Are You The One? (Season 4)

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Narcissism is fun.

Narcissism is fun.

Someone take his phone away. LOL

He's like the Latin-American version of Kanye West! "You ain't got the answers! You ain't got the answers!"

Kaylen wins the internet.

Does he not understand that you can't be right all the time? He's a punk if he thinks he's better than us for voicing our opinions then goes on Twitter and does the same.

Kaylen wins the internet.

Kaylen needs to learn to use verbs.

Does he not understand that you can't be right all the time? He's a punk if he thinks he's better than us for voicing our opinions then goes on Twitter and does the same.

Gio and Franny gotta be a match.  #theybothcray

I still feel bad for the kid. Hope he's happy...

Narcissism is fun.

He needs to take his meds asap.

Narcissism is fun.

lmaoo. i cant believe they are really reading through these pages looking for negative comments about themselves basically. lame af. its ok tho, he'll most likely never be on a challenge, stay pressed, & stay irrelevant Smile

I understand perfectly WHY they are reading through this forum. I would probably do the same, as I would like to see people's reaction to me and know what is being said about me. What I don't understand is the fact that nobody is attacking them. We are voicing legitimate concerns about way they carry themselves on tv. Instead of addressing constructive criticism in a mature way, they attack us. If they think we are wrong or unfair to judge them, this would be the perfect moment to explain why we are wrong or to tell us that the events shown on tv don't reflect what really happened between them, that the narrative is manipulated, etc. Instead, this is how they deal with our constructive criticism:

Vevmo: "Some of these people are acting immature"
AYTO: "Shut up you stupid *****, we are the best and you're all losers"
Vevmo: "Wow, you really opened my eyes and made me reevaluate my opinion of you. I retract my words, you are a beautiful human being" (yeah, right)

Gio and Franny gotta be a match.  #theybothcrayI still feel bad for the kid. Hope he's happy...

Hell, I feel bad for him too. Clearly he wan't ready to find out what criticism is.  All those people kissing his *** on twitter didn't help either.

Those people kissing his *** on twitter are 11 years old, does he really base his self esteem on that kind of feedback? He isn't ready for the real world. For someone talking about marriage and children, he needs to learn how adults answer to criticism, talk and behave.

Audrey is killing it on Vevmo and Victoria is handling things on Twitter.

I'll bring popcorn.

I understand perfectly WHY they are reading through this forum. I would probably do the same, as I would like to see people's reaction to me and know what is being said about me. What I don't understand is the fact that nobody is attacking them. We are voicing legitimate concerns about way they carry themselves on tv. Instead of addressing constructive criticism in a mature way, they attack us. If they think we are wrong or unfair to judge them, this would be the perfect moment to explain why we are wrong or to tell us that the events shown on tv don't reflect what really happened between them, that the narrative is manipulated, etc. Instead, this is how they deal with our constructive criticism: Vevmo: "Some of these people are acting immature" AYTO: "Shut up you stupid *****, we are the best and you're all losers" Vevmo: "Wow, you really opened my eyes and made me reevaluate my opinion of you. I retract my words, you are a beautiful human being" (yeah, right)

i understand WHY they are reading it. Shit if I was on RR or something I would come & shoot the shit w/ yall, because the majority of yall are cool. But it seems like these AYTO people only react to the "negative" comments & when they do they are calling people stupid, or cussing them out which doesnt get their point across. All it does is create more "negative" comments about them, thats not how you change peoples opinion on you. They act like they dont give a **** what we say on here, but if they didnt they wouldnt be on twitter saying ppl on vevmo suck & whatever else mess has been said. Like you said all it does it drive more traffic to the site.

Audrey is killing it on Vevmo and Victoria is handling things on Twitter.

basically ause thats just not real life. everyone wont always like you. that kid gio needs to get over himself. he clearly cant handle what comes w/ being on reality tv

Audrey is killing it on Vevmo and Victoria is handling things on Twitter.

Audrey is doing an entire sermon right now teaching the children. So sweet at the same time I love it <3

Thank you guys, my life finally has a purpose Smile

Those people kissing his *** on twitter are 11 years old, does he really base his self esteem on that kind of feedback? He isn't ready for the real world. For someone talking about marriage and children, he needs to learn how adults answer to criticism, talk and behave.

Exactly. Their dynamic on the show is quite relevant, they're being treated as the great romance of the season, well, I have my own views on romance, and my views don't match theirs. And I'm allowed to discuss what I'm being  presented with on the show. I'll be the first to apologize when I'm too harsh, as a matter of fact I have. And they're allowed to set the record straight whenever they want to.  But this is a very immature way to do it.

Thank you guys, my life finally has a purpose Smile

No, thank you lol.  Ok I'm out for a bit.

Boy **** your lame *** periscope. This damn fool really broadcasting to tell off people from here who have the right to have an opinion about him and he is also allowed to have one on us but he should be aware that reality tv is not always real and they have the right to edit you however they want. Only you know what really happened and who you really are and if you really trying this hard to prove to us then... Yikes. Here's a tip. If they don't know you personally don't take it personal. Don't be this pressed over strangers opinions. Move along. Wasn't the whole "editing  you however the producers want" on the contact

Audrey is killing it on Vevmo and Victoria is handling things on Twitter.

Love you Victoria ❤️

Boy **** your lame *** periscope. This damn fool really broadcasting to tell off people from here who have the right to have an opinion about him and he is also allowed to have one on us but he should be aware that reality tv is not always real and they have the right to edit you however they want. Only you know what really happened and who you really are and if you really trying this hard to prove to us then... Yikes. Here's a tip. If they don't know you personally don't take it personal. Don't be this pressed over strangers opinions. Move along. Wasn't the whole "editing  you however the producers want" on the contact

Stacey was showcased as a stage 5 clinger throughout the entire show last season, whereas according to other castmembers she wasn't at all. But she didn't say a ******* thing about it, as far as i can remember. This guy is getting worked up over a freaking preview, well, previews have been  misleading for as long as they have existed, just wait for the actual episode to air,  and chill out.

Victoria is a babe. Seems pretty intelligent

Wow lmaoooo

Get Bruno, Gio & Tony on a season together NOW.

I would love for more castmembers from all the shows to make accounts on here. Somebody needs to tell CeeJai about this site lol

Wow lmaooooGet Bruno, Gio & Tony on a season together NOW.


Not shocked AYTO people read here we're like the only place that actually discusses their show. I just hope they don't pull a KiKi and alter their appearance and then blame us. 

I just got off a periscope with Gio and all I can say is he is mad sweet. So real to the point where it painful. I've never gotten such real vibes from a reality star since Nany Gonzales. I'm going to enjoy him this season.



I just got off a periscope with Gio and all I can say is he is mad sweet. So real to the point where it painful. I've never gotten such real vibes from a reality star since Nany Gonzales. I'm going to enjoy him this season. ThebecstaO

Aren't you the person that's all over his Twitter complimenting him? That's really sweet of you Becky. I'm happy he has fans cus he's about to get some serious hate these next few weeks 

Since those AYTO Idiots read this thread apparently then I have something to say to them:

Stay the **** away from the challenges.
