The Challenge: Rivals 3 - Digging Your Own Grave

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Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

Gucci Mane wrote:

Looking back at it, maybe this deliberation is what Cory meant about Nicole being fake.Because Nicole definitely tried to put it all on Dario but they definitely seemed to come to an agreement beforehand. Idk, I think there's a lot of shit that we didn't see.

Cory is the last one to call someone fake,  ******* aneesa then calling her a hoe in the next room. Plus being in telling two different people they are your number one.

I didn't mean he was right. Just that I think this episode is why so many friendships and relationships were broken after this episode. 

Yeah Nicole definitely tried to save face in public. She acts oblivious and dumb but she is extremely aware and bright.


I'm really tired of these low level teams just acting star struck when they have sit downs with Bananas. It is the same thing every season. As insufferable Frank was, I loved how he came into the bouse and assessed that Wes was the biggest piece on the board and sought out to get rid of him. I don't understand how the cats watch these shows and not dexide to just get rid of Johnny from the very beginning.

hardbitten wrote:

Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

Nah, lol. I only brought it up because it reminded me of their time on Ex-Plosion.

Challenge 17 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

Nah, lol. I only brought it up because it reminded me of their time on Ex-Plosion.

i don't even remember them having any interactions on explosion lol. I know him and Jenny fought about her winery hat 

hardbitten wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

Nah, lol. I only brought it up because it reminded me of their time on Ex-Plosion.

i don't even remember them having any interactions on explosion lol. I know him and Jenny fought about her winery hat 

Episodes 1-3 watch em live em love em

hardbitten wrote:

Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

They still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley alone did didn't matter.

This season changed how i thought of Nicole.  She has shown to be a solid competitor,  a decent political, and good at puzzles 

I can't even with those people do they really think they will make a final I mean there are 3 spots and banana / Vince will do whatever to take two and not throw each other under the bus. Like at least with the other people you have a chance at the final 

This is 100% correct. The problem is that these people can't trust each other. They don't have strong alliances.

Jordan, Reilly, and Zach had a strong alliance. If Jordan didn't make that bone head move on Free Agents. I think Leroy would've had the kill card and sent Bananas packing and Jordan, Reilly and Zach would've likely been the three in the final.

Debut Album wrote:

Okay. I'm coming for edges tonight. First of all Nate/Christina..learn to talk to each other and have some sort of ******* communication. That mission is one reason why you do that. And Nate is the one that ****** up. I mean the guy is cute and all but..ew.Secondly. Dario....YOU ARE ******* DUMB! First you assume that Cory had your back when it's clear that he didn't, Secondly you throw in a team who has a alliance with YOUR PARTNER'S COUSIN. you really think that Backpack/Vince is going to keep you safe? Do you not understand how he plays this game? Obviusly you don't. And what is this shit about playing for 3rd? I swear it's like nobody wants to actually win this show. 3rd place is not what you strive for You ALWAYS go for 1st place. ALWAYS. Dario ain't shit and should never should come back after this. He was ******* Irrelevant all this time then the first time he wins he ***** it up royally and make dumb decisions. And people say AYTO is the next generation of this show? ***** Please. If that's the case then this show needs to end.This is exactly why Backpack keeps winning ladies and gentlemen..not so much because he's good but the people he plays with are ******* dumb. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he's one of the luckiest ******** on Reality TV ever.Nany snatched all kinds of edges tonight. That's the Nany I want to see.Cory baby..I love you but I'm gonna need you to chill. Remember you threw in Thomas who is your boy too. 

Then why did Cory say he would never say Dario's name when Dario and Nicole called him over?And why was Cory upset that Dario put him in the pit? That his friend would do that to him.The only reason Dario made that move is because he found out about Cory's position in the game. Cory didn't have to worry about anything from the Wes side of things and the Bananas side of things. Dario didn't have to worry about Wes side. He wants to take Cory out.Besides Nate/Christina I think everybody's mission is to make it to the final so they at least have a shot at  1st place.

He was obviusly playing both sides. And it backfired on him..What did you think he was going to say?

He got mad because his game backfired and it's his fault..shouldn't have been playing both sides in the first place. Cory is clearly a fan of this show so he knows how Backpack plays...why align with him? 

Ugh DARIO! I understand sending Cory/Ashley in because they were team bananas, but I would have totally sent in Vince and Jenna. Nate is team bananas and would never throw him in, you had a chance to get rid of one of the teams that would support bananas. But noooooo you chose Devin/Chey as your third team, honey boo boo Dario, they were the one of the three teams that would take you into the final. I would have totally struck a deal with bananas, but I would have given the stipulation that the deal only applies to his team and not Vince/Jenna, they would have to strike their own deal. 


Anyone else find it ironic that nate and christina lost on the one challenge that I feel they had a big chance to win? Like I would think they would lose on an endurance or strength challenge, but no they lost on trivia and KNOWING YOUR PARTNER! You're from a dating show were you were all up her behind Nate, how do you not know her?

Challenge 17 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

He still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley did didn't matter.

Ashley is crazy enough to have quit if she didn't get her way.cory has no other rivals. So he wasn't going to risk his own ***. Tom wasn't even mad,  he understood because it's clear as day suckmone was the only reason they were going in. 

Its not even the move that's so bad. Its how Dario totally turned his back on every team he was working with, crumbled before Sarah and Johnny AND exposed their plan to the house. He pulled it off horribly. The move could help him but he looks like a fool when he has on several occasions profeessed his burning desire to put the big teams in the pit and take them down as a team.


he even turend against AYTO.. what happened to AYTO Pride or whatever

Cory needs a Wes or a Sarah to handle politics because he clearly can't do it on his own.  He needs the brain to his brand 

Debut Album wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

He still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley did didn't matter.

Ashley is crazy enough to have quit if she didn't get her way.cory has no other rivals. So he wasn't going to risk his own ***. Tom wasn't even mad,  he understood because it's clear as day suckmone was the only reason they were going in. 

No she wasn't. She even said that she wasn't going to actually do it. She said that so she'd get her way.

auldx wrote:

 as much as i wanted a bananas/vince to be thrown in, they wouldve beaten christina and nate easily. if theyre up against a good team, then yes thrown them both in and both of them have a decent chance of goimg but if theyre going against someone weaker, you don't need to make enemies when its not needed

But I could see Vince/Jenna losing most of the eliminations thus far. Lately eliminations are crapshoots anything can happen Dario/Nicole are already their enemies so they should have just gone for it. These people wanting a 3rd place is so annoying. It's easier to take strong teams out in eliminations rather than beat them in a final. 

Fair. Most of the eliminations havnte been super physical like past seasons. I guess if it was worth the risk of bananas/vince comign after them is the question

Cory needs a Wes or a Sarah to handle politics because he clearly can't do it on his own.  He needs the brain to his brand 

I want a Cory/Sarah team so bad.

because at the end of the day i guarantee that bananas & vince would wanna keep devin and cheyenne for a final because its clear its no way they would beat them. so first chance they will be sending their ***** in 

I partially agree. Although Devin and Cheyenne are the lay ups. Devin worries Bananas a little bit. Bananas never gives rookie guys credit especially ones going after him but he knows Devin is sharp. So I don't think he wants him in a final.

Dario is an idiot for this one. Instead of wanting to replace Cory in the alliance, he should've used this win as leverage to better his already 'firm' alliance. He should've pulled Cory and set him straight. Anyways, this elimination shall be a good one. 

Challenge 17 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:
hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

He still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley did didn't matter.

Ashley is crazy enough to have quit if she didn't get her way.cory has no other rivals. So he wasn't going to risk his own ***. Tom wasn't even mad,  he understood because it's clear as day suckmone was the only reason they were going in. 

No she wasn't. She even said that she wasn't going to actually do it. She said that so she'd get her way.

but cory didn't know that.  Ashley is unpredictable enough for him to not want to take any chances.  Thomas wasn't even mad. It was because of his partner everyone knows this. He didn't want to and made it clear he did it because of Simone.  That's why Tom getting thrown in isn't a big deal. Its not like Theresa throwing in the guy she's *******

Cory needs a Wes or a Sarah to handle politics because he clearly can't do it on his own.  He needs the brain to his brand 

I think he was actually playing a decent game for once. The only reason his plan failed was because Nany told Nicole & then Nicole proceeded to out play him. If Nany keeps quiet no one finds out he is playing both sides until he has to make a decision on which team to stick with later on in the game.

You all act like the guy who spelled Bananas "Bannans" and Wes "West" would actually make a borderline intelligent move hahahahahaha #ClassicDario 

Challenge 17 wrote:

Cory needs a Wes or a Sarah to handle politics because he clearly can't do it on his own.  He needs the brain to his brand 

I want a Cory/Sarah team so bad.

they would be great together

Debut Album wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
Challenge 17 wrote:
hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

He still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley did didn't matter.

Ashley is crazy enough to have quit if she didn't get her way.cory has no other rivals. So he wasn't going to risk his own ***. Tom wasn't even mad,  he understood because it's clear as day suckmone was the only reason they were going in. 

No she wasn't. She even said that she wasn't going to actually do it. She said that so she'd get her way.

but cory didn't know that.  Ashley is unpredictable enough for him to not want to take any chances.  Thomas wasn't even mad. It was because of his partner everyone knows this. He didn't want to and made it clear he did it because of Simone.  That's why Tom getting thrown in isn't a big deal. Its not like Theresa throwing in the guy she's *******

No she isn't. You act like she's this psycho *****. she isn't. You really think that Ashley is just going to leave the show like that? She's not Brandon.

Once again It doesn't matter how Thomas Felt about it. Cory sent in a friend, He can't get mad that Dario did the same to him. That's it. Everything else is irrelevant.


Challenge 17 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:
Debut Album wrote:
Challenge 17 wrote:
hardbitten wrote:Lol at Ashley throwing Thomas in. She'd have such a good reason to do that.

you do realize that's what happened right? She got in a fight with suckmone and said told cory she'd quit if he didn't agree to throw Tom in....

He still made the decsision. Cory/Ashley are a team. Not a seperate entity. What Ashley did didn't matter.

Ashley is crazy enough to have quit if she didn't get her way.cory has no other rivals. So he wasn't going to risk his own ***. Tom wasn't even mad,  he understood because it's clear as day suckmone was the only reason they were going in. 

No she wasn't. She even said that she wasn't going to actually do it. She said that so she'd get her way.

but cory didn't know that.  Ashley is unpredictable enough for him to not want to take any chances.  Thomas wasn't even mad. It was because of his partner everyone knows this. He didn't want to and made it clear he did it because of Simone.  That's why Tom getting thrown in isn't a big deal. Its not like Theresa throwing in the guy she's *******

No she isn't. You act like she's this psycho *****. she isn't. You really think that Ashley is just going to leave the show like that? She's not Brandon.Once again It doesn't matter how Thomas Felt about it. Cory sent in a friend, He can't get mad that Dario did the same to him. That's it. Everything else is irrelevant. 

It's not irrelevant in the slightest, he threw them in because of his PARTNER not because of Tom.  Dario threw cory in because of cory.  That's why Cory was mad. Had Tom had a different girl cory wouldn't have threw him in, but dario still would have. 

I absolutely loved this episode.  This is what The Challenge is all about imo.  Dario done ****** up though lol.  I mean if he's happy settling for 3rd maybe but Bananas has no loyalty to him.

I absolutely loved this episode.  This is what The Challenge is all about imo.  Dario done ****** up though lol.  I mean if he's happy settling for 3rd maybe but Bananas has no loyalty to him.

I hope we don't have to see him after this, lol. 

ThatCoralLover wrote:

Debut Album wrote:Okay. I'm coming for edges tonight. First of all Nate/Christina..learn to talk to each other and have some sort of ******* communication. That mission is one reason why you do that. And Nate is the one that ****** up. I mean the guy is cute and all but..ew.Secondly. Dario....YOU ARE ******* DUMB! First you assume that Cory had your back when it's clear that he didn't, Secondly you throw in a team who has a alliance with YOUR PARTNER'S COUSIN. you really think that Backpack/Vince is going to keep you safe? Do you not understand how he plays this game? Obviusly you don't. And what is this shit about playing for 3rd? I swear it's like nobody wants to actually win this show. 3rd place is not what you strive for You ALWAYS go for 1st place. ALWAYS. Dario ain't shit and should never should come back after this. He was ******* Irrelevant all this time then the first time he wins he ***** it up royally and make dumb decisions. And people say AYTO is the next generation of this show? ***** Please. If that's the case then this show needs to end.This is exactly why Backpack keeps winning ladies and gentlemen..not so much because he's good but the people he plays with are ******* dumb. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he's one of the luckiest ******** on Reality TV ever.Nany snatched all kinds of edges tonight. That's the Nany I want to see.Cory baby..I love you but I'm gonna need you to chill. Remember you threw in Thomas who is your boy too. 

Then why did Cory say he would never say Dario's name when Dario and Nicole called him over?And why was Cory upset that Dario put him in the pit? That his friend would do that to him.The only reason Dario made that move is because he found out about Cory's position in the game. Cory didn't have to worry about anything from the Wes side of things and the Bananas side of things. Dario didn't have to worry about Wes side. He wants to take Cory out.Besides Nate/Christina I think everybody's mission is to make it to the final so they at least have a shot at  1st place.

He was obviusly playing both sides. And it backfired on him..What did you think he was going to say?He got mad because his game backfired and it's his fault..shouldn't have been playing both sides in the first place. Cory is clearly a fan of this show so he knows how Backpack plays...why align with him? 

Cory probably told Dario that he wasn't going to say his name before. Probably didn't say Dario was his number one but he wasn't going to say his name.

And did y'all notice that when Devin said let's throw in Bananas and Vince every time, Cory said it was all about timing. He was never going to throw them in.

Cory aligned himself with Wes because at the time there was no spot open on Bananas team. Tony was still there. When they went on that boat Cory knew he was next on the list after Leroy, Reilly, and Tony left.

Everybody wants a spot on Bananas train to the final.

That's why most of you guys would never win this game. Dario just made a move from like 5th place to at least third. Bananas & Vince have the power no way in hell there going home against Nate & Christina, so you just make an enemy by sending them in. Wes & Nany have sucked this challenge so there no help in getting you to that final.

They were already enemies. Bananas and Vince don't give a crap about Dario and Nicole and still don't after this move. Dario and Nicole were a guaranteed No. 3 at worst with Wes and Cory. Wes and Nany would never send in Dario and Nicole because of the Nany-Nicole relationship and it was extremely unlikely that Cory and Ashley would send them in (even with the Tom and Simone vote). It doesn't matter if Cory is Wes' No. 1 and vice versa -- Dario and Nicole were in the top 3, which is all you need to be.

I don't care about the friendship angle between Cory and Dario. It's just foolish gameplay. Bananas and Vince will keep Nate and Christina around as long as possible if they survive this elimination because they are a no-brainer layup. Devin and Cheyenne are also harmless and would probably be propped up over Dario and Nicole. So basically Dario and Nicole are completely on an island.

Debut Album wrote:

ThatCoralLover wrote:

Debut Album wrote:Okay. I'm coming for edges tonight. First of all Nate/Christina..learn to talk to each other and have some sort of ******* communication. That mission is one reason why you do that. And Nate is the one that ****** up. I mean the guy is cute and all but..ew.Secondly. Dario....YOU ARE ******* DUMB! First you assume that Cory had your back when it's clear that he didn't, Secondly you throw in a team who has a alliance with YOUR PARTNER'S COUSIN. you really think that Backpack/Vince is going to keep you safe? Do you not understand how he plays this game? Obviusly you don't. And what is this shit about playing for 3rd? I swear it's like nobody wants to actually win this show. 3rd place is not what you strive for You ALWAYS go for 1st place. ALWAYS. Dario ain't shit and should never should come back after this. He was ******* Irrelevant all this time then the first time he wins he ***** it up royally and make dumb decisions. And people say AYTO is the next generation of this show? ***** Please. If that's the case then this show needs to end.This is exactly why Backpack keeps winning ladies and gentlemen..not so much because he's good but the people he plays with are ******* dumb. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he's one of the luckiest ******** on Reality TV ever.Nany snatched all kinds of edges tonight. That's the Nany I want to see.Cory baby..I love you but I'm gonna need you to chill. Remember you threw in Thomas who is your boy too. 

Then why did Cory say he would never say Dario's name when Dario and Nicole called him over?And why was Cory upset that Dario put him in the pit? That his friend would do that to him.The only reason Dario made that move is because he found out about Cory's position in the game. Cory didn't have to worry about anything from the Wes side of things and the Bananas side of things. Dario didn't have to worry about Wes side. He wants to take Cory out.Besides Nate/Christina I think everybody's mission is to make it to the final so they at least have a shot at  1st place.

He was obviusly playing both sides. And it backfired on him..What did you think he was going to say?He got mad because his game backfired and it's his fault..shouldn't have been playing both sides in the first place. Cory is clearly a fan of this show so he knows how Backpack plays...why align with him? 

 Everybody wants a spot on Bananas train to the final.

But what they don't realize is that they're only two spots on that train..Backpack and Vince. Everyone else is desposable.
