, but why is everyone saying Vince & Jenna are going tp destroy the final? Anything with eating Jenna can't do, neither are good at puzzles and they haven't proven much endurance wise.

Because except for Cory and Ashley the other teams are worth ******* compared to the Banana family fruit tree this season, as for the puzzles theres usually just a half hour timer, Vince can eat what Jenna can't so they got that covered. Also if the teenager that spams about Jenna 24/7 is right about her cardio rutine she would probably be 2nd or 3rd best in terms of cardio. In the end it is also a better scare tactic from Devin and Wes to say that they have two huge enemies they need to send in, that way... **** it i got bored of typing this. IDK man, they probably had their reasons

Challenge 17 wrote:

I understand Bananas & Sarah, but why is everyone saying Vince & Jenna are going tp destroy the final? Anything with eating Jenna can't do, neither are good at puzzles and they haven't proven much endurance wise.

Because except for Cory and Ashley the other teams are worth ******* compared to the Banana family fruit tree this season, as for the puzzles theres usually just a half hour timer, Vince can eat what Jenna can't so they got that covered. Also if the teenager that spams about Jenna 24/7 is right about her cardio rutine she would probably be 2nd or 3rd best in terms of cardio. In the end it is also a better scare tactic from Devin and Wes to say that they have two huge enemies they need to send in, that way... **** it i got bored of typing this. IDK man, they probably had their reasons

Love the end of this post, and the shade haha

Bischoff wrote:

berklonius wrote:

Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

 See the thing is, Cory was not 3rd to Bananas and Vince, that spot was given to Nate and Christina as you've seen from their loyalty from day 1 basically. Cory was probably 4th on their list, maybe even 5th because they probably want Devin and Cheyenne to be in a final. And dario definitely was Wes and Nany's number 1, theres no way Nany would let them be any other number. Cory and Ashley are a strong team and are needed to beat Bananas and Vince during the challenges to send them in to Elimination, that is the only reason why I feel Wes and Nany would tell Cory that they are their number 1. Remember, bananas wants the easiest final to guarentee himself money (since he has no day job) so Nate and Devin are always going to be put before any other team. Well that's my opinion 

Besides Bananas letting Nate & Christina think there in his alliance. When did he supposedly say they had a final 3 deal?? Now last week it was actually shown that Bananas, Vince & Cory made a final 3 deal & they all shook hands on it. From what I saw in this last episode they all planned on honoring this deal until Nicole made it known that Cory also had a deal with Wes. Which caused all hell to break loose.

Bischoff wrote:

berklonius wrote:

Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

If Dario had thrown in Vince and Banananaanana he would have had Nate, Devin, Wes, and Cory. Now he has Banananananana who we know won't be loyal beyond this episode and Vince. Who doesn't think beyond how his cousin tells him to think. It was a bad move.

Yeah because Wes & Devin are such nice guys & to be trusted. We talking about the same Wes who threw his whole alliance to the wolves on Fresh Meat 2 in order to save himself. Let's be honest every team on here is cutthroat & will do whatever it takes to make the final & make that big money. 

I think Dario is dumb in general so I expected him to play a dumb game. I think Nicole is a better political player (like starting drama between Camilla & Nany to drive them apart) but I guess she was not able to convince Dario to stop being dumb.

Corey was also right when he said the game is also about timing. Honestly, sending Johnny/Sarah in against Christina/Nate would have been a waste. Christina/Nate have no chance against Johnny/Sarah in any type of competition unless it's purely based on luck. I would have sent Jenna/Vince and Corey/Ashley in because at least if it was a puzzle challenge, Christina/Nate would have a way better shot at winning against those two teams AND if they win, it will eliminate someone in Johnny's alliance.

I think Dario is dumb in general so I expected him to play a dumb game. I think Nicole is a better political player (like starting drama between Camilla & Nany to drive them apart) but I guess she was not able to convince Dario to stop being dumb.Corey was also right when he said the game is also about timing. Honestly, sending Johnny/Sarah in against Christina/Nate would have been a waste. Christina/Nate have no chance against Johnny/Sarah in any type of competition unless it's purely based on luck. I would have sent Jenna/Vince and Corey/Ashley in because at least if it was a puzzle challenge, Christina/Nate would have a way better shot at winning against those two teams AND if they win, it will eliminate someone in Johnny's alliance.

It's not a waste though.  You only have so many opportunities to make a move and you need to capitalize on every opportunity. 

My thoughts on this episode:

- I enjoyed Johnnys commentary this episode. - "Nany and West"- I love how everyone in the house is acting like christina and nate could have ever beat either johnny/sarah or vince/jenna.- Christina has grown on me 

Foofalina wrote:

Bischoff wrote:

berklonius wrote:
Bischoff wrote:That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Actually Cory was an in alliance with Bananas & Vince leaving Dario in 4th, maybe even 5th since Cory had a deal with Wes & Nany on the side. Wes & Nany believe Cory is there number one so there taking him to the final & Wes is really good friends with Devin, who he probably would take to the final because there any easier team to beat. Which once again leaves Dario at a possible 4th place. By making a deal with Bananas & Vince he moves to the third spot in an alliance & has a possible chance at winning the final if there plan works out.

If Dario had thrown in Vince and Banananaanana he would have had Nate, Devin, Wes, and Cory. Now he has Banananananana who we know won't be loyal beyond this episode and Vince. Who doesn't think beyond how his cousin tells him to think. It was a bad move.

Yeah because Wes & Devin are such nice guys & to be trusted. We talking about the same Wes who threw his whole alliance to the wolves on Fresh Meat 2 in order to save himself. Let's be honest every team on here is cutthroat & will do whatever it takes to make the final & make that big money. 

Sure, Wes has stabbed alliance members in the back before, but that's completely irrelevant in this situation due to the Nany/Nicole cousin factor. That fact had Dario and Nicole at worst No. 2 and probably No. 1. 

Dario made a smart move, now he has banana/Sarah and vinny/Jenna on his side, he still has Wes/nany since she won't throw in her cousin, if Christina/Nate come back he has them too


Cory will probably take Devon/Cheyenne to a final with him and the other spot is up for grabs between Wes/Dario and maybe Nate if he wants a easy win, so Dario wasn't insured a final with Cory, if Cory and Devon come back they will still gun for bananas/vinny most likely, I doubt Dario is at the top of there list

Devin and Cheyenne was not the team to be sent in. it should have been Vince and Jenna.

oh and im surprised Nany weighs more than Jenna.

Nany weighs 140. Jenna's weight was put down as 125 so either 120 or 130.

oh and im surprised Nany weighs more than Jenna.Nany weighs 140. Jenna's weight was put down as 125 so either 120 or 130.

I mean they did not weigh the person  I am sure Jenna weighs more then what she said I mean she is 5 ' 9 and she has a lot of muscle you can tell just by her build I mean she does not have a model skinny build it is not bad its just how she is whereas Nany is short and has a build that is more skinny.

usually I'm not interested in politic talk but this was entertaining. haven't been this entertained since Abram calling out everyone on the bus Smile

Devin and Cheyenne was not the team to be sent in. it should have been Vince and Jenna.

Agreed. You can throw in Vince and Jenna there and still come back to Bananas later with leverage (perhaps as a swing vote if the final 5 are Bananas/Sarah, Vince/Jenna and two of Wes/Nany, Cory/Ashley and Devin/Cheyenne). Just say that you voted in Vince and Jenna to throw Wes off your scent and that throwing them in against Christina and Nate was basically giving them a lay-up elimination win. If on the remote chance Vince and Jenna got eliminated, then you've taken out Bananas' legs and can team up with everyone else to try to squeeze him out. Play both sides if you aren't sure where you stand -- don't nuke one side for table scraps on the other.

This show was already awful enough with everyone wanting yo be Bananas #2 but now that his cousin is there they are okay with being his #3 and getting 3rd in the final? Stop casting Bananas and stop casting sheep like Nate, Crustina, Cory, Dario, Nicole, Leroy all of them and more have got to go. What's crazy is that one season people like Dario, Cory, Jordan are against Bananas their first season and then their next season they're up his butt just like everyone else. Just stop casting all of them so this awful storyline that drags on from season to season ends.
